Buying a new bolt action .223

Savage tack driver

My savage 223 is literally a tack driver. You know those targets that are cross hatched making the whole page a bunch of little squares. At fifty yards I can shoot my way up and down the page putting a hole in each little box. It's possible to do it at 100 yards, but I'm still learning to shoot.
Live well, be safe
Prof Young
The accuracy will probably be about the same between the two rifles. From what I hear the long, heavy barrel on the Marlin makes it very front heavy with that hollow plastic stock. I have a SS Marlin XS7 and I love it. I also know that the Savage 10/110 based rifles are excellent. If you are going to lug the rifle around at all, just get the Savage. If you are going to sit at the bench or shoot prairie dogs, I would get the Marlin and immediately buy a Boyd's stock for it. Then of course there's the bedding to deal with. Some have filled the hollow butt-stock on the X7VH with plumbers-putty to balance out the rifle.

I, however, would be leary of buying either rifle sight-unseen and I am willing to bet you can find a Savage 11THXP on a rack somewhere. The Marlin may be very difficult to find and handle before purchasing.
I purchased a Mossberg MVP without scope, I love this rifle, I see you have not looked at this option, but I would take a look at them for 500 USD it is a steal.

I took mine out and it shoots really good, I am a happy shooter :D
Didn't want to start a new thread but I've decided on a 243 instead of 223 due to local ammo availability. I really like the tikka t3 lite but its just a bit out of my price range. Love the less than 90 degree bolts on a few selections out there. So here's what I've been thinking.

1. Ruger american in 243 (its around 360 locally) love the rotary mag and 70 degree bolt
2. Thompson center venture 243 (havent seen one locally yet) love everything about it other than the smaller bolt handle (wouldnt mind the dimension)
3. Tikka t3 lite 243 (if i can find a good deal on one)
Last choice would be a marlin xs7 (varmint or not) in 243
No dbm is the downside on that one. any body with one here that could tell me if the bolt is a 90 degree bolt?

really wanted a 223 for cheap and available ammo (or in the near future either). But that's not the case now. So 243 it
For me it would come down to what I planned to do with the rifle.

Target rifle, I would probably take the marlin for the heavy barrel. Would also choose the heavier barrel if I planned to hunt prairie dogs.

For a varmint/hunting setup, I would want the lighter barreled savage.
I think you will be happy with the 243. It is an accurate cartridge overall, and with handload recipes it really likes, it is a very accurate cartridge. One of the neat things you might do if you don't presently handload is to try it for yourself. For a de minimis price you can buy a Lee Loader and put together a handful of cartridges for your recreational shooting.
I bought my 243 T3 lite a few weeks ago, and man can that thing shoot. It's not quite sighted in yet so it hits about 2 feet off the target.....but it hits 2 feet off the target with incredible consistency :p
Just thought id say i went with the ruger american in 243. It looks to be a good little rifle. I'll let yall know after my scope and mounts come in and get it out to the range