"Bullet Control" ... and they're deadly serious

I thought this was a send-up when I first started to read it.

Unfortunately, they're deadly serious.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>ASSOCIATION for BULLET CONTROL
We propose the following regulation on the possession of bullets by individuals:

1. All bullets would be marked by their manufacturer with a serial number for each bullet that can be traced to a specific purchaser of the bullets. The serial number must be able to withstand the firing of the round. The box containing bullets must have the range of serial numbers of the bullets shown on the outside of the box.

2. Bullets will be available for sale only from licensed bullet dealers.

3. Licensed bullets dealers will only be located in place where firing weapons is permitted, i.e., target ranges and hunting facilities.

4. Individuals will only be allowed the personal possession of 6 bullets in their home or place of business at any one time. This does not allow for 6 bullets per gun owned, but rather a total of 6 bullets for all guns owned by an individual.

5. All gun owners wishing to purchase bullets must obtain a BID (Bullet Identification) card, and register all guns for which they intend to use the bullets they purchase. BID cards can be obtained from any licensed bullet dealer. BID cards must be renewed every 3 years, and can be revoked if the individual commits a felony or other crime involving violence.

6. In order to be eligible for a BID card, an individual must be over the age of 21 with no criminal record. Background checks of 72 hours will be required before a BID card can be obtained.

7. With respect to the 6 personal bullets, the individual must display to and register the gun for which the bullets are intended with the licensed bullet dealer at the time of purchase of the bullets. The registration will show the gun serial number and the bullet identification serial numbers.

8. If the six personal bullets are used for any reason, in order to obtain replacement bullets, the individual must go the licensed bullet dealer, file a report on the use of the bullets, bring in the empty shell casings and the gun used to fire the bullets, and a record of the use or firing of the bullets will be sent to local law enforcement officials.

9. Upon arriving at a hunting location or target range, an individual must show his BID card and leave it with the owner of the facility until the individual completes his shooting for the day. An individual with a BID card may purchase as many bullets as he/she wishes for the purposes of hunting or target practice, but may only purchase these bullets at a license dealer at the hunting area or target range. A parent may purchase bullets for a child to be used at a firing range or hunting facility. All unused bullets must be turned in, and all bullets fired must be accounted for by turning in all shell casings of fired rounds, at which time the individual's BID card will be returned. Instead of turning in the bullets, the owner can keep the bullets but only in a locked container maintained at the hunting area or target range.

10. Specialized bullets, i.e., cop killers and hollow head shells, which have no hunting or sport purposes, will not be available for sale to individuals.

11. The loss or theft of a personal weapon or the 6 allotted bullets must be reported within 24 hours of learning of the theft or loss.  Failure to report the theft or loss may result in the owner of the gun or bullets being charged with the negligent commission of any crime in which the gun or bullets was used.  For example, if a lost bullet is not reported and the bullet is used in a homicide, the owner of the bullet may be charged with negligent homicide, a crime that has a 5-year sentence.[/quote]


There is more, but my blood pressure can only handle so much in one hit. 


I believe Sara Brady and Diane Feinstein proposed this over here also, some years back. When most, even quasi-reasonable, folks said it was unworkable, one of them (Feinstein, if I remember) said, "A country that has the technology to repair a costly sattelite(Hubbel space telescope), while in orbit, has the technology to do this as well" She didn't seem to make the connection that it was this same country/society that launched this screwed-up sattelite into orbit in the first place.

Looks like we might all be cobbling ammo together in the basement in a few years.
what they going to out law all reloading equep. to whatwould keep people from loading there own

I'd like to see them put serial numbers on .22s!
I don't think this is a workable idea.
Sounds good to nitwits, but otherwise I don't think we'll see it.
souds good to nitwits yes but do they even think about the logistics that wold be involved in undertaking even half of that stuff

I read the site. Pure insanity. People who know nothing about firearms come up with some ridiculous "solutions." How do they plan to put a serial# on #7 shot? Ammo would cost so much, you could only afford six rounds!

Where the choice is between only violence and
cowardice, I would advise violence."
— Mohandas Gandhi
This is either a scam or someone's attempt at a naive pipedream grassroots movement on a personal webpage:
1) No names anywhere...no contact personel
2) Address is PO Box in a small town...no phones or fax
3) No endorsements
4) Note what they say they will do with raised monies..."give it to victims of gun violence"....yeah right ;)...even HCI and VPC can't and don't do that.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Agreed that this is a non-threat. No, not the idea of cartridge-control-- that threat is real. But this particular post you can settle your feathers down about.

6 rounds only? In the county I hunt in, 5 Deer may be legally taken in ONE hunt, by ONE person. Not to mention 2 javelina, 2 turkey, and any number of wild hog and predators.

You want to talk about logistical nightmares? Imagine what it would take to document all of the lost brass from ejecting firearms. "No! Don't look at the deer you just shot! Follow your case!"

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"Specialized bullets, i.e., cop killers and hollow head shells, which have no hunting or sport purposes, will not be available for sale to individuals."[/quote]

In all the times I've been to the gun shop, I've never been able to find a box of "cop-killers". Is that made by Hornady, or UMC, now? H.P.'s have now sporting purposes? Heck, most states require H.P. or S.P. ammo for hunting.

This person is wishfully th.. thin.. Um, wishing.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited October 11, 1999).]
I clicked on "Make a Donation" and "Order Promo Items" and got a "coming soon" blurb.
Reminds me of the land boomers in Florida where they had signs sticking out of the swamp saying "Future Golf Course", "Future
Club House", etc. Oh yeah.

I'm going to send this yo-yo some dust shot from a .22 and tell him that when he can put registration numbers on them, I'll contribute.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
FWIW: Here in Argentina every gun owner has to register as a "Legitimate User" and then each gun gets a permit of its own - that's transferred with the gun on sale etc. With the 'gun's permit' one gets an 'ammo card' - a ration card where each purchase is recorded (shop, date, make and type of ammo, amount) with a limit of a thousand rounds a year...

They haven't got around to figuring out what to do about reloading (obviously all serious shooters do - or buy reloads) but they are trying.

Now the amusing part: a draft law would oblige reloaders to register also, keep a book on production and transfer of ammo which must be boxed and properly identified with name, date and type of load (powder, bullet) stamped with a distinguishing mark... on the primer :)

El Chimango "Two Fingered" Pete
I still hesitate to underestimate morons.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
Since the room on bullets is finite and the number of rounds produced each year is in the billions, how are they going to do this "wonderful" thing? Once the serial numbers get past 8 - 10 digits there is not going to be enough room, unless they use something like 1.2546 * 10(10) the ten in parens meaning an expotent.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"

[This message has been edited by Jim V (edited October 11, 1999).]
No worries, mate! The obvious solution is that the only allowable gun will be the .50 BMG. Of course this will make rabbit hunting a bit messier and Bullseye competion will be a real challenge, but you guys can live with that, can't you? Too right!
Now, in all honesty, there has been some discussion about putting microscopic "markers" in the propellants, to help I.D. brands and lot #'s. This could theoretically be put into bullets, as well. For the life of me, I really can't find a reason to oppose that, so long as it doesn't raise the price of my bullets and/or cartridges. Which, of course, it would.
Long Path, the reason why adding "taggants" is unreasonable is that in order for them to be of any practical use, there would have to be a fair proportion in any propellant. This would require all load data to be recalculated and the military has already said "no way." The proposal also had the taggants be ferros so that they could be easily collected over a large area. If so, anybody with half a brain would extract them with a magnet before doing anything questionable with the propellant.
I just sent this note to bulletcontrol.com


It is painfully obvious to me as I read through your site that you don't know much of anything about guns. If you want to argue effectively about bullet control, you should know your subject better. I'm sure I could find someone in your area who could take you shooting, and teach you about guns and about the safety measures almost every gun owner follows. If you are interested, please let me know.

There will always be people who desire to harm others in this world. I bought my guns to protect my children from these people. I also bought a high capacity magazine to further protect my children; I don't want to run out of ammunition while someone is attacking my children. I bought lots of ammunition so I can practice shooting and get to know my guns better so I can protect my children even better. I load hollowpoints in my handgun to maximize my ability to protect my children, while minimizing the risk to innocent bystanders, i.e. my children.

More children die by choking on food than by being shot. I still feed my kids. I also am prepared to defend them.


Anyone in Illinois want to take this guy shooting?
Just look at the email address --

Another ivory tower liberal who plans to make the world "safer". Gads, you wonder how these guys were able to survive to their age of majority.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.