Join Date: 06-29-2000
Location: Rupert, Idaho
Posts: 1,403
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Actually Odd-Job, I was kind of hoping you would give us some specifics.
I asked you several questions to which you answered with an ambiguous, "if the present course of events continue it is unlikely our Country will see the end of this decade." What present course, exactly, are we on?
This country is pretty polarized along idealogical lines at the moment. What makes you think that 50% of America would stand for Bush not leaving the White House?
Bush is losing support from his own base, due in large part to his politics and fiscal attitudes. Add this growing base to those of the left. Without Martial Law, Bush doesn't have the ability to cancel elections. Such an action would precipitate a civil war. Martial Law would not result from such.
Further, given the military, do you really think they would follow the commands of a (now) non-elected President? Don't rely upon Katrina. It was an isolated incident, where Martial Law was appropriately and lawfully declared.
So what is the trigger? Specifics. No generalities or ambiguous scenarios. What specific events would lead to such internal chaos that would shut down the civil courts? Not in a few isolated jurisdictions, but throughout the entire US... Remembering, that until such happens, a declaration of Martial Law is invalid on its face.
Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Patere legem, quam ipse tulisti. We are on the road to a Dictator-ship,historically most democracy's end that way.The U.S. government now has more information on and power over the citizenry than at any other time in our history.Add to that 0 security for our borders,multi- culturalism,Marxist and Fascist politics,power and money mad politicians,the FED.reserve fraud and their international banker masters that have bankrupted our Nation.As far as 50% of the population opposing martial law goes,who cares?,their not going to do anything about it anyway,people could care less about each other nowadays.They don't even know their own neighbor anymore let alone the neighborhood they live in.You couldn't get a band-aid let alone ask them to stand shoulder to shoulder with you in the kind of fighting that would make Baghdad look like mary popins having a bad hair day.There will be some fighting in the military,but nothing the pentagon can't handle.Martial law is never appropiate nor lawful.Just because Katrina was isolated doesn't mean it won't happen again.Why would a dictator follow the rulings of a civil court?.Well there you have it as i see it.