Business Insider says "Gun control really works — here's the science to prove it"

Number10GI said:
I didn't know that there were hand held .22, .25 and .32mm guns. It would require two men and 8 or 10 boys to tote and shoot that thing.
Actually .32 mm is less than half the diameter of a sewing needle, maybe you could kill a flea with a gun that fires a bullet that size.
I think one of the complaints of the left is nitpicking technical errors such as .32 caliber vs .32 mm, as a way of circumventing discussion of the actual point they were trying to make. It makes for stupid debates.
The fact that they pour over every other statistic is just proof that they have no idea what to do about criminals and their only solution is to restrict the rights of law abiding citizens.

This. Absolutely this.

Just goes to show that politicians only pretend to solve problems rather than actually solving them.

Agenda driven article probably paid for by some "benign" NGO. Business insider should concentrate on business (Fed Res raising interest rates and how it impacts emerging markets whose debts are denominated in dollars, true inflation, credit bubble, housing bubble, car loan bubble, subprime lending) just like the AMA should concentrate on health, prevention and not social issues.
Having heard similar screeds at the American Society for Criminology meeting and the well known cautions of correlation vs. causality plus the direction of causality, I've never seen a study that indicates that if you look at the increase in incidents they were because of shots fired by licensed gun carriers. It seems to be argued that legal gun carriers have some minding bending aura that leads criminals to commit more crime - now how does that work?

If you actually go to professional meetings on such, you know that the conclusions of some researchers are well known as to their position.

You do find some honest folks. I have sat with pro-gun criminologists, psychologists and the like who think some of the pro-gun researchers are a touch suspect and vice versa.

They are rare and good folk.
44 AMP said:
One can find a "connection" or a "correlation" between everything on Earth, if you're willing to make it, no matter how tenuous. If it happened on Earth, that is a relationship. SO, therefore, to reduce murders, on Earth, we should outlaw Earth. Makes just as much sense.
True. Correlation does not equal causation.

For example: I have not had any bananas in my house since my wife died 4-1/2 years ago. I have not slipped and fallen at home since my wife died 4-1/2 years ago. Ergo, eliminating bananas in the home prevents slip-fall accidents.
No, that's not really an example of calculating a correlation.

You need at least three pairs of values. The degrees of freedom to establish significance for a regression is Number of Pairs - 2.

It is also true that you couldn't do a non parametric with just one observation pair.

We need some more households. If we could establish a predictive, significant relationship then experimental methods might show us causality.