Brits bask in safety after gun ban


New member
From the now serene isle of Great Britain comes news of the ideallic life free from fear and violence all due to banning hanguns.

Er, well that's what was supposed to happen ... wasn't it?


A SPATE of murders on crowded London streets has provoked fears of a
summer war between rival drug gangs.

The latest victim - 20-year-old Dean Roberts - was murdered by two men
with handguns in a busy suburban road. They did not try to disguise their

Witnesses were, as usual, too frightened to say anything to police, who
increased armed patrols last night amid fears of revenge attacks.

Eight people have been killed in as many weeks - all victims of what
detectives described as "gangland-style executions".

Appeals for calm by Scotland Yard brought scorn last night from many
community leaders, who fear that innocent bystanders may be caught in the
worsening feuds.One leader in South London said: "You don't have as many
shootings as this without people getting scared. Most incidents go
unreported unless there is a corpse, but the level of violence has never
been worse.

"We need to know how it is that with ever more stringent gun laws,
these gangs can get hold of weapons so easily."

Chief Superintendent Paul Green said: "London is a safe city and people do
not need to fear leaving their homes."

After a gunfight at the weekend outside a pub in Hoxton, East London,
police found nine cars with bullet holes. There were bloodstains in many
of them, but they had been abandoned by the time armed officers arrived.

Two of the victims were later traced to a hospital near by. They had
driven themselves to the accident and emergency department but refused to
say how they had been wounded.Police could find no witnesses to what one
officer said "must have been a massive and very noisy gun battle".

The murder of Mr Roberts in Harlesden was the fourth killing in that
area of northwest London in recent weeks. It came after a weekend of
violence and less than three weeks after Scotland Yard created a new
task force to tackle violent Jamaican "Yardie" drug gangs.

The reason for the killings was drugs, but not all the victims were
drug dealers, detectives said. There are thought to be a number of
rival gangs involved in the feuds on both sides of the Thames. One
senior officer said: "With every victim and every incident, you get the
seeds of revenge. There are so many guns in the hands of these people that
the opportunity for them to cause more violence is immense."

Security sources say there are more guns than ever in the hands of
low-level drug dealers who have little fear of using them. Among the
most recent attacks was that of a 23-year-old man shot in the head as he
sat at the wheel of his car, chatting to another motorist, in Clapham,
South London. Two masked men walked up to him and fired at least ten
times. They calmly walked away as women ran from their homes to help.
Police refuse to name the victim, who is under guard in hospital.

It is thought that among other drug war victims was a mother, Laverne
Forbes, who was murdered last month with her partner, Patrick Smith, in
front of her seven-year-old daughter.

Police believe that the 28-year-old was shot simply because she had
seen a drug gang at work in Tottenham, North London.

A Yard spokesman said: "With so many incidents, detectives are trying to
establish any links between them and also incidents in recent weeks
outside London."

Police have linked two murders in South London last month. In the
first, Alexander Junior Ero, 30, was found dying on the stairs of a
tower block. He had been stabbed in the abdomen. Four days later police
found the body of Andrew Burke, 27, in the boot of a car that had been set
alight in Lewisham, southeast London.

There is evidence that many shootings go unreported. Police were
recently called to a South London club that had been peppered with
gunshots. There were bloodstains on the walls and floor and yet all of
those crowded inside insisted that nothing had happened.

The Yardie gangs often use restaurants, clubs and taxi firms as a front
for their drug dealing empires. Their armouries consist of automatic
weapons, including Uzi and Mach 10 sub-machineguns as well as pistols.

A favoured weapon of late is the 9mm machine pistol known as the "spray
and pray", which can "squirt" 20 rounds a second.

Official figures disclose the escalating violence of the drug gangs. Of
the 160 murders in London in 1997, 41 of the victims were black and 18
were shot. All those shootings were thought to have been by Yardie gangs.
In the two years from 1996 to 1998, guns were fired 291 times in London.

A senior officer involved in the investigations said that witnesses
were always hard to find.

"The problem is that even the victims of shootings don't want to say
anything. Often they try to sort out their own medical treatment rather
than go to hospitals, and are intent on seeking their own revenge," he

"These are people who also routinely carry firearms and seem to have
little regard for how and when they use them. Once we get into this
seeming spiral of attacks, then the potential is there for revenge

"The added problem is that few want to tell us what happened for fear that
they will be the next victim."

When Mark Burnett, a drug dealer, was shot dead in a nightclub for
accidentally standing on a Yardie's foot, about 2,000 people were
present. Hundreds gave police false names and addresses; 350 said that
they were in the lavatory when the shooting happened, and not one witness

The Times 7.7.99

[This message has been edited by rod (edited July 09, 1999).]
I'm not surprised. Too bad, mostly innocents will pay the price for not being able to defend themselves; "an armed society is a polite society." To me, I would like to see their governmental officials face these young armed punks. Gee, I guess they didn't obey the gun control law banning their possession did they? Perhaps, if the Brit officials could face off with these punks, they could wring their hands, roll their eyes, and blather on about the "evils of gun ownership." Thanks for the information. Best to all.
How far down the road to slavery the Brits have traveled. We in America were blessed with the great Founders:nearly all of whom were of English decent. Think of it. THe Founding Fathers were lovers of freedom and many of their views came from English common law. Yet England today is one big controlled society and through the NWO i s trying to spread this evil everywhere.
But arent the Brits supposed to so much more civilized than us Americans? Gee, I wish I lived in a counrty in which I had to fear being nail bombed at a cafe or not being allowed to defend myself, oh and lets not forget living under a monarch. Thanks for the informative post Rod.

[This message has been edited by BigPig (edited July 09, 1999).]
Once again the mother country has demonstrated its moral superiority to its colonies (which, in their opinion, includes us). Thankfully, we are still struggling with our propensity for savagry and resultingly, have not yet relinquished our arms.

Not all English agree with their laws. I know a couple of MP5 toting bobbies who would gladly shoot someone.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Another score in the global drug war! Gee ... I wonder if the gangs use violence because the product is illegal? Nah! ;) If drug laws don't work, well then, we need more of 'em. More seizures. More gun laws. More prison time. More searches. Less freedom ...

Yes, we must watch our brother Brits. For the British, ... they're civilized!
Is this the state of their police investigation skills...

Scratch, scratch, scratch... gee I wonder how these drug dealers are getting their firearms??

Uhhh... aren't the smuggling drugs into the island nation???

Why yes, old man, but I don't see the connection.

(No offense to any of our British freinds but the thought of this really got me chuckling...)


If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."

[This message has been edited by KAM_Indianapolis (edited July 10, 1999).]
The situation is delicious...

What a better example to HCI that there agenda would bring terror to our streets?

This report should find its way in every local paper in the US, letters to the editor, copies sent to all officials.
And to every Gun Control Nut on the planet.

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...



I don't have a link to the story. I got it off of Steve Kendrick's list server "Cybershooters". He may have a link for you.
BTW this list has lots of good stuff and from around the world primarily US and Britian.

-------[Cybershooters contacts]--------


Fieldsports editor & subscriptions:



[This message has been edited by rod (edited July 10, 1999).]
Here's the link to the above article. There's another item that links to this reporting that as people turned in their handguns, they went out and bought more rifles and shotguns, so the overall amount of permits did not fall that much. -- above story -- shotgun story

BTW, I posted this addy some weeks ago -- it's a site containing all major U.S. and foreign newspapers -- a goldmine of info.
I didn't realize both addys were the same. You should scroll down to "Shotgun Owners
Beat Handgun Ban" and follow the links.
"When all else fails, read directions".
Just read the article. I only have one question...What's a "Mach 10" 9mm submachine gun? ;)

These guys are using smg's in bars???? Man, that is bold! Of course, now that pistols are illegal, why not go for the subguns? If I knew had no defense when they came after me, I wouldn't have seen a thing, either. Scary.
So the police are saying that London is a safe city? I don't think so--not since my brother was attacked and robbed on the London Underground.
Dave, the Mach 10 9mm is the new ultrasonic subgun capable of spewing out hot jets of vaporized lead. In doing so, the shooter would coat the target much like the way Hans Solo was seal with corbonite in SW/ESB. Instead, however, the target would experience extremely high temperatures the main cause of painful injury and death with this type of weapon. How the 'Yardies' got hold of this new technology is another topic for discussion. °_°

- Ron V.

Everyone knows the Yardies acquired this technology during filming of Lucas' earlier Star Wars epics. These dangerous weapons were spirited off the set by 'droids on lunch breaks. ;)
Then it's true! Hollywood is responsible for violent crimes!

And the Brits are more civilized. Didn't you read the article?

It's those Jamaicans that are doing all the shooting.

Danger Dave's point is interesting. If the people were armed and able to protect themselves, even if they were unable to prevent the crime they witnessed, they might be willing to at least give statements to the police. I hadn't considered that kind of fall-out from gun control measures before. Hmmm...

Any reports of this kind of thing in Australia? Bruce? HS?


[This message has been edited by boing (edited July 13, 1999).]
The Jamaicans are doing the shooting because they're the only ones with guns! Even the bobbies are unarmed (as far as firearms go). How are they going to protect their witnesses? Either way, it seems they won't have any witnesses come court time - the witnesses are just saving the gov't the money they'd spend attempting to protect them...

I just checked my dictionary - civilized means "unarmed and scared of violent criminals" ;) Give me good old fashioned barbarism any day - at least the playing field is level.

Beginner barbarians probably had the idea that every house they broke into would be full of untouched loot and frightened, unarmed victims. It just doesn't work that way, my friend.
England deserves what it gets and i like the fact thay are drowining in a sea of their own blood. Ya wanna ban guns, you get what ever you get.

Enjoy civilisation Brits. I like Barbarism!

I may be an uncouth barbarian but atleast i can save my @$$ !!!!!
As a LE officer I am glad our barbarian
society is well armed. I would hate to face
auto toting hoodlems with a night stick.

Hooray for the NRA!!!!