I'm not against anyone, but why do liberals feel it their right to destroy property? I may not agree with a majority of folks but I don't fear an attack from a conservative like I do from a liberal. If you say that I am full of it, I can email you pictures of what they did just because I disagreed with them.
70-101, same question to you.
When it comes to guns, I feel that any American should be able to own and to have and carry. Why should one vote for one that would take that away, or in this case, one who would take away the Right faster?
I have been told that I am a moderate. I agree with some aspects of both sides. I can deal with that. But, as a realist, I know that my being able to own ANY GUN that I wish is going to do more for freedom then compromising on ownership and or the ability to own.
After following your posts, you seem to be itching for a fight, conservative vs. liberal or whatever. Drop it, it's not going to happen. We all have our thoughts and what we believe, and that is the best thing in this world, Freedom of opinion and thought. We may agree to disagree or we could take it into a drag out, finger nail digging, teeth biting match. Which isn't going to get us anywhere.
We're not here to fight, but to exchange ideas. Those that push the buttons of other members are not better then the trolls that roam the net, looking to do nothing but divide people and cause harm. This happens on both sides of the political issue.
We all have something in common, we own guns. So if the issue is politics then please explain why one group wants to ban, ban, and ban or otherwise wish more and more gun laws while the other "cater"(sp) to the gun owners but won't stop all the banning efforts.
None of the choices that we've had so far does anything for us. As gun owners, we should actually be 100% behind a third party that believes in our Rights, yet we sit here, agrue, over men that would destroy us quickly or slowely but both have the same goals. So most of us vote, for the lesser of the two evils.
There is no reason for us to divide ourselves over the voting of a mere human being. If we all united together, then we wouldn't be calling each other names like liberal or conservative but maybe talking to each other and calling each other Americans (and damn proud of it). We've let ourselves be stereotyped into classes, liberal/conservatives/moderates/etc, and we've all forgotten, first and foremost, we are all human beings and secondly, Americans.
With time, and experience, I've seen such snobery, both from Liberals and Conservatives, that I've been banned from what people would consider the best of the best (or the click to be a part of) boards. No matter how loud a people proclaim themselves tolerate, or peaceful, they, people, will always fall into the trap of self centerness and power.
So, as a small group, we can all come together and incorporate our ideas. I for one will never concede my Right to gun ownership, no matter the rules or laws, as I would never concede my Rights as outlined in the Bill of Rights.
We need to bring the people together to stand up for America and to stand up to any enemy that may wish to bring harm against any American, and stand together and fight if need be, but in our hearts wish for peace.