Bush Administration and Kosovo

Pat H

The Bush II regime has recognized the state of Kosovo, a part of Serbia ripped off through violent, illegal immigration and the support of the US government and a handful of western nations. Condo Rice says that Kosovo a "special case" that should not be seen as a precedent by other separatist groups.

Of course, that's exactly what it is.

So, now that the US government has endorsed repopulation of a territory by illegal immigrants then endorsed their desire to form a separate country aligned with their country of origin, we can expect endorsement of lawful secessions by various areas within America, can we not?

States such as The Vermont Republic and other areas of America that seek autonomy.
it OK becasue it meets the American plan

If this was part of Iraq that wanted to become its own country under the Taliban the Bush Administration would go nuts We only allow people to do things we approve of. And the US giving them a few million now and then is not a problem as we cut funding for veterans benefits to fund Kosovo independence.

Maybe it will become acceptable for parts of the US to do the same thing. Create an independent country with Federal aide.
Feel free to attack the suspect "facts" instead of going ad hominem on the OP, Hannity.

The facts as presented are accurate. The conclusion is obviously the point of the post.
Wow, this is an eye opener. I don't know jack about the situation, and the media portrays it as a good thing Kosovo got created, backed by BushCo. Interesting to see a different perspective.
There are actually lot more in that.

1. Check Kosovo's history: Serbia -> Yugoslavia -> civil war etc. It is not event close to "illegal immigrants" creating their own country. Wasn't the USA formed by immigrants :rolleyes:?

2. You need to check how Serbia treats its minorities. Don't forget that there was a war in the 1990s. A war is not like us going to Iraq and fight it from a safe distance but they were fighting on their own lands and killing each others families.

3. Check todays news how the Serb separatists reacted to the separation of Kosovo. Don't forget there's only 5% of Serbs living in Kosovo and they have fundamental differences in their religions.

Don't forget Russia's recent efforts to increase his infuence and power, the Serb / Russian relationship, Russia's recent energy politics in the EU specially the eastern members.

So it is a bit more complicated and there's a reason why the US and the EU was ready to recognize Kosovo's independence. Otherwise do you really think anybody would care ;).
Not the first time. Texas was taken by a bunch of illegal immigrants that broke Mexico's laws for the territory and then claimed it was rightfully theirs. :p

Precedents are a finicky thing, though. They only mean something if people are willing to accept them. If everyone - or at least, the people with the most influence - choose to ignore them then your options are limited.
The great thing about precedent, both legal and political, is that you can almost always find a precedent to support your view of the situation. And that's all you're gonna get out of me on that. :cool:
Pardon me for asking, but what has this post got to do with shooting or hunting?

Yes firearms were used in respect to the slaughter of the residents of Kosovo, but I do not think anyone here would endorse that genocide. This loose connection is the only connection I can see to our preferred subject of conversation.

I suggest we drop this subject.
I believe this falls under L&P's own elastic clause: the "general political issues" clause of subject matter. :p
Is my memory bad or wasn't the US backing the muslims during this war?Will this not give their diplomats a chance to carry unchecked articles to different nations at their embassy?

Wasn't there a certain person with a whole lot of money the US has been chasing since Clinton let him go backing part of this fight?

How Bush can say this is good,is beyond me.....
Kosovo certainly makes an interesting precedent.

The UK was quick to reconize Kosovo's independence. I wonder how the English would feel about the Scots and Welsh un-uniting the Kingdom.

There is also the issue of Spain and the Basque separatists.

And let's not forget how Russia would like to prod Georgia by recognizing South Ossetia's independence.
If it makes liberals unhappy it must be a good thing. Big thumbs up to BushCo. They sure do like him in Africa, funny that the left hasn't noticed. It's almost as if they are too polemic to see straight.
Interesting parallel in Montana...

Brad Johnson, Montana Secretary of State, hints at secession!!!; if Heller vs. DC decision vitiates individual RKBA!

There was no assertion in 1889 that the Second Amendment was susceptible to a collective rights interpretation, and the parties to the contract understood the Second Amendment to be consistent with the declared Montana constitutional right of "any person" to bear arms.

As a bedrock principle of law, a contract must be honored so as to give effect to the intent of the contracting parties. A collective rights decision by the court in Heller would invoke an era of unilaterally revisable contracts by violating the statehood contract between the United States and Montana, and many other states.

Link: http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps...0080219/EDITORIAL/646772049&template=nextpage

Now, wouldn't it be interesting to see which members of the international community would support Montana's bid for independence?
we can expect endorsement of lawful secessions by various areas within America, can we not?

LOL. Another secessionist thread. Look, if you want your state to secede, just do it. I'm sure you'll be one of the first to be on the front lines when the great battle of secession begins. Good luck. :rolleyes:

President Bush is not preventing you from seceding. Neither is Kosovo. Now, get to it!!! I'd suggest that you send a certified letter to the FBI and let them know that you've taken up arms against the US government so that your state can secede. :p
Now, wouldn't it be interesting to see which members of the international community would support Montana's bid for independence?

An independent Montana would be less economically viable than Liberia.

I do have a reading list about the Balkans if anyone is interested in learning more than one would get off agendablogs...

Prize to the first one to email me with the geographical location of the Sanjac of Novii Pazar and the name of the literary work it was featured in.

WildbalkanizedAlaska TM
Sanjc of Novi Pazar used to be part of Serbia and Montenegro. Novi Pazar is featured in Gravity's Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon.