Bullets flying close over your head

a friend of a friend told me

a guy I knew that was a friend of a friend once told me they use to experiment at the public range when nobody was around and had the range to themselves

one guy would go down range near the embankment / backstop and another would rapid fire an AK / AR / FN FAL , shotgun, etc

while the guy down range would dive for cover behind the embankment to get an idea what incoming rds, fired in his direction sounded like, he would hear the bullets whizzing overhead, some making a zooming sound, some would be tumbling making a buzzing sound, the impact and dust from hitting the dirt, small pieces of rocks from getting impacted were like shrapnel, the sound of bullets hitting the trees, some had a whooshing sound like a arrow going by at high speed, etc
Just once, that was plenty

Teenage kids out shooting .22's.

Ran in to some other kids, doing the same thing. One of the other kids thought it would be hilarious to shoot 'above my head' from about 200 yards out.

Of course this genius had no idea that a .22 bullet tends to drop. I was ready to kick the kids ass in to next week by the time I got to him, had a bullet darn near take my ear off.

Clueless kid had no idea that bullets drop a long way at 200 yd.