dgludwig said:
"Because I'm not afraid to promote the causes I advocate."
Regretably, the matter has little to do with your rationale for advocacy.
It has to do with whatever rationale a prosecutor wants to attribute to your actions, particularly if that prosecutor aspires to a higher office.
Does anyone remember a prosecutor named Mike Nifong, who led the campaign to charge and convict the Duke Lacrosse team players of a rape, that it turns out never occurred? Nifong was disbarred and sentenced to jail for "a tragic rush to accuse", but he still ruined those kids' reputations in the process.
If you're ever involved in a justifiable shooting (which hopefully will never happen,) there is a chance that something similar may happen to you.
If you have stickers that say "Protected by Smith & Wesson" or "Kill them all, let God sort them out" on your truck, etc., whatever your rationale may be could easily be overshadowed by someone who wants to portray you as a wild-eyed lunatic just praying for a chance to cap some unfortunate disenfranchised citizen.
IMHO, if you're carrying for self-defense the less said about it the better - both verbally as well as in terms of signs or symbols that let the world know.
Silence is prudence...