Bump Firing

Its a technique thats been around a long time. Its a way of operating the trigger faster, thats all. Perfectly legal.
1)Its legal
2)it will get you kicked out of most ranges
3)its stupid to do because it increase the chances of having a round go off out of battery

1- I'm glad!
2 - Dont use public ranges - Own my own 40 acres!
3 - I did not ask for your opinion on it, just whether it was legal!
ya, it's legal, (already knew that from the other answers). But even if your on your own place you might attract some unwanted attention as it will sound like a full-auto gun, so keep in mind who could be in hearing range.

Accuracy is nil, but that's not the point. ;)

longcoldwinter has a valid concern though, rounds going off OOB is not a trivial event (though having the gun away from your face should help somewhat if it is going to happen).
not trying to question the validity of your statement or start an argument but could you please explain how this would increase the likelihood of the gun firing OOB?

As it was explained to me, it is possible the risk of OOB during bump firing is more related to the style of holding the weapon rather than the rapid cycling. The rifle can be jerked some funny ways if only supported by the hand guard instead of supporting hand, firing hand, and shoulder. This could cause some guns with floating firing pins (basically all military-style guns) to experience a heavy inertial strike (where the firing pin hits the primer lightly as a result of the bolt coming closed, the gun should not fire at this point but wait until the hammer falls). So technically if this occurred it would be a slam-fire that could potentially cause an OOB firing if the action hasn't closed completely. This type of problem would be exacerbated by certain types of ammo, poor condition of the weapon, and especially a dirty/fouled action that may have more resistance to locking into battery or gunk built up on the firing pin or chamber face that makes the inertial strike worse.

Disregarding the particularities of every gun (some models may have designs that make them prone to problems), in general, I suspect a clean weapon in good shape with decent ammo shouldn't have issues if held steadily.

YMMV, so do it at your own risk ;)
"...just whether it was legal!..." Sure. It's an enormous waste of ammo, but there's no law anywhere about wasting ammo. Remember that any idiot can post anything on YouTube.
I bought a M1A match rifle last year and took it out to sight it in and do some practice. My 10 year old grandson shot it a few times then loaded a mag up and bump fired the whole mag. :eek: I guess he also saw it on youtube.
I've done it with my AR and Garand from the hip with the thumb in the belt loop trick and with the AR and the rubberband. Also like this with a 1911.:)

I've never mag dumped, but I've done several two round bursts and a six round burst from a loose shoulder mount with an AK. What a rush!

I also found something for the AK that might work similar to the rubber band trick with the AR. I found a way to work a pony-tail holder through the mag release to the trigger, keeping reverse tension on it. Never tried it , as bumping is not on my agenda anymore, but I found a way that probably would not interfere with the mag release lever. I've also pondered that perhaps a spring-loaded stock could aid in bump firing.

These days I shoot for accuracy and usually have no more than 10 rounds in my 30rd mag (because I like to rack the action a lot).
I never tried it, not my thing!
This way looks more fun to me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVfwF...eature=related

...holy smackeye, I know that guy. Man, the internet is a small, small world.

On an on-topic note, with the ATF's notorious history of ignoring the rules, I wouldn't even put a rubber band on my gun to help me bump-fire the thing; lord only knows they'd probably think that was a machine gun and ban rubber bands or something.
It's the firearms equivalent of putting a playing card in your bicycle spokes or a glasspack muffler on a Yugo. It's useless and there's no way you can do it and not appear gayer than Richard Simmons working out to an Elton John record.

If you want to be cool and have a full-auto, save your money until you can buy a real one.
stagger, There is another reason to setup a rubber band powered bump gun... Privacy... When you go tax stamp route on a full auto than you are giving up some privacy and anonymity.
One more reason is that you cannot loan out your full auto to a buddy to enjoy but you can loan out your semi-auto rifle.
I used to see how fast I could shoot a full tube out of my .22 when they were 50 cents a box. But at the price of ammo now it's not $20 worth of enjoyment in hearing rat-a-tat-tat. :D
stagger, There is another reason to setup a rubber band powered bump gun... Privacy... When you go tax stamp route on a full auto than you are giving up some privacy and anonymity.

So what? I've never had a reason to be afraid of owning something that's legal for me to own, and I don't live under the delusion that the federal government is lurking in the weeds waiting to take it away.

That aside, the whole "bumping" thing isn't anything like having a real full-auto so let's not even make the comparison. It's not reliable, you can't aim (although I know that someone will come along and post how "they" can hit every other apple on a tree four hundred yards away bump-firing their SKS...this IS the internet, after all), and the very action is fundamentally unsafe in that you're basically just spraying bullets in a general direction because you're not holding the gun tightly or using the sights. It's nothing more then self-gratification and a stunning display of immaturity. Frankly I don't want anyone who does that sort of thing anywhere around me or my family with a gun...it's the stamp of an idiot and I'm perfectly fine with anyone who puts a rubber band or a shoelace or whatever onto a semi-auto going to jail and losing the gun if they get caught...and I feel the same way about Hellfires and cranks and any other gimmicks that the Rambo wanna-be's buy. These are the jerks that make all the decent gun owners look bad.

If you want a real full-auto, save your money and buy one and shoot it responsibly. If you can't or won't do that, then shoot the semi-auto ones that you can afford in a safe, responsible manner.
Stagger Lee

Well, once again you opinion on a subject sounds obnoxious and condescending, but that is no surprise as you seem to have a propensity for it.

I'll call up Blake Miguez and tell him the famous firearms expert and social commentator Stagger Lee said he looked 'gayer' than Richard Simmons and also like an immature idiot while demonstrating the bump firing of a 1911.:rolleyes:

Cajun Machine Gun 2