Building beer can mortar

Ok, got the barrel back from the sandblasters today. As you can see it is on the bed. Unfortunately there is still some fitting too be done, only a few more millimeters of wood to sand away.




Was not just a matter of dropping in the trunnions. The trunnion caps however did fit perfectly.
That is BY FAR, the coolest homemade ANYTHING I've ever seen! VERY nice work.My birthday is March 19th, in case you wanted to build another one.....just sayin'...:D
I'm still having a holster made for that... the standard holster carry 52 pounds a little difficult... :rolleyes:

I'm considering a larger one... :D
Beautiful work, sir. Access to a full machine shop WITH the skills in using it certainly is handy! Howabout a Parrot gun costal mount in soda can caliber next? You could start a complete handbuilt Civil War connon collection!
Very nice work, very nice indeed.
It works... :eek:


My wife shot it as can be seen on the picture, this is the third shot, did not make her test it. A link will be posted early in the week to view the video of it being shot.

We have only one problem, advice on solving it is highly appreciated. The cans with concrete kept rupturing.
I don't believe there is a fix for that. All the mortar's I have seen fired, peel the aluminum off the cement. perhaps if the hole is sealed after filling and solidifying??? I suspect air entering the fill hole and if turned upside down, the gases enter the fill hole and allow rupture.
The guy that has one here just points out the aluminum streamers in the air after firing. He doesn't try to recover the "Shot" for another go.
I have been given advice on the issue with the cans rupturing, I have to bring down the charge, and I will try that this coming saturday.

Coming Saturday, thor will shoot in tandem with his brother zeus... :D Double noize, and smoke.

I'll keep all up to date. And I have not forgotten the video link.