Bubbas VS Purists.

Great Thread!

So, is my 1951 Model 70 .30-06 Bubba-ed?

It was my Grand-daddy's rifle. He gave it to me in 1980, right before he passed away.

I have killed lots and lots of game with it.

But, I broke the original stock a few years back in a horse wreck.

I couldn't find an original replacement, so I modified a new Win 70 stock. The old gun is back in the field killing game!

Is it Bubba-ed? Most would probably say yes, but I say NO WAY!

I did find a replacement original, but it had been opened in the fore end, so that stock had been Bubba-ed also!

To each their own. I just like the fact I can still hunt with Grand-daddy's rifle!

Edit to add: The minute that old original stock snapped, the gun lost all of it's collectors value, but It didn't really have any monetary value anyway, as I would have never sold it to anyone. Once it had it's new stock and could again be taken afield, it gained all it's value back - to me! Thanks gramps!
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>am I the only one that finds such a hard stance on modifying C&Rs
>just a little absurd?

"Haters gotta hate." I have a couple of sporters - an SMLE and a Canadian Ross straight-pull - that I built from naked receivers, sourcing every other part from online sources, and making some of the rest myself. At the very least, they would never be more than Franken-rifles to a collector even if they had been built back into something like their original condition.

I just view the "Bubba" comments as a sign of mental retardation and ignore the people who make them.
am I the only one that finds such a hard stance on modifying C&Rs
>just a little absurd?

Yes, and no.

I am firmly against "bubba" (meaning shoddy workmanship), and I am firmly against permanent alterations to any rare, collectible firearm, for good and sound reasons.

However, what I am seeing these days is a very broad disgust (particularly among younger folks) for any kind of alteration done to any of the older guns (milsurps, primarily).

We have a new generation of shooters and collectors, many of whom found an interest in guns, and milsurps/C&R guns through the cheap ex-Soviet surplus Moisin Nagants and others.

A lot of us got into guns that way, through cheap surplus guns. Trouble is, when it comes to that, we are currently living in the last days. There's won't be any more.

Beginner gets passionate, learns about the history, other rifles, etc, wants them too. Goes to shops & shows (and online now days) and when he finds a GI issue condition Springfield (for instance) gets a huge sticker shock.

"My Moisin only cost $79 ($129, whatever), this Springfield is $800! WHY?"

"those guns in that condition are real rare these days, son. Used to be a lot of them, but Bubba got 'em all."

And somewhere, below the level of conscious thought (hopefully) he gets mad. HE can't get what he (now) wants, at a decent price, because "Bubba" hacked them all up. The fact that this happened decades ago matters little.

This anger get transferred to anyone who even owns one of the now "defiled" icons of his desire, becomes part of the "Bubba" group in his eyes.

Sure, that's an extreme description, but it is happening to one degree, or another.

Nobody (virtually) not even slope browed, knuckle dragging, beer swilling Bubba, ever chopped wood, drilled&tapped, bent bolt handles, replaced triggers, etc, or otherwise sporterized any expensive rare collectible guns.

They did it to guns that were common, and cheap. I've done it. And I do not apologize. Hate me if you like, won't change what I've done, or how I feel about it. Really. The most your hate will do to me is give me a flash of pity for your ignorance.

When I could spend some time, a bit of labor (and its a labor of love) and say $140, build or have built a rifle for me, as good, and in some ways better than a new Remchester that sold for $200.

May sound piddly today, but when your take home pay is $50 a week, gas is $0.37/gallon, a new stationwagon costs $2800, that $60 saving is a substantial amount. Plus, you got a custom rifle!

The real shame is that some absolutely beautiful examples of the art go for very little today, and that beat up milsurp (because its still original) is worth so much to so many.

Understand, I like the GI issue milsurps too. I have Moisins, SMLEs, Mausers, Arisakas, and US rifles in original condition. Also have some very nice sporters built off some of those actions. I think there's still room for both.
Im am on both sides here i have a sks with a modern stock and am about to get a 91/30 i plan to change the stock on neither are permanat changes but both are still changes none the less..i see nothing wrong with this these are guns that have had millions produced and distributed. And if your modification is in your mind bettering or making the gun more what you want or need so be it..now on the other hand if i got my hands on a rare 1903 or a mint condition garand no way would i change it these guns are starting to become harder to find and those should be kept original...with the mosins i say with the price tag why not buy 2 keep one stock for historical value and modify the 2nd to be what you want (for me a fun cheap range gun)
I've been thinking about this thread for a while now.

Am I a Bubba?

I want to teach myself some gunsmithing, what am I going to use as the platform for my self education?

I think I will go down to the local pawn dude, he just received a shipment of old Mosin rifles. He's selling them really cheap!

I now have something ( the Mosin) that didn't cost me a whole lot and I can tear it apart, rebuild it! If I hack it up, I'm not out a whole pot full of money!

Am I a Bubba?

I might be, but that old cheap Russian military rifle taught me a bunch and didn't cost me a ton of cash!
I've been thinking about this thread for a while now.

Am I a Bubba?

I want to teach myself some gunsmithing, what am I going to use as the platform for my self education?

I think I will go down to the local pawn dude, he just received a shipment of old Mosin rifles. He's selling them really cheap!

I now have something ( the Mosin) that didn't cost me a whole lot and I can tear it apart, rebuild it! If I hack it up, I'm not out a whole pot full of money!

Am I a Bubba?

I might be, but that old cheap Russian military rifle taught me a bunch and didn't cost me a ton of cash!

That is a perfect example of using this hobby the right way. Some guys like to tinker. It can be fun to customize and play around with ideas. Cheap military surplus makes perfect sense. GUNS SHOULD BE FUN.

I understand historical significance and I respect people that don't want to modify, but they should respect someone who is enjoying the hobby. I get board just looking at my guns. Sometimes shooting them isn't enough. I like to tinker. So call me bad names if you like, but I am doing what I am supposed to do. ENJOY THIS HOBBY. If I want something old just because it is old, there are plenty of other things to collect