Broke my trigger finger yesterday....

I've been training left handed and let me tell you..It's as bipolar as my ex girlfriend.


I'm gonna use that one. Hope you are feeling better. Remember P/T stands for pain and torture. All the upcoming hard work will be worth it.
Did an orthopedic surgeon who does hands look at you, or just the ER staff?

When you go to therapy, (GO TO THERAPY!) make sure you see a Certified Hand Therapist (CHT). Don't wait to get a referral after a month from now. GO NOW.

Either a physical therapist (PT) or an occupational therapist (OT) can be a CHT. Most of the hand therapy performed in this country is actually done by OTs rather than PTs. DO NOT allow your physician to send you to a PT unless that therapist is designated as a CHT! If you can't find a CHT in your area, see an plain-jane OT. OTs are better at hand therapy than a PT who may lack specific hand training. About 85% of teh CHTs in this country are OTs.

You need a better splint on your finger than that aluminum and foam thing. That was probably what they stuck on you in the emergency room, yes? There is a lot going on with soft tissue in the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint. It is a very complicated joint. You are not going to be 100% in a month. That middle finger bone (second phalanx) may take up to 12 weeks to heal.

To find a CHT in your area, got to (the Hand Therapy Certification Commission) and do a search for one in your area.


I broke my middle & third fingers Dec 2010, was expected to get back around 70-80% mobility due to the breaks...
they sent me to a local CHT...he figured 80-90% flexibility back...I said, "Screw That...I want it ALL whatever it takes."

We did, and got 100% flexibility back...I also continued to do the PT on my own at home after the visits were done.
They'll ache just before a rain...but that's the extent of the problems nowadays.

Prior to the accident, I had better than average flexibility/movement as I did magic when I was a kid and did all the Houdini/Blackwell exercises
to get really flexible...also trained to be a stage dip (on-stage pocketpicker)...came in real handy for other things as well ;)
Grab a magic tricks book and do the hand/wrist exercises after you complete PT, they'll work Wonders!!

Yes, therapy is gonna hurt...but it all depends on how determined you are in making a full recovery...
and you will make a full recovery!
Hope you have a quick recovery, but you should be able to drive. I drove a manual transmission Semi 15 miles thru a Miami suburb and then on the Interstate while holding a hard hat full of pee AND I didnt spill a drop.