Bump...do you investigate?


New member
Everyone agrees that houseclearing is a crappy proposition.

You hear a bump and most likely it's nothing...but do you investigate anyway?

Please print legibly.
Kalifornians are always hearing bumps.:D Is it three bumps?

"Dude, I was dreaming of some tasty waves and Mr. Hand's history class, when, dude, I heard O.J."

What do you hear afterwards?

Please see my reply in the bump-in-the-night scenario. Standard protocol (per NRA) is to proceed to your saferoom if possible, wait 15 minutes or longer for further noise, then investigate.

Different ideas welcome, long as they make sense...

- pdmoderator
I check it out. I would never hide and wait. Anybody caught inside is toast. Anybody caught outside would certainy hear that sound that we all recognize, the pumping of the scattergun, it really carries on a quiet, clear night. I personally have heard it from the receiving end, and it put wings on my feet. I jumped a six foot ditch and never missed a stride. Best -
I live in a rural area and calling the law every time I heard a bump is not an option.

The answer is, if the bump in the night or day concerns me I check it out with gun in hand if my guts tells me to. Possibly if I lived in a high crime area I would modify my behavior somewhat. I don't have a safe room but I do have plenty of loaded guns and the skill to use them if it came to that.
Creaks, no (wood floors do that). Bumps, yes. There's only me and my wife in our house, which makes houseclearing a simpler proposition.
you bet your butt I check them out... slowly, carefully, and cautiously... with a loaded scattergun when possible...
<<Has anyone responding so far had SWAT training? >>

Oh Great... Now I need SWAT Training before investigating late-night noises... damn rules here and damn regulations there.. WHERE'S MY AR15, I think I hear something outside... post more later.. Me and "Mr. AR15" gotta go checkout something...
Nope, you can do anything you want, and take the consequenses.

I'd just like to hear if anyone who's expressing an opinion here has been professionally trained in what they're expressing an opinion on.

- pdmoderator
There's a story out there about some guy coming home at an unusual hour of the day and unexpectedly hearing a bump in his daughter's closet. "Fire first, ask questions later" was his motto; and only then did he learn that his daughter had played hooky that day and was not at school as he had believed.

You get my drift.
I don't care if you're the ne plus ultra of SWAT-trained SEAL Ranger Force Recon SAS badass, a one-man house clearing will get you dead.

Saferoom is a good idea. Having a multiplexed alarm system is even better. Dogs are better yet. Best is to mix and match, as your situation warrants.

- Chris
OK I guess what I'm asking here is now HOW you're going to clear your house, but:

We know that houseclearing sucks.
But there's a bump that's probably not a person but enough to make you want to check it out. Again, chances are it's the freezer dropping ice into the icebox, some cans that you didn't stack up right in the cabinet, dishes in the sink that fell because they're piled up too high, etc. etc. etc.

How would you investigate?
If the dogs don't bark...why worry?

If the dogs bark, yell "SHUT UP!!!" and see if they stop. If they don't stop, investigate.

If the dogs bark and growl and I hear human screams...sleep tight and clean up in the morning.

If the dogs squeal and yelp, and/or I hear gunshots, it's time to start dialing and chambering.
But there's a bump that's probably not a person but enough to make you want to check it out. Again, chances are it's the freezer dropping ice into the icebox, some cans that you didn't stack up right in the cabinet, dishes in the sink that fell because they're piled up too high, etc. etc. etc.

How would you investigate?
Depends on how worried I was that there had been a break-in. If I was worried, I'd check the exterior of the house first to confirm or deny the break-in. If I did see signs of a break-in, the folks in blue get a phone call. If I didn't, I'd just go check it, with a flashlight -- and cellphone and armed if I was concerned that someone could have gotten in without me knowing.

Gotten rid of more dirty dishes that way... :D

- pdmoderator
Chris II, your concerns are unfounded. First, I've done a lot of `puter gaming therefore I really know what I'm doing. Second, I'm a graduate, summa cum latte, of Gunshop Commando skul. We learned that a mad minute is the correct response. Inside your house, a free fire zone, you can just spray lead through the walls. I keep an M14 with AP for such occassions in my subdivision.

However, YMMV. For example, as MPFreeman dislikes such a weenie load and keeps 2 BARs in .338WM with Hornady big game bullets for him and his wife. His children 3 and 1 are highly trained as they spend hours at night shooting and learning to duck.