Breaking: Clinton to sign EO on Gun Control


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Clinton To Act on Gun Safety
By SONYA ROSS Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton will take action on gun safety next year, the White House said Wednesday, contending Congress has ``frustrated the American public'' by failing to tighten firearms restrictions in a year of mass shootings.

Clinton's chief of staff, John Podesta, convened a brainstorming session of administration officials to come up with various actions Clinton could take, either through executive authority, federal regulations or new legislation beyond the bill now stuck in Congress.

``We're not going to rely on Congress. We're going to find other avenues,'' White House spokesman Joe Lockhart said. ``It's our overall sense that this is something the American public is demanding.''

The group Podesta brought together included Bruce Reed, Clinton's domestic policy adviser; Stuart Eizenstat, the deputy treasury secretary; Eric Holder, the deputy attorney general; and Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo.

They spent about 90 minutes discussing strategies they could use to force Congress to pass gun legislation, or at least take up the issue, during its election-year session beginning in January, according to a senior administration official speaking on condition of anonymity.

``Hopefully, that will cause the Congress to get off the dime,'' the official said.
Lockhart said administration officials are counting on the sense that a majority of Americans want some type of action on gun restrictions, after an outbreak of violent shootings in schools, workplaces and even churches that have killed dozens of Americans.

Officials do not want to lose the momentum for change that was touched off by the shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., in which 12 students and a teacher were killed by two teen-age boys who then killed themselves.

``We believe that Congress has frustrated the American public on the issue of gun safety, that we have more than enough evidence that we need to take steps,'' Lockhart said.
Wednesday's meeting came after the Clinton administration threatened to file suit against gun manufacturers in a bid to pressure them to negotiate with cities and states seeking to recover the costs of gun violence.

The administration would act on behalf of 3,100 local housing authorities seeking recompense for gun violence.
When an executive order is written, it must be published int the
Federal Register and then Congress has 30 days in which to stop it.
Problem is the FR is published frequently (at least once per month)
and contains zillions of documents...its bigger than the Fed Budget
documents (around 30 phonebook sized). Almost impossible to keep
track of...which has been His Billness' ace in the hole. If Congress didn't know he was going to write it, then they wouldn't be looking. This was a bonehead move cuz now we and Congress are expecting can be halted

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise. I will be so glad when he is gone, I just hope the next president can/will repeal all of this nonsense, but, I'm not holding my breath. What is wrong with this world?
Clinton appears hell-bent and determined to do as much damage to the American public as he can before this second term expires. I shudder to think how long it will take to undo the damage he's done to the Bill of Rights. He needs to ask himself how many of his Secret Service agents own their own private guns. He's going to have those guys around until the day he dies. Does he want to disinfranchise/disillusion his protectors? Just a thought.
So congress doesn't agree with him and "His Billness" just decides to go around them and rule by imperial decree. Lets hope congress takes this as the slap in the face it is and comes back with a boot to the butt. Real hard!
Time is getting close to click our heals and High salute. Some people believe he may never leave office. He is wildly INSANE!!!!!

From my cold dead hands.
I wonder if any here remember seeing the movie "THE POSTMAN" by the same guy ,Kevin Costner, that did Waterworld. If you didnt see the movie, It takes place in Oregon in the wake of World War 3 , during
which most of the USA gets wiped out by a
plague, boilogical warfare. Instead of the survivers being able to peaceablly rebuild,
they are sadistacally killed my this former copy machine salesman who had put together
this band of around 100 jackbooted thugs (no batf jokes ,please)who lorded it over all the little struggling, farming villages with a fudal lord
system,brutely killing any nay sayer.

Kevin Costner organizes a postal system delevering letters between the oppressed
villages, giving them a slim glimpse of hope.


When the govt got wiped out in the plague,
no one but the bad guys had guns and all the good guys became slaves of less than 100

This movie illistrates ,quite graphically, the dangers of giving up your
guns , and with your guns, the ability to defend your life & family from criminal assault.

When the govt got wiped out , people were left, unarmed, to defend themselves
much the same way most people are left unarmed, to defend themselves now, when they are unable to call police or the police can not arrive soon enough to prevent innocent deaths; which is 99% of the time ,or close to it.

Gun control takes from us the very tool
best suited and which we need most to protect our lives and our country when the government breaks down or even when prompt police response breaks down,as it frequently has.

The la riots in 1990 come to mind.
The police took one look and took the day off
leaving unarmed citizens to defend themselves.

Gun Control is a clear and present danger.DO NOT ABIDE IT!
I had a nightmare:

After the election, the president-elect and VP-elect are assassinated (with guns) and Bill declares a national emergency and states that he will be President for Life and assumes all legislative, judicial and executive power. Next is a series of EOs, one declaring all guns owned by individuals, states, or local jurisdictions illegal, with only the Federal government allowed to have weapons. The penalty for illegal gun ownership is death for the "criminal" and his or her family. The Army is forced to swear an oath of personal loyalty to Bill, then used to search for guns and "subversive" material, and to carry out mass executions of "criminal gun owners" and of Bill's political enemies. Tactical nuclear weapons are used against areas that resist. A hundred million people die, but Bill declares that that is a small price to pay for domestic tranquility and besides, he did it for the children. Democrats applaud and say that they are glad the unsuccessful "experiment in democracy" is dead. A few dissidents manage to escape to the freedom of Russia.

My nightmare. Bill's dream.

Jim, I'm about to go have dinner with my fellow Loonitarians. Thanks for spoiling my appetite. :(

Haven't we been predicting His Billness doing exactly this? He can't get what he wants legally, so he sneaks around and pulls illegal crap on us... US, who just want to be left the hell ALONE!

I used to try warning Our Fearless Leaders about the inherent dangers of pissing off 80,000,000 gun owners. Now, screw 'em. If he's that suicidal, that's his problem.

Moderators, please let me know if this post is out of line (like you wouldn't anyway...).

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
I'm surprised nobody else mentioned this:

``We're not going to rely on Congress. We're going to find other avenues,'' White House spokesman Joe Lockhart said. ``It's our overall sense that this is something the American public is demanding.''

WOW! Why not just declare the Constitution DOA? This isn't funny anymore, this guy has no intention of waiting for Congress to make laws, he'll make them himself. What do they call guys that make the laws, enforce the laws and haven't got any accountability to anyone? Dictators? Are we that far off?

And then there's this:

"Officials do not want to lose the momentum for change that was touched off by the shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., in which 12 students and a teacher were killed by two teen-age boys who then killed themselves."

LOSE THE MOMENTUM! That just makes me want to puke. Political opportunism is one thing, but you want to keep the "momentum" going!? How do you propose to do that? A few more bodies make you happy, fella?!

If they need a body count though, Lon Horiuchi is still on the payroll. A few bodies always seem to turn up around that guy.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
Bill Clinton
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC.

Dear Sir:

In reference to what appear to be major gaps in your education, I would like to point out that the Government of the United States is based on a system of checks and balances between the Executive Branch (yourself), the Legislative Branch (Congress) and the Judicial Branch (Supremem Court). These 'checks and balances' are designed to keep one branch from gaining too much power.
It is not the job of the Executive Branch (yourself) to make laws. That is up to the Legislative Branch. You merely approve the bills passed on to you by Congress.
With all due respect, sir, if you don't like what Congress is doing: tough.
If you wish to make laws, may I suggest that you step down from the Executive Branch and get elected to the Legislative Branch.
Again, with all respect due your position, your attempts to bypass one of the 'checks-and-balances' violate the spirit, if not the letter of the Constituition.
If the American public demands something, they WILL let their Consituitionally-established Representatives and/or Senators know about it. And, if the demand is great enough, said Congress-critter will do as his voters require. Or find another job. Once said Critter has shoved his Bill through Congress, it will go to you for final ratification. This, and only this, is your task in the law-making process.
If you require further education, please do not hesitate to ask myself or one of the members of this Forum.


Jim Keenan - please don't share your nightmares anymore - they're way too scary. I'd like to see the man pass into senility, like tomorrow.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt

Good prediction, did you , by chance, used to work for the gov in human relations???

How about this one folks. The newly elected leader of our country, complete with V.P, and soon to be members of cabinet all die in a plane crash. The ensuing investigation reveals a suicidal co-pilot. Or maybe a spark in a fuel tank. Hell, enough plane falling lately, it would seem commonplace. That way, even Kennedy's death might seem like an accident too.

Oh!! add the rest of what Jim said right here....
Lockhart said administration officials are counting on the sense that a majority of Americans want some type of action on gun restrictions,

I try to get results on every poll i can find on the net, and it seems to me that 90% of all polls are always 80%+ against gun bans, gun control, and disarming the public.
I wonder what proof he has that the MAJORITY
of americans want some type of actions? I would love to see a vote taken across the U.S., like the same time that presidential elections come around, to see what the "majority of Americans" want done!----Cuz
Hey I could really use the URL for this Article, I would like to run it on my Webpage, could I get someone to e-mail it to me?? Gracias....
or just post it here.....
...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

Take care and God Bless, El Jefe

[This message has been edited by El Jefe (edited December 16, 1999).]
Ain't it neat how they word things?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>President Clinton will take action on gun safety next year, the White House said Wednesday, contending Congress has ''frustrated the American public'' by
failing to tighten firearms restrictions in a year of mass shootings.[/quote]

Congress has failed! What a laugh. It's more like "Congress has succeeded in upholding the Constitution."

Bill "Have some Coke and an Intern" Clinton does NOT represent the American Public as far as I'm concerned.



"Corruptisima republica plurimae leges." (The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.)
- Tacitus
Sent this by e-mail to my congress-critters last night:

Dear Senator,
I would like to direct your attention to the news article "Clinton to act on gun safety" by Associated Press writer Sonya Ross. It seems that since he can't get congress to go along with his gun control agenda, "His Billness" will once again sidestep the Constitution and get what he wants by "Imperial Decree" (executive order). Clinton is determinded to destroy the Second Ammendment, and therefore the Constitution, before he leaves office and he's not about to let congress get in his way. Who does he think he is that he can ignore congress and the people of this nation in order to pursue his own personal agenda? Namely gun control.
I find it very insulting that this man would snub our elected officials in such a way. Congress voted down the restrictions he wanted. Who the hell is he to bypass congress?
You, as my Senator, have just been slapped in the face by a two-bit dictator wanna-be. I strongly urge you to answer this insult with a swift kick in the butt and get congress to cancel this executive order before it can go into effect. According to the article, "Slick" plans to do this in January. Act now! Congress must put an end to this man's plans before he can issue the order. Make him understand for once and for all that the American people are tired of this "rule by decree" system of executive orders that Clinton has run wild with since his first days in office.
Enough is enough!

Contact your elected officials NOW! Forewarned is forearmed.