C&R question

Keep pretending that an 03 FFL can sell tons of guns on a regular and recurring basis and not have any problems

I will, thanks. You keep on pretending that the ATF is out to get'cha even if you stay within the letter of the law. ;)

And when does violating the law come under the heading of exercising my rights and privileges?

Violating what law?
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1. There is no requirement to make a profit to be engaged in the business. Buying guns that you have no intention of keeping is engaging in the business.....its called repetitive buying and selling. ATF will not care if you made or lost $$$ on the buying/selling.....only if you are buying guns not for your personal collection.

Apparently the ATF does care if you made some sort of profit. And it would hardly be likely that the ATF would be able to prove, or get admission from someone, that they didn't intend to keep the guns for themselves or their collection.
Your cut and paste proves my point..........there is no requirement to make a profit to be engaged in the business. ATF doesn't give a rats hiney if a dealer actually makes a profit. They are concerned with the repetitive purchase and sale of firearms with the INTENT to make a profit.....as stated in your cut and paste.
So, if your "intent" is to improve your collection, and your strategy is to cherry pick from bulk purchases and then legally dispose of those firearms that don't meet your criteria, you are not breaking the law. The ATF may wonder what the heck you are up to, but they will not be able to prove your intent other than what you say it is. If that is what your original point was, then I misunderstood you.