Buford Furrow has a National Security Council email addy???

Me too. The fact that he was briefly in the military, but was discharged in 1980 because of a bad knee, is not quite enough to tie him in with the military-industrial complex. ;)

Also Furrow didn't use the AR-15. It was found in the car. He used a 9mm Uzi/Uzi clone at the JCC, and a Glock on the postal worker.

[This message has been edited by Ewok (edited August 15, 1999).]

May I play the devil's advocate on this one? I only ask because we've been through this ourselves, and we know the answers you will get from the anti-gunners.

1) They wish to make laws, ban guns, etc...those that would enforce these are the same ones that should have kept Buford under watch. It makes no difference if Buford is a stone-killer hate monger or a certifiable looney-tune. He was known, his pre-dispositions were known, his potential future actions were known. So, we are supposed to trust these people?

The response: The gun laws in place are clearly insufficient. Buford was still able to get a firearm. Obviously, we need to get even more firearms off the streets and make it impossible for people like Buford to own one. To do that, we need "loophole-free" legislation. It is regrettable that law-abiding gunowners may be "inconvenienced", but surely a little inconvenience is a price worth paying to save our children's lives? Are gunowners really that selfish??

2) Prohibition never works....alcohol, drugs, etc

The response: We have learnt from the mistakes of the past: we can make it work this time OR We're not worried about the "few" guns that may be smuggled in, its the millions already in circulation we want removed OR The American people would expect us to keep up the fight; we can't just give up or anarchy will be the result OR We at least owe it to the children to try![/i]

3) Buford didn't need guns....he could have killed a lot of folks with a small home-made bomb, rolled it right into that lobby of the center...materials available that no degree of banning would keep under control and prevented...then killed the postman with a knife or a pencil.

The response: Yes, he could have .... but he didn't. He used guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns, guns ....

See what I mean ..... ???

NOTE: For those who came in late ....
the above are NOT my views; I am simply expounding (from bitter experience) on how I believe the antis, the bureaucracy and the media will respond to your arguments.


[This message has been edited by Bruce in West Oz (edited August 15, 1999).]
funny things about this case

furrow uses a police department Glock that was sold by the PD back to the public

he has a kit build ar in his van

he uses an uzi in a confined space, expends 70 rounds and kills no one

gets back in his van, parks, kills a fed employee then hijacks a car and releases the driver

drives out of the state in a taxi

turns himself in at the FBI where he confesses to killing the children in LA

ok if you are a hate crimer...
wouldn't you switch on CNN in your hotel room and watch the results of your actions?

strange daze...

the glock sold back to the public is not odd. It happens all the time. at my local indoor range, I see them pretty often. sometimes thye PD name is on the slide.

the AR kit also happens all the time. I don't see how those to are funny. my friend put together an AR lower kit in like 2 hours.

I've always found the cab ride odd, and the fact that he unloaded 70 rd. at a bunch of kids and got none.

if he was using the AR, unloading 70 unrounds without reloading is posisble w/120 rd Beta-C mag. I have heard he was an FFL, so getting a hold of such a mag would have been more than posisble for him. and thats were the photo could have come from.

Makes me think of Arlington Road. For anyone who saw the movie. not bombs this time, but bullets.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
There was a TV news item last week of a gun store burglary not far from "the scene". All electricity to a strip shopping center was turned off, killing the burglar alarm. Some $100,000 worth of guns were taken.

Has anybody heard of any connection? Any PD info released as to suspects?
the Pistol & the kit built ar are not that unusual
but kinda funny that non "standard" access arms were used...
if you wanted to restrict kit builds or public access to police grade weapons then...

heres a list of the weaponry involved:
Saturday, August 14, 1999

Pistol Had Many Owners Before Furrow
By STEVE BERRY, Times Staff Writer http://www.latimes.com/HOME/NEWS/REPORTS/LASHOOT/NEWS/t000072355.html
The Arsenal
Five assault weapons, two handguns and 7,000 rounds of ammunition were recovered
from vehicles allegedly used by Buford O. Furrow Jr. Below are some of the weapons
and their firing capabilities and the ammunition.
Uzi submachine gun clone
Capacity: 32 rounds
Originally designed for the Israeli Army
* * *
GLOCK 26 9-mm subcompact pistol
Capacity: 10 rounds
Originally designed for the Austrian Army
* * *
IMBEL .308- or 7.62-mm
Capacity: 20 rounds
Originally designed for the Belgian Army
* * *
Capacity: 2 rounds
Modeled after classic Old West design
* * *
BUSHMASTER AR-15 type assault rifle
.223- or 5.56-mm. NATO
Capacity: 40 rounds
Originally designed for the U.S. Army
* * *
Not shown: MAADI sniper-style rifle
Note: Weapons not drawn to scale

Bullets Found
Actual size
.308- or 7.62-mm. NATO
.223- or 5.56-mm. NATO
9 mm.
Sources: Jane's Infantry Weapons; Shooter's Bible; Researched by MIKE FANEUFF
and LYNN MEERSMAN / Los Angeles Times
Unless anyone would completely believe the above long-a$$ posting above by dz which was found at ar15.com and originally published (supposedly) at jj-johnson.com, this JJ Johnson is not a legitimate reporter and often engages in satire to make a point. I found one article on his site that is about a lesbian submarine captain sinking a cargo ship full of viagra. The reporter's name is Butch Dykenberg, the sub is the SSN Etheridge and the cargo ship was the SS Bob Dole


That's a good joke, but hardly a source for any type of reliable reporting.

(although there are some good questions brought up, I think most of it is trying to get hits to the guy's pathetic web site.)

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
I've fired 9mm SMGs; it's entirely possible to empty the mag without hitting anything. At least, it was for me ;)

I don't understand what you mean by "non 'standard' access arms "

the weapons listed, are very popular weapons here in the state of Califorinia.
I don't see how it is odd that he had any of the weapons except for the uzi clone. haven't seen any of those out here,
but I have seen a number of the ARs and the Fal are popular because they relatively reliable. I assume the glock 26 is as reliable as the 17 is. Also, the standard cap listing for ARs is 30, but 1,5,9,10,20,30,40,100+ rd mags are available.

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
by non standard access, i mean:

the average Sheeple thinks guns come new from stores

they have never heard of buying a police gun or making up a kit gun
for us on TFL, a police gun or a kit is common knowledge

IMHO if someone wanted to increase control of the access to guns then these 2 methods would be on the list to dry up quick...

but i'm not paranoid
