[Buying My First Revolver] Please help me in Narrowing the Field Somewhat.

Already have a couple of semi-auto pistols, but now I got bitten by the revolver-bug. One is enough for me, however, so I want to get one that's "representative" of the "revolver breed".

I know I want double action, but it wont' be called upon for defense or even backup use, unless in a real emergency. It'll be there just so I have a nice shiney revolver in my collection. It should be a classic 6 rounder, in a common caliber. Idealy it'd have stainless or some kind of chrome, or nickel finish, you know, that kind of "shiney, sparkling in the sun type" revolver.

Barrel should be around 4", more or less, so it's not too large or small. I've seen the real short snubnosed 2", but that's just plain ugly. But can't be too large either, I don't have a large hand, I want one that's not too thick to handle for an average hand.

Oh, one more thing, I already have a Ruger, so no more Rugers. I'm thinking about Smith & Wesson or Colt type. Just something that's AMERICAN. The way I see it, the revolver is an American thing, just like cowboys and the Wild West.

If you can think of a revolver that might fit the requirements I've mentioned, I'd really appreciate it if you would post your opinion. Even better if you can post a picture. Price wise I dont' think revolvers should be that expensive, so I'm looking at $150 - $350 NIB (EDIT: now $150-$500 NIB), but please include a figure if you know. Also appreciate thoughts on what I should look for in a revolver, or if I have any misguided ideas about revolvers. Thanks for your help.
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S&W 686 .357 with a 4" barrel is "Da Bomb" as the kids say.
You will have to pay a bit more than your $350 limit but well worth it.
Well, in your price range-

I see the likes of a Taurus Tracker in .357 magnum,
and made of stainless steel. Member's that know
me well, will tell you that I don't condone the use
of Tauri revolver's; but your criteria doesn't leave
a lot of choice's.:eek: Ideally, a stainless Ruger
would be the best bet; but you stated, "NO more
Ruger's". :(

In your price range, a NIB Smith & Wesson or Colt
has been eliminated; due to cost constraint's. I
normally would recommend a Smith & Wesson
model 686-5, six-shot with Hogue monogrip's;
but here in centeral BamaLand that would run
your tab up to approximately $459.95 + 8%
sales tax. The "old price" before the New Year
was $439.95. Sorry, I can't even began to guess-
timate the price of the Taurus Tracker?

And finally, since you just want a revolver cuz
it's "pretty and shiney", I would opt for the 6"
barrel version; as these gem's are loads of fun
to shoot.

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member
American made Revolver? $150-350?
You do not give us to much to work on.
For that price range I can only fit a Taurus, but that is made in Brazil, so it is disqualified. Next I was going to suggest a Ruger Red Hawk .45 LC 5.5" Stainless Steel, but you said no more Rugers, and it exceeds the price range (around $460). So I don't know what to say...maybe a used S&W model 19 .357 magnum; the 686 in 4” is a good one too, but it has to be used in order to stay with in budget.

Good luck
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150-350 price range, NEW
+ Stainless
+ 4" barrel
+ Adjustable sights for the range
+ Not to big for my little hands
+ American made
+ Quality
+ Double Action

= Ruger GP100 4" SS

but alas no more Rugers.

Maybe a used Smith model 66
There's a family and a half of used S&W wheelguns you can get under $350.

Keep in mind that used doesn't always mean "used up". I'll generally buy used over new as 1.) cheaper, 2.) private, and the biggest reason by far is 3.) They just don't make them like that anymore.
Why no more rugers???

Ruger is american made and puts out some of the finest Revolvers Made.
Colts are over priced IMO and *&* well I wont by the new ones. So a Pre Agrement would be the only choices. 686 6"

wow...I thought revolver's were about half the price of autos. looks like i'll up have to save up to prepare an upper price of $500 at this rate. Ruger's are just..........Rugers, from my experience with their P90 .45acp. No offense but I don't want my "one and only" revolver be a Ruger. :D

I see S&W 686 mentioned twice here. I'll check out its specs. Thanks. Let me know if there are other suitables.
Sorry to hear that you refuse to consider purchasing a Ruger as your "one and only" revolver. I went out looking at a S&W 686 and changed my mind once I saw the Ruger and ended up buying a GP-141 instead.

The GP-141 beats the S&W hands down. No sideplate to bother with, easy to disassemble for cleaning, solid cylinder housing, and a thicker topstrap.

I wouldn't own a Ruger semi-auto handgun, but the revolvers are definately worth a look.
Personally, if you're going to choose the Smith over the Ruger, I would go for an older, used model -- not because of politics, but because I hear the new production versions just aren't up to the level of the old ones. Of course, this could just be posturing about the good ol' days.

I was looking for a 4" .357mag myself a little while back. I had previously bought and sold a 2.5" S&W 686 but I was still considering a 4" version. Then I stumbled on a NIB Ruger GP100 (KGP141, to be exact IIRC)... blued 4" adjustable sights for a hair over $300. I've only had it for about 3 months and I've already shot it more than any other gun I currently own. It's become my IDPA gun of choice and the one that I find myself reloading for more frequently. Hell, I even drilled and tapped it to slap a red dot on for whitetail season this past year.

I'm currently saving up for either a Miculek 627 8-shot or some other P.C. gun. But I'm sure that the Ruger is going to see way more action. It's a good beater gun and, while the other guns are cleaned and polished and cherished, the GP100 is shot and shot and shot some more.

Sounds like you've got a few choices: a S&W 686, a S&W 66, a Colt King Cobra, and a Colt Python (unless you want to step up to a .44 Mag).

All of these are 6 shot revolvers available in .357 and shiny finishes, with barrels available in 4 and 6 inches. I own a nickel Python with a 6 inch barrel and wood grips, which I picked up in excellent condition for 675 (above your price range). I've also got a NIB 4 inch wood gripped 686 on order for 370, but can't comment since I haven't recieved it yet. The 66 is an excellent gun, though I don't have much experience with it, and the King Cobra is the poor man's Python, and I do not have much experience with it either. I'm guessing the 66 and King Cobra are in the same price range as the 686.
I agree with the posts on ruger auto vs. revolver.

Their autos are ugly, but very functional and tough.

But their revolvers are in a class by themselves durability-wise.
IMHO the extra less graceful mass of the ruger over the smith adds to their attractiveness. They just inspire confidence(now this is a gun .)

BTW: No one here that's ever handlded one will say a 4" gp100 isn't well balanced.
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There are alot of used revolvers out there and good deals can be found on them such as the
s&w 15
64, etc,etc.(all can usually be found for around $175 to $250 on used market)
I personally like a 3" 64 as a carry gun but a 4" nickel 586 may fit your needs more.
since you are an auto fan and may not want to horde/reload another calibre, look into the mdl 625-2 in 45 acp. It may cost more(over $500), but it is very accurate and fast on the reload.

You may have to look a little bit but the one revolver out of the four that I own that truely shines in my eyes is a Colt Trooper Mark V, nickel plated, vented 4 inch barrel. I fell in love with this gun the first time I saw it and even traded my prized rifle for it and another pistol. There is only one word to describe it MAGNIFICENT!:D
If I were you I'd shop around ang get an old classic S&W 686 with a 6" barrel.

I have one with a 4" tube and love it, but can see where the extra 2" would pay off on the plinking range. If you buy used, politics is a non-issue with Smiths and you may even get close to your original price limit. (that is if you are in a state that doesn't allow the .357 for big game hunting like Wyo - we sell .357s for pennies on the dollar it seems!)
Agree completely that the 686 is the best by far, but would correct one point: it is a 6-shot OR a 7-shot! Get the 686 Plus and you get the identical gun with one extra round (7 shot). Same frame and weight (actaully a tad lighter because of the extra hole in the cylinder). I got mine used for $300 and there just is no better revolver.:p

When you edited your post to include an upper end cost of $500.00 you changed the ball game in a favorable direction. I own two 686+ revolvers, one with a 4" barrel and the other with a 2-1/2 ", both are absolutely fine, accurate, and reliable weapons. Don't know what prices are in your part of the world but here, near Portland, Oregon, $429.00 buys each of the aforementioned 686+'s NIB. So, it would seem that you are "in the ball park".

As to Rugers! Personal likes and dislikes are certainly a valid part of buying a gun - particularly if it is a "one and only" as you suggest. As one who has both S & W's and Rugers in my collection I can attest to the fact that they are both superior weaons. The Rugers are, IMHO, more strongly built and will take more abuse, particularly if you want to shoot really hot .357 stuff. So, go with your heart and enjoy whatever you choose. Good shooting!