Bush Administration and Kosovo

Redworm, you are wrong...

Texas was taken by a bunch of illegal immigrants that broke Mexico's laws for the territory and then claimed it was rightfully theirs.

Texas was populated by people invited by the Mexican government to settle the land and be productive citizens. They had Constitutionally guaranteed rights under the Mexican constitution. When Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna came to power, he suspended the federal constitution in Mexico and began to implement martial law throughout the country. He sent General Cos to Gonzalez to confiscate the cannon the Texians used to protect the community from Comanches and Apaches. The good citizens and LAWFUL RESIDENTS of Gonzalez said NO! The American war for Independence was relatively fresh in everyone's mind at the time. That war started when the British attempted to confiscate weapons.

The Texians stood up and said, "Hell NO! Not in my neighborhood. Not now, not ever." They also flew a curious flag. It had a cannon and a star and the words, Come and Take It!. The Flag flown originally at the Alamo said simply, 1828, in reference the the Constitution under which they had emigrated.
The Flag flown originally at the Alamo said simply, 1828, in reference the the Constitution under which they had emigrated.
Fairly good synopsis, but that would actually be 1824 on the flag, not 1828. It's also not known for sure if that was the flag flown at the Alamo. Popular opinion is that it was, but it's not known for sure.
I'd suggest that you send a certified letter to the FBI and let them know that you've taken up arms against the US government so that your state can secede.
Actually the idea is that no conflict take place. It's a simple quiet walking away. No arms should be needed for simple secession--how anyone else responds to it is up to them. I personally don't see the problem.
law throughout the country. He sent General Cos to Gonzalez to confiscate the cannon the Texians used to protect the community from Comanches and Apaches. The good citizens and LAWFUL RESIDENTS of Gonzalez said NO!
The good citizens and "lawful residents" of that area made up a small minority of the texans that were actually there :p most came in breaking immigration laws...and anti-slavery laws ;)

so it just goes to show that just because a government supports an action in one instance doesn't mean it will support it in others....kosovo's recognition doesn't require us to recognize anyone else in a similar situation
Let's be accurate.

Kosovo was a turd sandwich from the start. The Clintons wanted, "to do something," to end ethnic cleansing, of which the Serbs seem so fond.

The Clinton's solution was an autonomous Kosovar Republic, protected by the US and a large part of the international community.

The Bush administration inherited that situation.
I suppose Clinton should have just let the Serbs do to the Kosovo Albanians what they did to the Bosnian Muslims?

I don't really see that as a bungled Clinton thing.
Pat, I am trying to reconcile your various positions, if a "violent illegal immigrant" Kosovar has constitutional rights when he makes a phone call to the US, why is it bad that President Bush would be willing send him an ambassador? Doesn't the President have the power under the constitution to recognize Kosovo? If it's constitutional, it's constitutional, no matter what you, or I, or congress, or anyone else might think.

I'm not saying that a new muslim country in Eurabia is a good thing, I'm still trying to sort it all out, they don't even have any known oil reserves.
I suppose Clinton should have just let the Serbs do to the Kosovo Albanians what they did to the Bosnian Muslims?
Not remotely what I said.

The delima of the Clinton Kosovar turd sandwich was to support Serbian soverienty and risk further ethnic cleansing or support a Kosovar separatist group, previously deemed to be terrorists.

That's not a decision I'd like to make and the aftermath isn't any prettier. Regardless, blaming Bush for it is simply idiotic.
U.N. Warns of Huge Crop of Afghan Opium Poppies
Published: February 6, 2008

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Afghanistan will produce another enormous opium poppy crop this year, close to last year’s record harvest, and Europe and other regions should brace themselves for the expected influx of heroin, the United Nations warned in its annual winter survey of poppy planting patterns.
For those that dont know Afghanistan opium poppy production has been skyrocketing in the years since we invaded. whatever happen to the amber waves of grain? sadly that junk is harvested to herion and then it hits the world drug trade. wonder why that happens when the money funds terrorist

The KLA was secretly armed and trained by the US and Germany, while Washington officially designated it as a terrorist organisation funded by heroin trafficking.
KLA= Kosovo Liberation Army

in something totally unrelated Turkey just invaded Iraq with 10,000 troops
It is really strange that no one is talking about the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo. Most Christians have been driven out of Kosovo by Islamic terrorists. Over 200 Christian churches have been burned. Thank you Clinton and Bush for giving us another Islamic state. :mad:

the only ethnic cleansing that has taken place in Kosovo recently was the (Orthodox Christian) Serbs cleaning out the (Muslim) Albanians. That was the whole reason why NATO went in and kicked Serbian butt there in the late 1990s.

Oh, and the same Serbs also did the ethnic cleansing thing with the Bosnian Muslims. (Google "Srebrenica massacre".)

Get your facts straight, please, and don't just repeat some religious agitprop you may have read in an email.
"Get your facts straight, please, and don't just repeat some religious agitprop you may have read in an email."

It is you who needs to tet the facts straight. Your info is as obsolete as a 37 Packard. Go and shill for another Islamic paradise.
What do I have wrong, thallub?

"Did not" is not an acceptable subsitute for facts. Are you saying the Serbian ethnic cleansing of Bosnia or Kosovo didn't happen, regardless of what recent recorded and verifiable history will tell you if you bother to crack open a book or do a Google search on the subject?

BBC News - Saturday, 20 March, 2004 - Kosovo clashes 'ethnic cleansing'

The Nato commander in overall charge of Kosovo has likened the recent violence in the province - in which at least 28 people have died - to ethnic cleansing.

Admiral Gregory Johnson said almost 1,000 Serbs had been driven from their homes after attacks by ethnic Albanians


Mobs of angry Albanians set alight Serbian Orthodox churches and Serb-owned homes across Kosovo on Thursday.
28 dead is ethic cleansing? I remember the mid 90's and also remember that the mass graves were never found and the 'ethnic cleansing' thing was proven incorrect.

If I remember it was us fighting with Muslims AGAINST Melosavic and Christians. Coincidentally starting at the very same time Clinton's impeachment by the House took place and coincidentally ended when the Senate failed to convict.

Wasn't the term 'ethnic cleansing' coined to justify bringing justice to the Balkans?

Too bad Rwanda didn't coincide with any of Bill's troubles.....1 million plus I believe was the body count in that ethnic cleanse........

And yes.....the Balkans are the long term effects of lengths President Clinton was willing to go to in order to distract from his impeachment for perjury.
The Serbs have been a pest as a nation since the ottoman Empire rotted from within. Count the headstones in France and note you reap what you sow.

Gavrilo Princip wasn't just a nut.

WildilovehistoryAlaska TM
Why did we get involved? They were not supporting international terrorism like Saddam Hussein was. Let the euroweenies take care of their own problems. They did not act, why did we feel compelled?
They were not supporting international terrorism like Saddam Hussein was.

Never mind, back to topic.

It was another chance for the US government to gin up a confrontation with Russia.