Brits on Vegas shooting.

I've often wondered how I'd be perceived if I strutted around London wearing an NRA cap and a T-Shirt that said "PROTECTED BY SMITH AND WESSON (post Tomkins, PLC)" handing out pro-gun literature and NRA patches to folks on the street.
I would say most people wouldent care if you did it standing on your head. Others wouldent know what the NRA was, and think that Smith and Wesson were a country and western group. As for the pro gun literature they would do what most do with literature handed to them on the street, throw it in the bin.
If it made it to the bin.

Longdon's injury would not likely to have been prevented with more gun control. Her assailant was likely a criminal with an illegally obtained weapon in the first place and no law short of banning the invention of gun powder would have stopped it.

Of course we can not prove anything since he got away with the crime.

I strongly believe that no amount of gun control will ever stop criminals and those bent on destruction and killing from getting what they need.

Besides the entire world misses the intent and point of the 2A. I need what ever type weapon that is available to protect myself from my government. I don't trust them in any country. Government people have power and power corrupts and then is abused!

I do not advocate anarchy, but I would like to see a return to our democratic republic's roots!

So, as for Brits take on Vegas.... They need to worry more about themselves and less about us. We need to be our own people and not try to follow the mistakes of the Brits.

No offence is intended, I feel we should all respect each other and mind our own business and take care of our own first.

Look up what ever statistics you want and form whatever source they were collected, and you will find that America has a higher murder rate than the UK. I will be happy to look at statistics that say different if you post them. What people take from that is up to them.

Now you are being deliberately obtuse.

There is no basis of comparison for homicide stats between the UK and the US.

Considering the UK has three times the rate of per capita assaults as the US, claims that homicides rates are substantially lower are farcical.

If you can identify any UK homicide statistics that haven't been 'adjusted' by the home office then we will have a basis of comparison.

I cannot find them.
Considering the UK has three times the rate of per capita assaults as the US, claims that homicides rates are substantially lower are farcical.

If you can identify any UK homicide statistics that haven't been 'adjusted' by the home office then we will have a basis of comparison.

I cannot find them.
There is a difference between assault and murder. Just because the assault rate is higher in a country doesn't automatically mean the murder rate is also higher. You seem to be happy to use UK stats on assault to suit your view but question stats that don't. Could they not be adjusted as well. The sources are not just UK Government home office sources.

Source: UNODC Homicide Statistics 2012 | United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Download Download Explore Explore Select columns Select columns Select sort order Select sort orderIntentional homicide, number and rate per 100,000 population

UNODC Homicide Statistics provide users with a reference for the largest number of countries and the longest time series on homicide data possible. A variety of national and international sources on homicide have been considered to compile UNODC Homicide Statistics and, in order to present accurate and comparable statistics, data have been selected which conform as much as possible to the definition of intentional homicide used by UNODC for statistical purpose: ‘‘unlawful death purposefully inflicted on a person by another person
Source type: •CJ: Criminal Justice
•PH: Public Health
Data sources: •CTS: United Nations Surveys on Crime Trends and the Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (CTS)
•Eurostat: The statistical office of the European Union. Offences recorded by the police.
•GBI: Global Burden of Injuries, Injury Mortality Data Collection
•Interpol: International Criminal Justice organization
•NGO: Non-governmental organization
•NSO: National Statistical Office
•OAS: Organization of American States - Observatory on Citizen Security. Number of offences of intentional homicide recorded by the police.
•OCAVI: Observatorio Centroamericano sobre Violencia - The Central American Observatory on Violence. Sourced from national police data.
•PAHO: Pan American Health Organization's Core Health Data System
•SES: Regional System of Standardized Citizen Security and Coexistence Indicators
•Transmonee: UNICEF TransMONEE Database. Innocenti Research Centre, Florence
•UN-OCHA: UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Integrated Regional Information Network
•UN-PKO: UN Peacekeeping Operations
•WHO: World Health Organization Global Burden of Disease Mortality Estimates

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2000 count. 1002 rate 1.7 Eurostat

United States of America 2009 count. 13636 rate.4.4 National police

Check whatever sources you want, non governmental whatever you will get similar results.
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Of course, because the UK only counts convictions.
Possibly the home office, but as I say different organizations that compile statistics use lots of sources but get similar results. Feel free to check whatever sources you want you will get similar results. What people read into that regards gun control is another matter. Figures from the police for example and other sources can be obtained under the UK'S freedom of information act, they don't have to accept government figures.