TBM, sorry, I made several mistakes in my post.
I mean grow embryos into fetuses, not eggs.
And yes, I meant human life, not life in general. Nobody complains about scraping skin cells or using soap or detergent to kill bacteria. Almost nobody takes issue with killing _any_ life... just some kinds of life.
You're the libertarian - show me in the constitution where it says the fed.gov should fund stem cell research. This should be privately funded if it is done at all. I can't believe you're on the side of more government spending.
The government has a broad popular mandate, unconstitutional though it may be, to fund medical and scientific research.
Bush took it upon himself to carve out a moral exception for embryonic stem-cell research. If my taxdollars are going toward any medical research, I want some percentage allocated to stem-cell research regardless of where those stem cells come from. The government should not get to pick and choose.
To be precise, this legislation was a reversal, by a
Republican-controlled Congress, of the earlier ~2001 ban on government funding of embryonic stem-cell research. Amazing how with all the Republicans in the House and Senate, they still passed this legislation. Bush is on the conservative side
even among Republicans.
Mike Irwin said:
Categorical dismissal of the religious concept that the soul is created at conception, not at "neuron generation."
That's correct. I categorically dismiss religious concepts. Anyway, based on my near-zero understanding of Christian doctrine, even if the embryo has a soul, it isn't killed with the embryo. Human life hasn't started yet, so what's the problem? Christians seem to want to mix "soul" and "human life" together. I thought the entire point of life-after-death was to separate the two.