Buffalo Bore Ammo

They appear to be water stained and have a touch of finger printing too. They appear to be reloads...is that right ?

Not normal, but acceptable ?
I actually ordered them through Academy Sports, now that I think about it. But there was nothing on the website's listing that said they were reloads. No "REMAN" label or anything to suggest it. But they could have been listed wrong.
All the BB stuff I've bought never looked like that--and it's a premium priced ammo. On the other hand--I seriously doubt that it is anything more than cosmetic stains to the case--but hard to tell from the photos.

Might be cause for real concern if you can ascertain the exposure to humidity/corrosion was afterthe cartridge manufacture would be my guess. I use Atomic ammo occassionally in my guns and it is some of the worst-looking stuff I've ever seen--but it sure as heck shoots great!
I bought a few boxes of the standard pressure 45LC a few years ago.
About half of them were over the max length, too long to let the cylinder rotate. While they all looked new ,I had to seat them a touch deeper. That was my experience.
Once shipped, the maker has no control over the ammo. So any blemishes that happen from poor storage or shipping cannot be blamed on the maker.

It is unlikely there is anything functionally wrong with the ammo due to the spots, but its premium ammo, sold (I assume) for a premium price, and if it looks like crap, you aren't getting what you paid for.

I would suggest contacting both the maker and the distributor and letting them see what you received. The maker will, most likely, (and quite rightly) say it didn't look like that when they shipped it.

The distributor MAY blame it on someone else, or try to, but they should admit what they sold was finish damaged, and perhaps give you a partial refund or future credit because of that.

They may tell you "its just cosmetic, nothing to worry about..etc.," but if you are paying for top end, you should get top end, not blemished.

I would hold off shooting any of it, until after I heard from the maker and the seller, incase you are asked to send it back for a replacement...

Or, you can just accept it the way it is, and use it...
Good Luck, and let us know what way you decide to go.
Don't worry about it. Buff Bore is some of the best ammo out there and has excellent stopping power compared to the watered down bargain brands of today.
I like Underwood, but Buff Bore has by FAR the hotter, more powerful ammo. Same goes for Double Tap. Tests have shown Buff Bore exceeds all other factory ammo in tactical performance on target.
Buffalo Bore for self-defense ammo? No thank you. I want engineered ammunition, not some off the shelf components assembled by some hand loader.

For .38+p I'll gladly stick with Speer Gold Dot 135 grain. It works exactly as it was designed, has proven street results (NYPD), and I can get it in 50 round boxes for about $0.50 per round. Cheap enough for practice and carry.
Buffalo Bore has been selling ammunition for over 15 years and they sell a TON of products both in major stores like Cabelas and everywhere on line. They sell hundreds of thousands of rounds a year.

To say that they are some "handloader" (like it's one guy in a basement) and using "off the shelf" components is ignorant. They use VERY high quality bullets, brass, and canister grade powders. Just because they outsource components means absolutely NOTHING in terms of overall quality.

Look, I know the OP is having some issues with tarnished brass. But I have never had an issue with their products and all the rounds I've bought from them have been both excellent in terms of appearance and performance. You simply won't find more effective or powerful ammo without handloading it yourself, which many, in fact most, shooters do not do. They offer loads perfect for hunting and dangerous game protection, with also a very excellent line of self defense ammo. Also their customer service is far more helpful than the mega brands. I've had the owner of Buffalo Bore, Tim Sundles, personally answer my emails within hours if not minutes of messaging them asking about a product, and the responses are always courteous and full of information.

They are the real deal, and they make FAR better ammunition than the watered down lawyer neutered junk you'll find at Wal-Mart.
Buffalo Bore is not engineered ammunition. It is assembled ammunition. Huge difference. Night and day.

Engineered ammunition is developed, tested and refined through multiple iterations.

Buffalo Bore takes off-the-shelf components, loads them to maximum pressures, markets and sells them at premium prices to people who don't know anything about terminal ballistics.


How many local, state, federal agencies use Buffalo Bore ammo in their duty guns? Probably none. None that I know of anyway.

Watered down factory ammunition. Hilarious.
Do you happen to think that LAWYERS don't factor into that decision?

You are being ignorant. Everything you say from here on out, I will pay no attention to. You obviously don't know much about the subject at hand.
Lawyers, no. Engineers, yes.

100% of the many improvements in self-defense ammunition performance over the last 20 years has come from engineering. Companies like Doubletap, Buffalo Bore, Underwood, et al, have had not a single thing to do with it.

I'm not selling anything. Buy whatever makes you happy. The good news is you almost certainly will never have to find out if your self-defense ammo actually works, unless you're incredibly unlucky or incredibly stupid like that half-cocked Zimmerman character.