Brit cops to carry guns on patrol


Unwittingly I think you're scoring one for HCI, who would indeed say that American police couldn't safely walk unarmed in many areas of the US, where the British still can. Which is of course, untrue on at least one count.


As you well know, I travel abroad to shoot, but as you equally well know I am almost a lone voice here in the UK in terms of being pro-shooting rights. That's what both you and Tamara seem to forget, you speak as if the millions of oppressed UK citizens sit staring at faded pictures of Lee Enfields with teary eyes, let's get this straight, British people hate guns, handguns in particular, because they are generally regarded as the province of the psycopath and the criminal. No matter how many times the whole "Britain Thing" crops up, this fact never seems to sink in. There must be me and about a thousand others out of a nation of 55 million who love pistol shooting enough to travel overseas to pursue it, paedophiles have a stronger lobby than us, and are regarded by the general populace in much the same light. I am genuinely surprised that HCI holds up the UK as a bat with which to beat you, it would not be my choice of unarmed socialist "paradise", Japan maybe, but not here, a burgeoning underclass and other social problems put paid to that myth. What the police are gauging in Nottingham (noted in the UK for having 4 women to every man and not for Errol Flynn in tights) is the public's reaction to visible firearms and not how the criminals react, and the jury is still out on that one. Rest assured if the Snowdrop Alliance don't kick up a fuss, Manchester and Liverpool will no doubt be next.

If you're happy to believe that these 6 pistoleros of the apocalypse are proof positive that something deep, meaningful and sinister is happeneing in the UK as a result of the gun ban, then hey, who am I to shake your tree. But take it from a resident, the only thing that has changed from the pre to the post ban era is the distance I have to travel to practice.

I continue to embroil myself in these BS arguments in the futile hope of stopping you from attempting to further the pro-gun agenda with such a poor vehicle as the UK. This in just the same way as I tell people here who refer to all gun owning Americans as being "completely f*****g crackers" every time another nut with a gun kills 20 people at a McDonalds, that countless thousands of level headed people own guns in the US and have used them effectively in self defence situations.

Ne'er the twain shall meet methinks, but hey if makes you feel warm and fuzzy, go for it, I have to go iron a shirt for work before the Storm Troopers kick the door in.

Mike H

Mike H

No "deep dark meanings" at all. It's just funny.

And Japan is no paradise either, where suspects are routinely totured (not severely), and have food and water withheld from them until they "confess" (guilty or not).

Yup. Japan. Paradise on Earth.

And "what will the people's reaction to guns" be?


Hee-ee-ee-eeeelllpppp us. Evil guu-uuu-uu-uu-uuuns!
Mike H,

I believe you've spotted me on the wrong bandwagon. :)

I'm no expert on y'alls deluded do-gooders, but ours over here keep insisting that you live in a land where, solely by the virtue of evil guns being Against The Law, is perfectly, utterly, 100% safe. I believe we can both agree that that is delusional thinking of the first order. I merely maintain that, in any nation whose population is composed of H. Sapiens, crime happens. I don't care if my odds of a rape and a mugging when I step out the door are one in ten or one in ten million or if said crime is perpetrated with a rusty butterknife or an AK-47. I reserve the right as an independant moral unit to take precautions, as long as I don't use my precaution to shoot anyone not perpetrating violence against me.

The folks at HCI over here operate under this delusion that the UK has, by the simple banishment of all guns by legal decree, perfected the nerf life: 100% safe. If that is true, as any thinking human knows it isn't, the issue isn't "Why are English police carrying guns?" but rather "Why does England need police?".

"..but never ever Fear. Fear is for the enemy. Fear and Bullets."
10mm: It's not the size of the Dawg in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog!
Mike I don't think that I'm scoring any points for HCI, since our most dangerous cities have the toughest gun laws. I'm just saying that your criminal class must be a bunch of pansies is all. :)
Sounds like England's citizens have undergone generations of psychological conditioning, and that you, Mike H., have somehow escaped the thought police.

Seems to me that our citizenship is sliding down the same slope... "The acorn does not fall far from the tree"?

"When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

www.cphv.COM & www.handguncontrol.NET are being sued by Handgun Control, Inc.!

See the "cease and desist" letter here:
The Sunday Times of London has some sort of shell, and it's not easy to post a url that will take you directly there. Maybe someone who knows more about computers than I do can clarify that.

The shell is at

As I recall, you have to register. Then you click on Sunday times. It's the lead story under the "Britain" subheading for October 22nd. I think the front page is another shell, and my browser doesn't show a separate url for the story I'v posted. That why I posted the whole story - I've had lots of problems trying to give urls for the Times before.

the url for the front page is

But I don't think you can go there directly.
The NERF life?


Tamara, is that your invention or has it been around a while and I just missed it? thats too damned funny (and, alas, too damned true); the perfect summation of what all the left-wingers seem to want: no danger, nothing to ruffle feathers, nothing 'hard' or 'complicated' it for me, make it go away, make it better...yadda yadda yadda.

My vocabulary just got a new phrase. :)


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." -Robert Heinlein
Correia's probably right on this one, an unarmed bobby wouldnt stand a chance in a bad American gang area. If unarmed police manage to stay alive in Englands war zone, how bad can the crime element be?
Guns are here to stay. Even if they could track them all down, the technology to make more already exists. Any half a$$ed machinist can make a full auto Sten or equivalent.
Want to really do something about crime? Put violent criminals in jail and keep them there for the full term of sentence. Make them work for anything more than an austere existence. If they want to earn their freedom give them the opportunity to earn the money to pay back the victims or their families.

[This message has been edited by Dave D (edited October 23, 2000).]