Bush backing gun control part Deux

My stated arguements are right in line with my signature, I agreee with you on the stated points that the Republicans have as much RKBA blood on thier hands as do the Democrats. I also know that politicians live and die by the polls, push the polls to reflect an overwhelming RKBA Stance and watch the Pro Gunners come out of the wood work. Sad but true. We must MAKE them want to change. I am not voting for gun control I am voting for a chance to make it right, A chance to invoke change through my (our) Pro-active efforts. The only way you are going to do that is to elect the most PRO gun candidates offered to the Senate/House/Presidency. Once the deck is stacked albeit ever so slightly in our favor then Push as hard or harder than the Anti's for the reforms that WE want.
My Stance has always been Pro RKBA, and I have always advocated change and reform, my vehicle to produce that change/reform is different than yours, and you must admit that mine are more electable (currently) than yours. I will vote my conscience but I will make it count giving myself and others a chance to make a difference, rather than trying to make a statement that relatively few will hear (also unfortunate) Petition Congress aggressively stay on their tails and WE will invoke change.
I said it before I could get behind a 3rd party candidate all I need to do is find one who is electable.
We have a system in dire need of repair, however it is not going to get fixed if we can't get a sympathetic repairman in there....
I stated that when it comes to these issues we need to ensure that Congress/ the President hear 1 voice 70/80 million strong!
-I will have your back if it comes down to that, will you have mine?
-There is nothing contradictory in my stated position or my signatures, You see a patriot that is willing to stand up and be counted for God and Country. My fight may be from within while yours is fought from outside, bottom line is it is the same fight, one that we need to be unified in! My way is not your way however we are going the same way......

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe


[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited September 02, 1999).]
Ok Dennis, I kind of gave you my man in the Republican field, Mr. Keyes. Who is yours? Browne, O'Neil, (Heinlein)? Give us the guy early. Like everybody else ya know!
OK, every one of you TFL'rs is a slack jawed faggot! OOPPS, I'm a TFL'er......let me rephrase that :-)

Seriously, now that I have your attention, may I direct you thoughts to the recent, immenent anouncement by Pat Buchanon that he is about to join the reform party and announce his run for the presidency?

I don't know his or the reform parties stand on gun control but if it is anything better than what we have with the republicans then I'm going to vote reform party. Could this finally be the viable canditate we are all looking for? Do you realize the dissatisfaction, the discontent people have with both the dems and the GOP on issues that extend way beyond gun control? Do you realize how we could use the disgruntled voter to launch a third party into viability? I know a lot of people who don't want either the dems or GOP and it would be almost a GIMME if someone other than "Perot The Paranoid" were to present themselves.

All I need to know about the reform party is their stand on gun control....I don't care about anything else. Does anyone know their stand?
hey Dennis,
You know your response here regarding whats been done in the states, please correct me if im wrong but isnt California and Maryland run by democrats, the very people who will be elected if the republicans are weakened---surely your not for reelecting democrats.....fubsy....hey its good to be back.....iT seems to be a common argument that the liberformers use, that the evil repulicans have done all the bad things....fubsy.

<<Can't be done?
CA: "If you own an SKS rifle with a detachable magazine, you have a problem!"
MD: Only firearms on the approved list may be purchased.
(I'm sure TFLers can quote more ...)
I’m holding out until I learn more about each of them. Not a cop-out. Still learning.

Democrats? Republicans? What’s the difference? Oh, please correct me if I’m
wrong, but the newspapers quote your Republicans as promising “compromise” with the
Democrats and also to back “every single” Republican gun control measure.
(Under pressure, I can be as smarmy as the next guy! ;)) ((PS. Thanks, DC!))


All Republican supporters,

I’ve deleted a rant against the Republicans. It doesn’t do any good talking to those who
won’t listen and I’m tired of being used for “entertainment”.

Go ahead and vote for your gun controller. He’s “viable” all right. He’s anointed! Vote
for your status quo! But you lose your right to complain about gun control. You voted
for it. And by God, I’ll call you on it every time.


I shouldn’t be here this evening. As you can tell, things are not going well.

My daughter is okay, but she did have an auto accident today bad enough to “total” her
car. Worse yet, the accident will be judged to be her fault. A “safe” driver started
through a Yield sign and then (as my daughter looked, saw the way was clear) the first
driver hit the brakes. Apparently he dropped something in the car and stopped for a Yield
sign when there was no oncoming traffic. Yeah. She hit him from behind - automatically
at fault.

She called me on the cell phone and I got to the scene before the police.

A witness who confirmed my daughter’s story left before the police arrived because he
was afraid to become involved. (I bet I know who he’ll vote for....)

Cops were effective, efficient, courteous, etc. State Trooper even called me by name
(knew me from old EMS duties). The three deputies were exuberant and excited about a
good car wreck to “work”. The tow truck driver gave us a break because of some favors
I did him (in EMS) some years back. A lot of things went “right”.

Screw the metal and plastic (the car). We can get another. My daughter is unscathed
(though sore). Seat belts! Airbags! They work! Use them!

“... afraid to become involved...” Rings a familiar bell.

Say good night, Gracie.....
Republican RKBA candidates?
Alan Keyes and Dan Quayle. I'd vote for either one. Alas, neither is electable.

It all comes down to a simple fact. In order to elect a RKBA president we have to develop a candidate and energize the gun-owning electorate.
Until then we have to vote Republican because ANY Republican will be better than Gore or Bradley.I am not a big fan of George W, but a vote for him will be a vote against avowed tree-hugging, gun-grabbing liberals who would veto anything good to come out of congress.

Better days to be,

Dennis, sorry to hear about the car and I am glad your daughter is unscathed, I wiil get back to you later as well, your family come first!

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
I have never been a one issue voter before,but if Bush doesn't throw us RKBAers a scrap of meat soon, this dog will hunt somewhere else.


[This message has been edited by CHAINSAW (edited September 03, 1999).]
Sorry to get off thread last night. All better! I really do appreciate your support but (heh, heh): I'm back! Lead me to 'em!

As y'all can imagine, I was a BIG Bush supporter against "Don't Let Annie Get Your Guns", Ann Richards. The fact that she would not even permit CCW to come to a vote showed an elitism "inappropriate in Texas"! (Insert uppity "snif"!)

She wouldn't shape up so we shipped her out.

Seriously, don't you wonder what happens to career politicians who are (ahem) "retired"? You know they're still getting our money somehow... Grrr

So, any recent news on GW? Last I heard were the comments that already offended us.
What an Oxymoronic statement, I lose my right to complain about gun cotrol BECAUSE I vote Republican?? I would lose my right if A. I didn't vote or B. once I voted I go home and say nothing. Just putting someone into office regardless of who it is, is NOT enough. You must be Pro-active keeping your concerns at the forefront of your representatives minds as well as your Presidents! You must get involved and Stay involved. Join the NRA/GOA and help them to help you. On the contrary because I vote I gain the right. If your vote ensures the Democrats take the Oval office ( by voting for them, abstaining or throwing your vote away) then YOU lose the right to complain. If you are not being Pro active, a member of the NRA/GOA and your just hoping the powers that be will take care of you...then you lose your right...Nice try but no cigar...

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited September 04, 1999).]