Brand New Antique

You might go to Harley Nolans forum on this site and ask about the value of that sistema before you change anything. If it won't change the collectors value, I'd antique it in a heartbeat. :)

As for corrosion resistance, the plum brown seems to hold up very well. Corrosion really hasn't been a problem with any of my guns though because I always clean them right after I'm done shooting. But, when I had the gun "in the white" I did notice some staining on the metal after shooting that would not come off with regular cleaning and I'd take some 0000 steel wool to it to re-shine the metal. No worries about that kind of thing with this finish though.
wow Dragoon ..where did ya get those giant playin cards at ? :eek: just kiddin ..nice shootin did ya do that with the short barrel .. or them longn`s
That was with my Pietta 8" antiqued Full 44 Rem Conversion '58 Rem.
I'll try it again with the Gunslinger.
The cards were purchaed at the Dollar store here in Palmdale CA one is double size and the other is regular size and I forgot to size the picture before I posted it....DUH!
by the way,i dont have a short man complex.hell if i did i'd be in trouble.some of the guys found me at a store getting some coffee and jimmied my car door and put a child restraint in the seat for we went in for roll call i thru it in the floor like i was mad and told them next time make sure the safety belt works cause i fell out into the rolled laughing.its all fun.
I rarely laugh out loud, but with the mental image that this brought to mind I couldn't help it!