Buford Furrow has a National Security Council email addy???


New member
Someone posted this on my 2nd Amendment board. What do you make of it...

They could've USED someone with a more common name...
cut and paste-

Look closely at the server...not @aol.com
Do you smell ****? I do!

Click the Lycos provided Buford Furrow email link to see for your self.

The link goes to a National Security Council group operating at McChord Air Force Base near Seattle,


[This message has been edited by nralife (edited August 14, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by nralife (edited August 14, 1999).]
I can't believe no one is responding to this message. Here is some more info for you to check out...

WhitePages : NameSearch : "furrow"

2 Listings in the the entire US.

Furrow, Buford
Lynnwood, WA, 98037-0000
Phone: (425) 745-4698

Furrow, Buford O
638 Old Pacific Hwy Se
Olympia, WA, 98513-9505
Phone: (360) 491-9791

2 Listings in the the entire US.

Father and son both live in Washington State. One or both of them probably work for the NSC. Strange Huh?

Post edited by Rich Lucibella (not NSA) to correct URL formatting errors only.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 14, 1999).]

the white pages is just luck and not at all comprehensive

Try "Cicci" Calif

you get 3 out of 32 variations....none are me nor my relatives... :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Are you suggesting what I THINK you are suggesting?

Better get this to Matt Druge

SameShot, Different day
Stranger and stranger or then maybe not.

I wonder if they'll let him check his e-mail while in jail?

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
this was posted on ar15.com

Many people are probably scratching our head over the recent shootings in
the LA areas, especially when the suspect, Buford O’neil Furrow arrived in a
neat little package on the doorsteps of the FBI – Las Vegas. You are not
alone in your bewilderment. As much as I was told not to – I have to give
details about what’s wrong with the whole story. Sorry folks, but it's long.

First, let me explain my vantage point: I am currently in the LA area. I
also regularly commute back to Las Vegas and Pahrump (60 miles due west).
Thus, we got a lot more info (true or not) from where I’m standing. I also
know the route and the environment Mr. Furrow was allegedly in.

1. Early Reports. Yes, you probably heard numerous accounts of more than one
shooter, different clothing, etc. I don’t think there was too much dis-info
there. After all, early reports came from young children. Once the
carjacking occurred, a more accurate description came forward.

2. Early statements by Politicians. People such as Charles Shummer, Gov.
Gray Davis, Mayor Richard Rearden (sp?) the ADL, and the JDL were all
screaming “hate crime” before ANYONE had a motive or an actual description
of the suspect.

3. The FBI and ATF were on the scene immediately – long before the Clinton
spoke. Like Columbine, SWAT agents just stood outside until long after the
postal worker was killed. Not to mention reports about other people (with
other descriptions) being arrested shortly after.

4. The Carjakcing. Forgive me, but it seems stupid to think that some idiot
(and alledged survivalist) hell-bent on killing Jews left all that ammo in a
van. No survivalist would do that without a reason. IMPORTANT: If Furrow
really wanted to kill Jews in mass number, he had all the ammo he needed. He
was also in a neighborhood where there were plenty of visible Jewish targets
(more on this later). And why allow the female carjack victim to live?
According to reports, he brandished a weapon, told her to get out, don’t
scream, and just run. Let’s no mention the fact that he fired a reported 70
rounds with a semi-automatic weapon at children less than 15 feet away in a
closed area and killed no one – only superficial wounds. This, from a man
with a military background. Hmmm….

5. The Postal Worker. After all, something HAD to happen to make it federal.
When over half the LA county police force (that’s a lot of people, folks)
had closed the entire area off in search of any angry looking white guy,
Furrow finds time to stop and off a postal worker during his escape. Not to
be a certified conspiracy theorist, but think back to the Kennedy

6. The APB. Within 4 hours after the attack on the Jewish Center, every
radio station in the LA area was giving out several (yes, I mean several)
descriptions of a carjacked vehicle – two different license plate numbers,
and three different colors. I even considered calling a news-talk radio
station while stuck in traffic in I-605 asking, “What the hell do you want
us to look for??”. Shouldn’t the carjacker know what her car looks like?

7. The Hotel Siege. See if this sounds familiar to you: “No Soldier shall,
in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the
Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law” In
Chadsworth, CA, throw that out the window. A virtual battalion of black
suited armor wearing, helmet wearing troops laid siege to this entire LA
suburb. The dress code: All black (with federal stuffed shirts playing team
leaders), black tanks(LAPD’s finest) choppers, the whole nine yards. THERE
IS NO WAY ANYONE COULD HAVE ESCAPED THIS – unless you have help. Yet, no

8. The Photo. After having MAJOR egg on their faces, the LAPD spokesman
(someone I’ve never seen before, but no matter – he’s Jewish) asks for the
public’s help in finding Mr. Furrow. TAKE NOTE: At this time, there is so
much victimization, and wailing, and whining by the Jewish leadership in the
local media that local politicians were probably concerned about a mass
exodus to Israel from LAX. Back to the photo: It wasn’t a mug shot. I
remember saying when I first saw the photo (live), “That looks like either a
work ID or some kind of government issue. It only took 30 minutes for the
media to have enough info to Furrow to fill a CIA dossier. Good job, Media –
especially when you didn’t have a SSN to work from.

Oh yeah, and the Southern Poverty Law Center JUST HAPPENS to have a photo of
Furrow playing security at an Aryan Nation Complex Idaho. How convenient.
Beside that photo came from the same fat guy from Michigan who did the
“Roger and Me” film (this video came from a show called “TV Nation”). I can’
t remember his name. No matter. Let’s all go to bed now, and see what we can
scare up by morning.

9. The $800 cab ride. This is where my personal experience comes in. “Uh,
cabbie, take me to Las Vegas or Primm Nevada, duh.” Get real. No cab driver
in the LA area would do this would do this without notifying the dispatcher
of his destination. Folks, we’re talking over 250 miles of desert. There are
other places much closer you can hide. The cabbie (if this story had any
merit) would have suspected something (there was an APB on every radio
station, and probably relayed to all cabbies), and would have given a “radio
handshake” to the dispatcher where the cab would have been intercepted by
the CHP before he got to the high desert.

[Note- Local news update as I write: Now the big story in the cab driver –
he’s talking. Strange, the FBI/LAPD said he took two cabs. See more on this
in the ADDEMDUM below.]

But Noooo. Knowing there’s a wanted killer trying to escape the LA basin,
take your fare-of-a-lifetime and merrily stroll across the Mojave Desert.
Remembering of course, that you don’t want to be charged with “transporting
a felon across a stateline”. So, drop him off just before exit 1 on I-15,
and tell him to walk over to the Casio, call another (Nevada) cab, and have
a nice day.

Our second cab ride goes from the Nevada border (Primm, NV) to the FBI
office on Charleston Avenue in downtown Glitter Gulch. Hey Furrow! The Las
Vegas shuttle (Greyhound) would have been a lot cheaper, and a lot more
discrete. Everyone knows that. And by the time he would have gotten there,
either no one had his description (meaning he could have asked anyone), or
everyone had his description (meaning no one would have given him a ride
anywhere). But I’m just dying to know what he did during the missing 8 hours
or so before he turned himself in. Lemme Guess: He the rest of his cab fare
(destination Idaho?) at one of the Vegas Casinos. Nice try. There are
cameras in mass at every major casino, and they watch everybody. He would
have been flagged in a New York minute.

There’s more about this Vegas trip, but I cover that in my conclusion (and
besides, they’ve changed stories since I began writing).

10. The Surrender. Before going into this, I’d better explain myself before
there are more “fed” accusations against one J.J. Johnson.

Remember the big Anthrax scare in Vegas? Larry Harris was from Ohio. So am
I. That, coupled with a story written in an Ohio militia newsletter
previously about Harris and bio-warfare landed me in the LV - FBI field
office after Harris’s arrest. I took a lawyer, my wife. In short – I’ve been
there. Now, let’s get back to Furrow.

The reports say he simply walked in, walked up to the receptionist and said,
“I’m the man you’re looking for. I killed those kids.” Then we have an AP
report quoting sources who claimed he said upon surrender, “This is a wake
up call to all Americans to Kill Jews.”. Horsecrap. Here’s the dirt:

Like most other government buildings, the FBI has cameras outside with
full-time eyeballs in watching. To get to the “lobby” of the FBI office, you
must take an elevator the 3rd floor (with the watchful eye in the elevator
car, of course). Then you must walk up to a 2-inch bullet proof glass. Show
your ID, sign in and, “someone will be with you shortly”. In his case, he
would have been met at the elevator’s third floor exit with handcuffs (they
see you 3 times coming and going), the building would have been sealed off
(lobby cleared), a search, pass through metal detectors (located left of the
elevator), read ‘em his rights, and escort him into the interrogation room –
right behind the door on the left. In other words, he wouldn’t have gotten
past his name before he was on the floor in irons.

Make sense? So, how did the AP (in lightning speed) find a source who gave
up VITAL information about an on-going investigation? That goes against
agency policy (according to them) and loud-mouths are subject to immediate
termination. These kind of damaging statements can compromise further
investigations (Reno’s famous words). And there would be no trouble
tracking this source down, since the LV field office is relatively small in

Back to the cab ride: So, you’re anti-government, and you’re fighting “ZOG”.
So, you open fire on Jewish kids, go postal on a postal worker, then take a
cab almost 300 miles to turn yourself in at a federal office, when there are
at least 4 different places in LA to do the same thing – and spend less
money. Then, you spill your guts to the FBI to “get your story out”???

Bull****. The place to go and get your story out is the LA Times, with
branch offices all over the area, the LV Review-Journal, or any TV news
room. You think they wouldn’t have covered this? Or better yet, drop a
letter to the news media off in the postal truck after killing the guy. Or,
if you’re nuts, check into a hospital.


11. The Press Conference. This was the real kicker. While the cops and
politicians were high-five-ing each other for the wonderful job they had
done (he turned himself in), there was one point in the press conference
that was a real eye-opener. It happened when the “Assistant Special
Agent-in-Charge of the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms – for the Los
Angeles Area - Joe Torres” (he got all that out in one breath) mistakenly
was given the task of answering the question, “Exactly what type of guns did
you find?”.

The Answer should make anyone ask a ton questions. (Quoting exact: “We found
no fully-automatic weapons. There was a Bushmaster…that’s a AR-15 – a rifle,
and I think there were two handguns, and they were…”

He never finished the answer. In fact, it seemed like the U.S. attorney, who
was also on stage grabbed the ATF SAC by the throat – yanking him off
camera. I’ll bet money that Very Special Agent Torres will never, EVER be
seen giving public statements in the future.

Ed. Note: As much as the ATF is the group we all love to hate, you gotta
give’em credit. They keep “accidentally” telling the truth. Remember, “If we
would have been left in charge, we wouldn’t have burned all those kids up?”
No wonder the feds never want these guys on the record. Back to Agent
Foot-in-Mouth Torres…

Hmmm… An AR-15? That was the only rifle, eh? Guess that would explain the 70
rounds fired. But wait: the AR only holds 30 in the clip. Guess he reloaded
(twice). Right, and no lethal wounds from 15 feet? This, from a guy with
military experience??

[BTW, I saw some of the ammo left behind. About a case of 7.62x.39 ammo, .50
cal. Round (with a mag) and 9 mm handgun ammo (about 1K)]

Smell something funny yet?

And of course…

12. The After Hype. On cue, the regular characters are calling for tougher
gun laws. Never mind that this guy wanted to kill Jews, and would have used
anything he got his hands on (if you believe all this). Don’t blame the
Neo-Nazi, blame the gun. Blame the gun show. How condescending. All Jews
should be insulted. Here’s where the plot thickens: A Rabbi Heir of the
Simon Weisenthal center, who has been making the rounds on local and
national TV, this morning said, “two employees of the Weisenthal Center
recognized Furrow from the photos as a man who has been here at the center
recently – just walking around….”

So, while we’re getting all “hyped up” over this, we learn that a man who
wants to send America a message to kill all Jews (and wanted to kill Jews)
failed to do so in the midst of a HIGH concentration of Jewish people – the
Simon Weisenthal Center and its surroundings. Best chance of killing mass
numbers of Jews in the LA area next to a Synagogue on Saturday.

Starting to see what’s wrong with this picture?

[Since the time of this writing, the story now is that he cased three Jewish
institutions and chose the community center because of its lax security.
Hogwash. An AR-15 goes right through security at the Museum of Tolerance –
if you’re hell-bent on killing Jews.]

How do I know this? Remember the post “the Death of J.J. Johnson”? That
seminar took place at the Simon Weisenthal Center – Museum of Tolerance. I
was there.

Let’s toss this in for good measure for cyber-savvy: The morning after the
shooting, A Yahoo search turns up an e-mail address for the fat criminal:


Take note of the “.mil”. Then, the Seattle Times cranks out the history of
the Fat Nazi:

“…Military databases indicate that Furrow served in the military and, at one
point, was stationed at McChord Air Force Base near Tacoma…”

Seattle Times, Aug 11, 1999.
The whole story can be found at:

Why do these guys keep popping up with military background? And of course,
with all this guy’s history, he somehow passes a military back ground check.

I have given at least 12 items about this story that should make people
question its nature. Now, you may understand why some of you are scratching
your heads. I will now conclude, based upon my findings (most from the
media) what’s really going on here, and include a Special Message to the
Jewish community.


The only difference between this script and a Hollywood screenplay is that
we know Hollywood in lying. This whole story is bull. It doesn’t add up. If
some one were to say Furrow was under orders from higher-ups in government,
it would not surprise me one bit. The cab to Las Vegas bit, the “turning
yourself to the FBI to get your story out crap”. It would be more of
believable if shown in a movie theater.

If I, at any time would have believed the “cab trip to Vegas” story, I would
have had my wife packed up and we would have been out of this area
immediately. I would have suspected that this action wasn’t a “hate crime”,
but the ULTIMATE DIVERSION for something more lethal, and Furrow wanted to
be out of the area when it happened.

This man (Furrow, or whatever his name really is) was either under strict
orders, or is not the most dangerous, but the dumbest criminal ever to set
foot on American soil. I vote for the first choice. This so-called Neo-Nazi,
this so-called survivalist, leaves a suspicious,
“made-for-hate-and-gun-crime-legislation” trail of evidence. Think about
it – this guy –this neo-nazi - in just one day, “enhanced” , then “embraced”
everything he is fighting against with no remorse whatsoever???

In my opinion what really happened in the events surrounding the Jewish
Community Center was one of three possibilities:

1. Furrow was under orders – but not under some Neo-Nazi. As for who and
how, draw your own conclusions. Everything, including the surrender, the
statements, the evidence left behind, was a script. A bad one, if one reads
between the lines.

2. Furrow really is a Neo-Nazi and the whole thing was a diversion for
something else.

3. This was a federal sting gone bad, and the real bad guy(s) did not fall
for the bait, leaving their federal mole, Buford Oneil Furrow, holding the
bag – hence the “cab to Vegas” story. He was “called home” and/or “recalled”

Go ahead, call me a “conspiracy theorist”, but you have to admit; my
explanation makes more sense than theirs. The end result in all cases is the
predicted call for more gun control, and hate crime legislation.


Now, as the cabbie’s story hits the LA Times, it’s not holding water,
either. The Devil’s in the time frame. Let’s cover this.

Mr. Cabbie (Armenian Immigrant, Hovik Garibyan age 31) said Furrow waved him
down for a ride to LAX around 8:00 pm PT. During the ride, Furrow changes
his mind (says he’s afraid of flying). Then said take me to Vegas. They stop
70 south of Vegas (Baker, CA), and hit a McDonalds drive thru for liquids.
Mr. Cabbie said Furrow even offered to get him something. From there, Furrow
was dropped off at the NewYork ,New York Hotel & Casio (South end of the
Vegas Strip). Mr. Cabbie says he then blew most of his killer fare at the
poker tables. “By 5 a.m. he was down almost $600 and was on his way home…”
(LA Times 8/13/1999)

The entire LA Times Story can be found at:


Here are the flaws in Mr. Cabbie’s story.

1. He picked up Furrow around 8. I’ll give him no traffic problems in LA or
Vegas. That’s 4 hours (approx 300 miles at 70 mph) – not breaking the speed
limit. This puts him in Vegas no earlier than midnight. By then, Furrow’s
face is all over the news. Mr. Cabbie then played the tables until 5 a.m.
That’s 4 hours back assuming no traffic problems. That’s 9 a.m. But THIS IS
LOS ANGELES, where there are ALWAYS traffic problems. His arrival time:
10:000 am at best.

2. Mr. Cabbie (with no sleep) is knowingly coming back – right into LA rush
hour traffic. But, before the 6:00 p.m. news, Mr Cabbie has time to
obviously get sleep, grab a shower and talk to the FBI (exstensively), every
TV station in LA and the LA Times, including a ride in his cab by the local
NBC affiliate. Conclusion: He’s Lying.

3. Furrow states that he stayed at the Barbary Coast Hotel and Casio. This
was after 1 a.m. Furrow’s face was all over the news by then. Security
Cameras would have picked him up at the Barbary Coast. The Pit bosses watch
everyone and everything. All hotels on the Vegas Strip ask for ID when
getting a room. He should have been nailed checking in.

4. Furrow stated (according the U.S.Attorney’s office) that he killed the
postal worker because he was non-white, and an employee of the federal
government. Yet, Furrow pays $800 to an Armenian Immigrant with olive skin,
and a deep eastern European accent. The cabbie’s name and photo in on the
dashboard for any passenger to see (as per LA regs.) They stop in Baker CA
at McD’s. Perfect place to off another “non-white” with all those trucks
going in and out. No one would hear a thing. So, after off-ing a postal
worker for being an employee of the federal government, he turns himself in
to the FBI with no remorse. Horsepucky.


This story is changing by the hour. Last night at a community “healing”
meeting, even many of the Jewish residents were scratching their heads. It
doesn’t make any sense to them, either. Every bit of BS we’re getting fed
down here only leads to more inconsistencies. I would strongly suggest to
the Jewish community that they not fall for the “party line” and get down to
some real investigative work. As far as feeling safe, I wouldn’t hang around
any Jewish institutions until I got some real answers.

I believe in this case, the Jewish community (and I’m not referring to their
leaders) are being played like Mendelson’s best fiddle. Someone or something
has an agenda, and anyone in the way will pay the price for it. How does it
feel to have a so-called Neo-Nazi’s message to America printed on every
newspaper headline in the country? The Aryan Nations didn’t do that – the
press did.

From Oswald to McVeigh and now this, all these “perps” seem to have military
background. Come to think of it, didn’t John Wilkes Booth also have a
military background? No matter. I suggest all go rent a copy of the movie
“Arlington Hill”. For the Jewish reader, if you haven’t figured it out yet,
go rent a copy of Schindler’s List, then go buy a copy of the new book, The
Mitzvah. More info on this can be found at:


Submitted report from LA,

J.J. Johnson

P.S. A Message to Clinton, Shummer, McCarthy, Reno, et al: It’s not
working – especially among the Jews. Well-knowns such as Dr. Laura, and
other Talk show hosts (mostly Jewish) out here are changing their stance on
gun control – for the better. Armed security is now the words on the streets
of the Jewish communities.


email: citizen@mindspring.com
J.J. Johnson can always be located at - www.jj-johnson.com
I'm not understanding the conspiracy that's being alluded to here. Don't get me wrong...I'm not saying it's a crock; just that I don't understand what's being suggested. Honestly, this isn't a challenge to the veracity of what I'm reading.

From what I infer/extrapolate, the anti's set this NSA employee up? They had some stranger(s) walk into a Jewish day care center and shoot up kids? They were willing to give orders to the shooter(s) to murder an innocent postal worker, but had enough heart to order him/them to just "wing" the kids?

They "got to" or included Schumer/Feinstein and a host of various Agency employees, including local PD? They left dozens of witnesses around to refute the identity of the assailant(s) and will now pressure each of these to go along?

Somebody, please tell me what is going on!
Put in perspective, this administration wants to do away with guns, there is hate crime leglislation pending and it is all for the children.
So what is the best media event they can conjure up to help the agenda?
Gun down Jewish children!!
They must have been in a big rush because they apparently left a lot of loose ends.
Of course Buford can clear it all up at the trial.The worst aspect is that I could believe our government could do such a thing.

Better days to be,

Let's not forget the "Mental Instability" wildcard to tie up all the loose ends. A catch-all for the unexplainable.

After all, do we REALLY know what an insane person would do?


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

there are a lot of holes in this piece of cheese.
insane people do have a tendency to do the unexpected.
70 shots and no one killed?
i glad of this, but puzzled.
70 shots and noone killed? "Trained" police officers accomplish this feat with great regularity. :)

Are we saying that the villains who were willing to arrange this were ethical enough to order no loss of life? Ordered the shooters to just "wing 'em".

I'm still not convinced.

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited August 15, 1999).]
Nor am I convinced, Rich.

But I would add a little fuel to the fire by noting the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has been making progress in the Jewish Community. I bet this will hinder their efforts.

My, how fortuitous for our government.
here are a few crazy ideas to throw into the stew;
- if this guy has ties to the gov't, perhaps
they put him into the supremacy groups as
an informant; I suspect that a lot of these
hate groups are 1/2 paid informants and
1/2 undercover agents...
- they then got him to LA for a series of
clandestine "meetings" at various Jewish
centers; this would get him recognized
and tighten up the story;
- when all elements are in place, slip him
some sort of classified pharmaceutical that
would make him vulnerable to suggestion;
- send him out to shoot up the target location, "just make a big scene";
- arrange matters so that federal control of
the case is guaranteed;
- pass legislation!

this is highly unlikely, of course, but then it's also highly unlikely that the feds would convince a part-time security guard to "help them make a training video". then again, its highly unlikely that the preeminent federal law enforcement agency would systematically break the law while compiling dossiers on politicians, entertainers, etc. or that the federal government would use its signals intelligence assets to help domestic companies compete against foreign companies.

it is probable that, at some level, this guy really is a racist ***hole who acted alone. however, given the federal government's tendency to lie, cheat, and steal, all of us need to remain skeptical. remember when the feds assured us that the Branch Davidians had illegally full-auto rifles (none found) and that child abuse was going on (none found).
I agree with Ed about the JPFO. Even Doctor Laura Schlessinger has recently come out on the air with her NEW pro-gun stance. You can hear the radio show where she announces her change at...

Click on the Aug. 11th link and
set your Real Player to approximately 2hrs,43mins to hear it. It's at the very end of the show.

I am glad to have Dr. laura moving to our side. A lot of women listen to and respect her opinion.

As far as this Bufford Furrow business, I don't know what to think of it. I always thought that most of the alphabet soup agencies leaned towards the conservative side. So, they probably hate Bill Clinton and aren't all that willing to disarm the people.

Where any NSC or NSA connection may come into play is...

After the judge determined BF unfit to own firearms because of his mental state, and even had BF sign a paper to that effect, the local police may not have disarmed him due to his undercover activities at the request of some Federal agency. If this were the case, the anti-gunners wouldn't have a leg to stand on and they couldn't use this tragedy against us.

As usual, I may not be making myself very clear. I don't have the writing skills that I would like to. I hope you can see where I am coming from.


[This message has been edited by nralife (edited August 15, 1999).]
No matter how you wish to look at it, conspiracy or otherwise...the bottomline is that the control-freaks blew it.

1) They wish to make laws, ban guns, etc...those that would enforce these are the same ones that should have kept Buford under watch. It makes no difference if Buford is a stone-killer hate monger or a certifiable looney-tune. He was know, his pre-dispositions were known, his potential future actions were known. So, we are supposed to trust these people?
2) Prohibition never works....alcohol, drugs, etc
3) Buford didn't need guns....he could have killed a lot of folks with a small home-made bomb, rolled it right into that lobby of the center...materials available that no degree of banning would keep under control and prevented...then killed the postman with a knife or a pencil.

We must keep bringing this up and "they" can't use this one against us...."they" failed and its their responsibility along with Buford

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Well, I'm with Rich - I suppose I need someone to connect the dots for me. ;)

However, I will say that the uncanny timing of many of these incidents, as well as the most incredibly distorted journalism I've ever seen are combining to make me more than a little suspicious about all of these incidents. The 'news' has gotten so bad (from a standpoint of neutrality / fact), and the editorial opinions are so intertwined with the 'news' that most of it seems more suited for propaganda from a communist or fascist dictator.

It would be very helpful, especially for the people on this forum, if we can gather actual 'facts' to the extent available on many of these shootings. For example, I too find it very odd this guy left so much ammo in a van. I noted some of the boxes were marked '7.62', but I didn't look them over closely. The 'Uzi' was apparently BS from the start. I've heard they found 9mm shell casings all over the place. While I know that the AR-15 can be assembled as a 9mm firearm, I gather that is unusual. Anyone heard if this was a 9mm AR-15.

I'll agree there are lots of goofy questions surrounding this incident. Insanity could explain many of them. But, there are other questions that would remain even if we do assume the guy was a total wacko.

There have certainly been incidents in history that were created in order to further political agendas. The Reichstag (spelling?) fire comes to mind. But that was done by a fascist. We don't have any fascists in government here, do we? ;)