Breaking-In a New Holster

Depends on the holster. I don't don't do anything to to break them in other than wearing them in if the are for CCW.

Duty holsters such as the Safariland SS III that I use gets hosed down frequently with spray silicon and the gun inserted while it's still wet until it breaks in enough to secure the retention snaps without too much effort.
Madhatter leather specializes in NAA products.Uses top grade very heavy leather and the holster he made for my Earl fit like a glove but was too stiff to draw quickly. One light treatment of neetsfoot oil loosened it up just enough ...All his holsters are hand stitched and are truly works of art.

Might I suggest asking this question of the holster maker? Use of non-approved substances may void any warranty the holster might have as well as leave you with a damaged/useless holster.
I just put a plastic bag over the pistol and then put it into the holster. I will leave it like that for a few days. After that it seems to work quite well. I have done this for IWB and OWB holsters. It is easy to do and cost you nothing to try. It also won't hurt the pistol nor the holster.
A few months ago I began using a model ISB inside the waistband holster from 5 Shot leather to carry a 5" 1911. This is a great hoslter and I cannot say enough good about it. John Ralston is a talented leathersmith who learned alot from Lou Alessi.

A very tight molded fit, so tight in fact that it was difficult to remove the pistol from the holster while being worn. Two applications of Leather Lightening from Mitch Rosen, another superb holster maker, and the pistol draws as smooth as can be, but stays in place when I want it to.
I just put a plastic bag over the pistol and then put it into the holster. I will leave it like that for a few days. After that it seems to work quite well. I have done this for IWB and OWB holsters. It is easy to do and cost you nothing to try. It also won't hurt the pistol nor the holster.

This is what Milt Sparks recommends