C&R License


New member
I am debating on whether or not to get a c&r license. I buy 1-3 c&r guns a year so I am trying to figure out if it is worth the hassle of getting one and will it change the way I buy non c&r guns. Also how often does the BATF audit c&r holders? Any comments are appreciated.
Having an 03 C&R license will not change anything about how you buy or sell non-C&R firearms. They still have to go through an 01 FFL.

Most FFL's around here charge $20 -$30 per firearm transfer. I've only had my C&R for a year, and it paid for itself on the second C&R eligible transaction. You might be audited once a year, or you might go for twenty years and not ever be audited. I've had my C&R for a year and haven't been audited yet. I've never heard of any C&R audit being a problem anyway, unless you aren't keeping your books properly, (keeping a C&R log is easy, BTW.) All you are required to record in your bound book are the C&R transactions that took place while your license was in effect. That's all the BATFE is interested in.
It may change how many non C&R guns you buy when you start ordering all the C&R's that are offered.:D

BATF audits are pretty rare with C&R FFL license holders. I've had mine for 10 or so years without hearing from them. I've heard of some that when called for an audit appointment the agent just asked if the licensee would bring his bound book to the office for a look. The aren't supposed to do a surprise audit like they can with a class 01 FFL.
Getting, or having the class 03 C&R license isn't rteally much of a hassle. Or at least it hasn't been. Who knows what the future might bring with anything firearms related.
Just follow the instructions, and don't reaf too much into the questions, Just answer them honestly. The one that most often gets misunderstood, and people go way overboard on is if you sent a copy of the completed form to your CLEO. It doesn't say did you hand deliver it, meet with him, or kneel down on one knee, and say pretty please! It just asks if you sent a copy to his office. Sent, as in U.S. mail, not special delivery, or anything else. Copy, envelope addressed to your chief law enforcement officer, stamp, done!
Thanks for the input. What I was asking as far as non c&r firearms was concerned was buying from an individual would the c&r change any requirements for that or if I were to buy a c&r gun off an individual or somewhere like a pawn shop would I have to record it in the bound book?
It may change how many non C&R guns you buy when you start ordering all the C&R's that are offered.:D

I forgot to mention that. That's the only downside to a C&R license. :D

OP, while your C&R license is in effect, you are supposed to record ANY transaction involving a C&R eligible firearm in your bound book, regardless of the circumstances. Yeah, you might get by with not doing one, but I would say that ain't wise.
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Any C&R firearms purchased after you have the license are required to be entered in your bound book regardless of who or where they are purchased. Not a big deal. Other than after a few years your bound book may look like a phone book.:D
Alright thanks guys. I think I'm going to go ahead with it and thinking of a nagant revolver for being my first purchase with it. I already have two mosin nagants and they look lonely together. ;)
One great thing about the C&R license is the dealer pricing you qualify for at places like Graf's and MidwayUSA.

That alone paid for mine in no time at all. :)
They're not lonely, they have each other. The Nagant revolver will be their first child...

I never thought about it that way. If I buy from say my local gun shop will I still have to do the background check on c&r guns? As you can tell I'm going into new territory.
Many gunshops and 01FFLs will not recognize an 03C&R, but that's their choice. In addition, some states will still require the background check, especially for a handgun.
My state, Maryland, doesn't recognise the 03. But so what? I just buy my C&R items from other states, and have them shipped to my door. All perfectly legal. I just can't get any respect from MD FFL01s; have to jump thru all the paper hoops.
Take your average of two weapons per year.
How much are your transfers? $30? $40?

$60-$80 per year, x 3 years= $180-$240 in transfer fees, not to mention the trip to the LGS to pickup and do the paperwork.

Versus $30 and a trip to the cop shop for printing..and the convenience of having them delivered to your door.
Many gunshops and 01FFLs will not recognize an 03C&R

I haven't ever run into that issue with gunshops or at gun shows.

I've seen some folks on Gunbroker who state in their ads that they won't sell to anyone but an 01 FFL (even though it qualifies as a C&R) but that's it.
You often get forms for fingerprints with your application for a C&R, but there is no requirement for fingerprints for the C&R license. That requirement is for a Class 01 FFL dealer license.