bright sun, brisk dog walk, shorts and t-shirt


New member
so today I take the mutt for a stroll; hes 9 months old and everything is go go go so you can work up a sweat with him.

anyway I wore shorts and a t-shirt today and didn't want to look ridiculous with my G17 OWB, so I went for IWB. I've gained a few pounds over the winter and was not comfortable at all trying to stuff a gun and holster IWB with my overgrown butt in my pants already.

needless to say I went for a smaller gun IWB and a J frame dropped in a pocket. G42 IWB with a Rawdog rig and an AirLight 342PD Ti in an off side front pocket without a holster. Had I planed on spending more time with the J frame it would be in a holster to save the pocket lining, but for a walk it was ok this time.


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Meh--- shorts ----it was all of 13 degrees here where I live.
I was so bundled up it was impossible to detect the M1 Abrams I had concealed under my parka.... :eek: :D :D

I do know your pain though of the Winter weight gain.
I put back on about 6 of the 110 pounds I lost over the last couple years.

My .45 acp Shield & the IWB holster don't work at present.
5 days outta 6 or so-snow..Yuck.

BUT, I often put my G42, with 'ClipDraw' clip either in my pocket or in my bicycle jersey pocket..when it's fine....
As you can see, this KelTec PF9 in 9mm has been carried for many a day and just about everywhere. I can drop it into any pocket of any pants, shorts or anything else I am wearing.
When I walk my dog; it is a brisk walk of 1.5 miles in under 30 minutes. I wear those loose nylon/basketball type shorts so no gun, not even the LCP will work without possibly making those shorts droop or fall; besides, she doesn't like strange folks.
When I walk my dog; it is a brisk walk of 1.5 miles in under 30 minutes. I wear those loose nylon/basketball type shorts so no gun, not even the LCP will work without possibly making those shorts droop or fall; besides, she doesn't like strange folks.

Suggestion: Belly band holster. No weight on outer clothes. Many have pouches for extra mag or other necessities.
No dog, but I wore shorts on my morning walk today too. Had my Para elite commander in a Galco classic light shoulder holster under a sweatshirt. I normally carry it OWB under a loose shirt, but wanted to spend some more time getting used to the shoulder rig.
Ballard - appreciate the suggestion, but my small town, coupled with my dog, is a safe walk from my house to the park and back. I prefer small towns, they just seem to be safer from random acts of violence; here everyone waves to one another; folks swing wide with their cars as I walk her by the curb; you get the idea. Not saying there is no crime, but very little violent, then it is in one certain ethnic neighborhood and if it happens, it tends to be late on a Friday or Saturday after the adult concoctions have been consumed.
Two guns for a dog walk? You must live in a bad part of Alabama. And a Para Commander in Florida?

As always, your choice, but whoo, that's a lot more than I want or do carry. Here in MN, I could hide nearly anything under my coat, but I try to be aware enough of my surroundings to avoid trouble. Keeping out of the three stupids has served me well, so far.
I have done similarly with my LC9s. Pocket is a quick and easy way to carry. Lately I have been favoring larger options.

With that said.... why 2 guns to walk your dogs? seems like a bit much...
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small town and dog walking and carry guns . . .

I have to echo what FITASC said. I rarely carry around my small rural town.

If I bike ride out into the country or take a walk out at the country park I'll carry. Out side of town is where the meth houses are.

I have a kel tec p3at in a pocket holster and can carry it wearing just about anything.

Trips to the store or walking the dog or church or out to eat (in town) and I pretty much am unarmed.

Life is good.
Prof Young
This time of year in Wisconsin, dog walks generally consist of wearing a winter coat. Biggest threat where I'm at is another dog. My 637 tucked into my coat pocket is all I need.
Wow, to walk this time of the year in shorts and a t-shirt. However, where I live if it is hot and I'm usually in jeans a and a light shirt in the summer, I will just carry open. No one cares, and if I see someone walking their dog(s) or just by themself they will be armed the same, and if Sheriff drives by, they honk and wave (sometimes stop and ask if I have any coffee on back at the house:D )

But I also have to ask, as was asked already by tdrizzle, why two guns on a dog walk in AL?

I don't even carry two guns where I walk even though this time of the year, with a heavy winter coat I could conceal an AR. And not unusual to run across a print like this, approx 4" wide. And large cats are not unusual where I live.

And six days out of the week, I walk a minimum of four miles, at 4AM, with two Alaskan Malamutes (120 female/143 male) and they make great early warning devices for any possible four legged problems. And my experience with large cats is three rounds in the ground they are on their way to the next county (or in my case WY is the next county:D).

But if I felt I was in danger from two-legged predators, I guess it would still be one gun, but two extra mags.

And if I didn't want to, or couldn't carry open, I guess a small 9mm and a good pocket holster would suffice.

Yea shorts....
My driveway last week....
"Keeping out of the three stupids has served me well, so far."

I am curious to understand what that means.

My dogs are large enough that I don't really feel that I need to CC if I am walking one or both of them (though I do anyway).
Despite that the thread is over a year old, ...

I walk my GSD and Bullmastiff about 2 miles everyday.
What I carry on those walks is the same as I carry on a bicycle ride, trip to the store, anywhere, everywhere.
Caveat: I live in a exceptionally "good area" in FL, so its always shorts weather.
Glock 23 (or 32) + one spare mag or a 1911 + two spare mags.

Nowhere I'd rather defend myself with a 380/38 snub than a Glock 23 or 1911 and I carry accordingly.
For the rare times it may be hot enough, have an agreement with the FAA never to wear shorts. This is a safety factor to insure pilots are not blinded by the sun's reflection. For winter early morning dog walks in heavy clothing, am making sure there is appropriate pistol in pants pocket or jacket pocket. And that's only when it's warm enough to go for a walk.
As it’s still hunting season but past pheasant season I now take a .22 rifle (10/22 or cz bolt action depending on weather) as the 12 ga. Can get heavy and I don’t really want to confuse the Labrador by shooting a suicidal squirrel or rabbit. He’s a bird dog.

As such, he loves to hear gunfire, there is no target shooting around him; when he hears the gun it means “go find your bird!” time. He would rather get his bird than ANyTHING.

Sometimes I’ll toss a .38 LCRX 3” in my jacket pocket for stray dogs, coyotes and crippled wildlife, sometimes not.

In the city, I’m not going to shoot any coyotes, keep out of trouble and have a big dog. That’s plenty for me no matter what.
We live in an urban area. Not too much crime, but a lot of transients. A couple years ago, my now wife and I left the house on an errand. We came back to find the handle on our security door was jimmied. This was while a large GSD and a very noisy protective Lab ere still in the house. Desperate times apparently....
I go to the driveway armed. I take out the trash armed.
We went to look at a home 3 hours north of us. Between 3 of us and the real estate agent, we had 7 guns plus several extra magazines. Good thing too, because the property gate was unlocked when we got there. Nothing was awry thank God! Ya just never know.
Lots of wildlife and hunting opportunities, beautiful vistas, and STARS at night!
A year after this post was started.
15 Feb 2021 started out here at -3 and is supposed to heat up to +3 in the afternoon. My dogs are only going out to water the flowers that are covered by 6 inches of snow, and still snowing. I will be glad to wear shorts again. Wearing long handles and a long sleeve flannel shirt in the house is not my idea of a good time. This is supposed to be the coldest weather here in 33 years. When I get back out of the house again I will be carrying my Glock G38.3.

Bob R
A year after this post was started.
15 Feb 2021 started out here at -3 and is supposed to heat up to +3 in the afternoon. My dogs are only going out to water the flowers that are covered by 6 inches of snow, and still snowing. I will be glad to wear shorts again. Wearing long handles and a long sleeve flannel shirt in the house is not my idea of a good time. This is supposed to be the coldest weather here in 33 years. When I get back out of the house again I will be carrying my Glock G38.3.

Bob R
Yeah, it was -22 yesterday here, not counting wind. Dogs didn't do much walking and I didn't leave the house without my parka.

That said, I always IWB, warm or cold so it doesn't much matter. If I'm wearing flannel I'll put the extended mag in the gun instead of the flush fitting 15 round mag.