Britain mulling gun law change

After the "dangerous" weapon act went into effect, I remember one of the state legislators, (I really wish I could remember) was quoted as saying something along the line (in response to hordes of retired people moving to Nevada to get away from the restrictive assault weapon ban) that he was happy that people were moving away with their guns. Someone wrote in a letter to the editor (the L.A. Times, I think) how he'll soon regret those words; how law abiding citizens were taking their money elsewhere, only to be replaced by low income people on the dole.

Paul B. reminded me of another lawmaker making that other ignorant statement about how the Olympic athletes should move out of state to shoot. In fact, unless the Olympic committee is going the way of the U.N., they should see which sports are discriminated, and not allow the Olympics to be held in that country.

Just for the record, and in order to boost my claim of discrimination by governments to the Olympic committee, I have never heard of any member of any shooting team from any country involved in illegal activities with their guns. Anyone else? (Perhaps we could start a petition as interested members for the Olympic commitee...more symbolic than our petition actually reaching anyone). Does anyone personally know any Olympic shooters?
culcune, Paul B.

The idiot who stated that the Olympic shooter should move to Texas was Don Perata the author of the bill that outlawed any pistol with the magazine ahead of the trigger.
If Olympic shooting is her goal, Perata says, she should find a state more
friendly to the sport, much like Olympic skiers go to Utah and Colorado to train. (Yeah, but no one outlawed snow, Donny)
"She may be better off living in Texas," said Perata, who reluctantly indicated that some limited exemptions to the law might be made if there were compelling reasons.

We discussed it HERE and you can read my letter to the Editor HERE
Thank you, Mr. Peel. I keep remembering the jist of old articles I had read, but don't remember the exact quotes, or who said them. Is Perata still in "business" in Cali? I hope not! I have a half interest in that state. I work there during the day for the increased income, but can come back home to Arizona at night to actually enjoy my Constitutionally granted freedoms...
Banning guns is not the answer

Criminals will still get guns most of the time illegaly
thay wont go to gun shops
rob houses
buy on the streets
The UK where they take away your protection then still manage to make life worse by convicting folks for self defense and protect the criminal who committed the crime against them...

Might as well set your good stuff on the curb so they can take it and not bother you.....
Quote from Eghad:
Might as well set your good stuff on the curb so they can take it and not bother you.....

Here's an idea. They can set their cooking out on the curb instead. That canned beef tounge/kidney pie combo should keep anyone at bay! :)