Breaking: Clinton to sign EO on Gun Control

Honorable Joel Hefley
2230 Rayburn
Washington, D.C. 20515

16 December 1999

Mr. Hefley:

President Clinton is once again attempting to subvert the legislative process by threatening to sign an Executive Order mandating gun control. Never mind separation of powers or any of that Constitutional blather; His Billness is bound and determined to force his will on us. Quote: "We're not going to rely on Congress. We're going to find other avenues," White House spokesman Joe Lockhart said. "It's our overall sense that [gun control] is something the American public is demanding."

We cannot allow this to happen. If this EO is issued and left unchallenged, it has the potential to start a shooting war against a government in rebellion against the people. Understand that I’m not advocating or threatening such action, but we gun owners have been pushed to the wall. How much more can we take before we push back?

As you know, Congress has 30 days after the issuance of an EO to accept or reject it. I implore you, Mr. Hefley, in the name of the United States, in the name of the Constitution, and in the name of Freedom, don’t allow this would-be dictator to foist his ill will on us. If this EO is issued, reject it and call Mr. Clinton on the carpet for his attempted end-run around the law.


"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Here Klinton et al go again redifining common terms. What the hell do they mean by "Gun Safety". I'll tell you what. I watched a bunch of socialists on C-SPAN a few months ago give a bunch of fuzzy feel-good speeches. The occasion? National Gun Safety Day. The first speaker, who I believe was from the national council of churches, gave a preamble replete with the all too familiar, "guns are killing our children" speel. It didn't take long for her to begin calling (demanding) for swift and decisive gun control measures to eliminate handguns and severely restrict sales of rifles and shotguns. She went on ad nauseum with the usual Nazi-Liberal anti gun rants all the while, in front a backdrop of "Gun Safety Day" banners. She was was wearing a Gun Safety pin and the subtitle of the program was "National Gun Safety Day". I asked myself repeatedly what banning guns has to do with the 10 commandments of firearm "safety" but my head went into a whirling frenzy. I guess if I would have let it continue spinning, I'd have been so dizzy that I may have gotten insight into the Liberal mindset...but the thought of that prospect made my bladder become noticibly weaker. Heads up folks...When you see the term Gun Safety used by Comrad Klinton and gang, it shall now be construed as meaning CIVILIAN DISARMAMENT.
His Royal Klintoness seems to think that
Gun Safety means Civilian Disarmanent.

Civilians, on the other hand, seem to think
that Gun Safety means not shooting His Royal Billness, or any one else
,for that matter,
by accident.

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited December 19, 1999).]