Bump Firing

This thread cracks me up.

I've done this "bump fire" but never from the waist. I agree it looks weird. I'm not going to bash those who do unless it's unsafe to others. People drive performance cars too fast and crash them doesn't make every performace car driver a bad person or a bad driver.

Here's me...flame suit on!
My biggest problem with bump firing anything is that it's the sure fire quickest way to ruin a barrel. Barrel gets hot fast and expands. Gases flow around the bullet in the throat. Throat erosion happens very quickly, and then the gun is good for absolutely nothing but bump firing. Sheesh! When I was into shooting prairie dogs, I would bring 2 varmint rigs, and switch rifles every 20 rounds or so to prevent that. And these were bolt guns!
Regular Joe, Sorry but I completely disagree with you. Bump firing a mag or two through a Romanian "G" chrome lined AK barrel originally spec'd for full auto over time for tens of thousands of rounds isn't going to ruin the barrel. But yes it may ruin your precision rifle. Not an AK not a few mags worth.