Bump...do you investigate?

Everytime I hear a bump in the night I manage to put a few holes in my furnace. My carbon monoxide detector keeps going off, but I don't know why. I just changed the battery.
Nimitz87 - I can think of a couple of chemical methods (easily obtained tools and chemicals) but don't like to elaborate. Not that I think anyone here would actually take the method and use it on a neighbor's dog... But I won't elaborate. ;)

I always check bumps - dogs aren't fool proof and kids comonly sleep closer to the front door than I. I won't leave well enough alone.
Nimitz87, well there are several methods that come to mind for dealing with
dogs with a minimum of fuss or noise, BUT, I don't think discussing them would be appropriate. :rolleyes:

But like I said if someone has the SKILL and the KNOWLEDGE to professionally infiltrate my home, they are probably professionals or military, and my butt is in trouble. :eek: Not that anyone would ever really have to worry about a highly trained professional or military person comming after them....but hey it could happen..... :D
There are just 2 of us and ....

the bedroom IS the saferoom - a metal bar will secure the door.

The 44 is on my side and the 38 on hers. If it is for real - we bar the door, take serious cover and call 911 on the cell.

I've done some really really stupid things in my life ... but looking for a perp in the dark will not be one of them.

If there were kids - it would be different.

Our place is very tough to get into.
Although I do the "snap-awake, grip gun" drill almost weekly, I rarely actually get up. I usually just lay there and listen to the tone and intensity of the dogs, let my ears and eyes get used to the night, and wait.

If I went prowling around every time I heard a bump in the night I wouldnt get any sleep. Plus your much more vunerable moving around instead of using the safe room technique as suggested.
Strange that I come across this thread now.

It's midnight, raining horrendously, and everyone but me is asleep. I heard some rustling in the bushes outside my window. I remembered that there have been some burglaries in the area lately, so I got suspicious. I grabbed the Glock and called the PD. The dispatcher advised that she would "get someone over [here] as soon as possible." I asked how long that could be and she said, "Probably about 15 minutes." (atleast she was truthful?) I picked up the agitator lead for the Shepherd and proceeded out the back door, being the furthest away from the window. Dog started pulling and barking. Glock in hand, we walked to the fence furthest from the window, going around to the front of the house, thusforth leaving suspected perp and dog between me and the 6' chainlink. Car pulls up as I round the corner, headlights off. Saw the reflection of the streetlight down the road on the car and it's a squad car. Luckily a friend of mine. We went around the corner to clear the area. And what do we find? A deer bedding down under the azalias (sp?).

So, was I overly cautious? He didn't think so. Got a few strange looks from the neighbors as three other squad cars pulled up (15 minutes my rear end. It has been no more than 2 minutes thusfar). Funny that they didn't perk up to the barking? Nah, they're used to him (guess that's what I get for adopting a biter). Anyway, I heard a noise, I remembered what had been happening lately, and I took action. Yes, I called the police first. That was the main thing.

And before anyone asks "Well if you were up, why wouldn't a perp realize your light is on?" Black-out curtains. I work nights, mostly, so I use a black-out curtain to keep the bedroom dark while I sleep.

Just my two cents. :)

Edit: The only reason I *DID* run this is because my neice, sister, and brother-in-law are here. Theyre sleeping in the bedroom across the hall, so their window is right up from mine. If they hadn't been here, I would have barricaded in the bathroom and waited for LEOs.
The 44 is on my side and the 38 on hers. If it is for real - we bar the door, take serious cover and call 911 on the cell.

The door is barred, you have your .44 in one hand, cell in the other. The cell rings several minutes later; it is the local investigative, reporting and custodial agency who say they have arrived, are parked just off your property and waiting for you to come to the door, unlock it for them, so they can "investigate" the noise and activity you reported to them inside your home. Now what is your next move?
bump in the night

Upon hearing the noise time to get the family together and find out what they heard.

Subject to where I was I would not run out to investigate- your right- IT IS a crappy proposition- clearing buildings is very dangerous and if you investigate and shoot someone you don't want to be tried yourself.

Subject to what the family tell you call the Cops. Take a defensive position- if your defensive position with your family init gets attacked if you are genuinely concerned for your welfare or theres you are morally justified in shooting.

Problem is if you go after someone Courts tend not to regard that as self defence.

Over the last century there has been a marked shift in the approach adopted by courts- protection of property is not now viewed as grounds to kill a person, it needs to be protection of the person from attack, and it is a bit hard to maintain a self defence argument if you have hunted the perp.

Sorry a lot of you won't like what I have written. I don't like it either, but this is what people pushing victim rights etc have done to the world.
That's the nice thing about having a dog - she's very smart about discerning the proper response to a noise in the night. If someone pulls into our driveway, she'll bark. If someone is skulking around the house, she'll bark and growl. If someone she doesn't recognize walks in to a dark house, she'll stand silently in the dark until she recognizes them.

She's not an attack dog - she backs away growling from unfriendly strangers - but that's what the Glock is for.

However if a burglar was a dog lover, and gave her some turkey pepperoni, she'd be nosing up underneath their arm and licking their face as they knelt to unbolt the safe.
I guess it depends where you live. When I lived in Blue state suburbia, bumps at night were as common a sound as the jets in the holding pattern for JFK over my house. And I rarely worried about them. Unless I heard human voices. Once I found an inebriated young woman relieving herself on my front lawn at three AM...... Now you know why I moved :rolleyes:

Here in the country I usually investigate bumps, unless the dog is standing in the middle of the living room with her tail between her legs and shaking..that usually means a visit from local four legged Black thieves looking for a bird feeder or bag of trash to pilfer. Last one left a big pile of doo doo in a conspicuous place.....but they all are hibernating now :)

Funny how everybody up here has dogs, and nobody gets upset when they hear gunshots. :D
LAK --Excellent question!

Applies primarily to perp sounds (not night sounds) inside the house.
Since it is a real situation and the police are the pros...I'd do what they say and update the situation for them over the cell.

Critical to advise them of OUR location and the location-activities of the perp if possible.

Our location in the house layout and our security situation would've been provided in the initial call and reconfirmed at their arrival.

I understand officers would/might be reluctant to approach with armed citizens on board.

Any advice would be welcome.

OOPS -- didn't read your note well at all. Above is what we expect to do.
If we heard the perp leave .. carefully comply with the request. If we continue to hear activity advise them of that. If silent...after 10 min or more check it out using the techniqes learned from Ayoob.
My situation.

I live in the wilds of North Long Beach, PDSR California. Neighbors to the right of me, neighbors to the left, Forest Lawn Cemetary (branch office) behind me.

The house has security bars on all windows, external security screen doors and deadbolts on both external and internal entry doors. I changed the locks when I bought the house and we keep close track of who has keys. Anyone breaking in will make a serious and noticeable 'bump'.

We also have a possum living in the attic, part time. The 'skittering' sound makes the doggy nuts. M'lady wife and I sleep in one room, my 17 year old son (who is taller than I) sleeps across the hall. He has a good flashlight and pepper spray. The dog usually has the run of the place at night and the cat sleeps either in our room or the office. The dog is a big, scary looking critter who is a pussy cat. The cat will come and get me.

No, I don't investigate every little odd noise I hear. There are rats and squirrels living in the back (they commute from the cemetary) and the attic. Motorcycles run up and down the street and about every six weeks, the neighbors to the north have a party. Party is defined as "...every living relative and friend in the North American continent showing up and drinking themselves into a dead stupor while screaming at the top of their lungs."

Aside from that, I will check out any 'odd noise' I cannot identify. I know my house well and I see in the dark well. My favorite 'house gun' is a Rossi '92 in .44-40; the barrel has been chopped a bit. I keep my cell phone in the bedroom, too.

I think I'm in pretty good shape (tactically, physically I'm a couch potatoe). When I retire and hopefully build my retirement home in the next four to ten years, I'm going to design the place with some of these ideas in mind. M'lady wife thinks I'm just a bit 'over' on this, but she sleeps very well. And so do I.

The most likely problem I see is an entry through, say a window for example. This means your front door is still likely locked, and any peace officer with half a brain is not going to walk around someone's breeched premises with a flashlight peering through windows etc. In the case where the mark is still inside, someone is going to have to make a move at some point, and it's most likely going to have to be you.
Interesting Thread.

My plan is much like RKs, but has some more parts to it

My house was purchased with a home break-in scenario as a consideration. All sleeping areas are on second floor. Master bedroom has clear sight line of to stairway. One child still in the house, has bedroom next to master, 3 feet away from master br door.

Bump in the night drill is as follows. Upon alert, (dog, alarm, etc) wife and I make sure each is awake. I secure Glock and mag light, move to daughter's room and move her to master bedroom (she is instructed to remain in room until either of us get her). While doing so, wife makes 911 call and secures Scattergun Tech 870 from closet. I return with daughter, shut door, turn on bedroom light and all move both to master bath, which has clear sight line to bedroom door. (Contact maintained with LE dispatch throughout situation).

At this point wait. If intruder(s) is in house, he/she/they can have anything in it outside the master bedroom (that's what insurance is for!) If BG(s) comes thru bedroom door, I'm ready and prepared to engage. Upon arrival of LE, front door key on big hunter orange boat float key chain out the bathroom window to front lawn for LE folks. Further action depends on how LE folks want to proceed.

Too paranoid, Too cautious? Perhaps, but some key things to consider.

1. I have made the determination at this point in my life not to do any house clearing if I don't have to, and if allowed the option, will wait the situation out from a defensive position of my choosing. My thinking is also greatly influenced by a home invasion situation when I was 17. (Worked out OK, but upon much review as I've gotten older (I'm 50), was based on luck since my mom and I didn't have a clue!)

2. There is a plan, and we practice it, including communication between ourselves during the drill, redundent comms (cordless/cell phones), switching roles, and one parent options. (Ayoob's thoughts and recommendations had a great influence on the decision/planning process). Is the plan perfect? Nope, no plan survives first contact with BG/enemy. There are always variations/contingencies to consider/execute as the situation develops.

3. Having done actual, hostiles involved house clearing ops (military, not LE situations) I don't really want to ever do another, especially since I don't have access to the personnel/gear/weapons mix available in those ops. (teammates, NVGs & frag grenades are wonderful things!)

4. I know my limitations and would much rather leverage tactical and personal advantages, rather then mitigate weaknesses. (The older you get, the better you was!)

My considerations and decisions in this regard may not be yours, but this works for me.

Pretty verbose I know, but just my opinion. All comments encouraged and welcome!
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Depends on the tone of the dogs bark, nuff said.

(Note to Psychosword...You better get your furnace checked out by a pro to be safe. Most carbon monoxide detectors alarm two different ways; low level exposure for a long period of time, and high level exposure for a short period of time. Also, what brand is the detector? "NightHawk" is the best brand going and I've never had a false alarm from one of them. Most other brands have cheap sensors and give false alarms about half the time. But consider also that if its wrong half the time, its right half the time too! Most utility companies will come do a C.O. check for free. C.O. is not to be toyed with or taken lightly. Wouldn't want to read about you in the newspaper.)
Edward (HVAC contractor.)

PM or E-Mail me if you have any questions.
I am going with other people on this one, I listen for my dog to bark, I live alone and have a German Shepherd, he lets me know of the Fed Ex guy coming before he even rings the door bell.
I say I would, but I guess it would depend.

My house is kind of old and way off the beaten path, we share a common drive with the neighbors, who bought my grand parents house a few years back.

They have 925 dogs, each evening when they feed it sounds like a jailbreak at the LA County Dog Pound. They normally don’t bark unless it’s feeding time and they tend to stay on their own property, so I would go investigate a barking dog close to my house.

If it’s just a general bump in the night or day for that matter I’d grab the SIG P226ST 9mm with M3 and go check it out, if it’s a loud unidentifiable noise, possible home invasion, aliens are coming the AK will get called on and anything that comes thru my door gets blasted multiple times.

House clearing, I’m gonna stick with my SIG or whatever handgun I’ve got on me because I’m trained to clear using a handgun and most of the time when I clear a building as a LEO I’m carrying only a pistol anyway.

I’ve got a Benelli and a nice duded out Remmy 870 but I tend to go for my Jihad gun when I feel the need for something heavier, besides the oh $h!t factor looking down the barrel of an AK with 30 round mag has to do wonders for the condition of your shorts.

indigo said:
Special Weapons And Tactics.



When I did a report on Darryl Gates, back in 6th grade admittedly, I read that the orginal name for what later became SWAT was Special Weapons Attack Team. It's been a long time and I'm curious if this was actually the first name for SWAT.

As far as what I'd do if I heard a bump in the night, I'd probably lie and wait for another, one the second I'd be at the door listening. What I did after that would depend on what I heard.

I'm glad my dad doesn't investigate every bump in the night with weapon in hand, I'd probably have been scared poopless several times by now as I have a habit of wandering the house at odd hours of the night/morning in search of something to drink.
Intresting thread. I've thought about it personally quite a bit and have always come back to the same conclusion. I always looked at it this way:

1. My house is pretty small
2. Anyone coming into the house is probably indeed heading the bedroom first (I would if I was a criminal)

This would give a very limited amount of time to be prepaired so to me, the best action always seems to be call the cops and stay isolated to the bedroom. I've always felt I had a much better chance defensively in my bedroom (which is fairly large) than on the move.