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Brand forums

You're new here. That's good because it keeps us old-timers on our toes. I'll take the plunge:

Kindly provide a comprehensive list, with appropriate descriptions for each of the new Forums you have in mind.....minor quid pro quo for the request, I think.

We'll let the Members decide. Fair enough?

BTW: Charlie Daniels can not only sing well, but he's fairly literate, too. If you wish to quote him, do so accurately: The "There" in your Sig Line should be the possessive "Their". And "Whats" should be the contraction "What's". Just trying to be helpful. ;)
There are many brand specific and type specific sites on the net.
Many TFL members also belong to some of them.
And many of the other site members belong to TFL.

Ok thanks for ponting that out.:) Ok what I ment was that if some people wanted to post non gun topics why not just have a of topic board. There is alot of info on here that I have not found on other boards to.It's your board you do what you want. I thought it was a good idea.
Lemme put it this way. In the world of Internet Firearms Discussions Forums, today you enrolled Ivy League. (IMHO, that means "staying power" and includes GlockTalk, 1911 Forums and Tom Bowers' Board.)

How would you like to spend your first week? Looking around to see what gives us that staying power, or questioning the syllabus? Honestly, Staff didn't create it in a vacuum. 16,000 Memebrs also have a very real say in it and we've made concessions that had merit.

But back to your original request:
Are you willing to provide the Forum Titles and Descriptions for our Members' and Staffs' review or was your initial "suggestion" a bit presumptuous? There is no break given here to issues of Personal Responsibility. You made the suggestion. Stand by it. Operationalize it.
It's a suggestions part of the board right?
Indeed it is. But it's not the stream-of-consciousness part of the board, agreed? If you made a thoughtful suggestion in good faith, it deserves consideration. C'mon, pitch in and do some of the work:
Name the Forums and Descriptions you have in mind: we'll do all the rest.

...or... simply back off with grace. This is not about "authority"; it's about an all-volunteer Staff that's here to provide you an all-free service. Constructive criticism is not only accepted, it's encouraged. Anything else is....well, it's "noise", you know?

Think Twice; Post Once.

Alright on the rifle boards have it ( hunting rifles(semi auto hunting and bolt lever pump and single shot ) and then have the other rifles (non hunting semi auto rifles). more The pistel seems fine . The shot gun could be in two parts like other shot guns(pump bolt lever and single shot )and then semi auto shot guns.And then a non gun topics board.Could one of you guys post thes like a poll? Get more than if I did it.
You need to work a bit harder than that before I can post a poll for you, Mark. Heres what we have so far:
Long Guns:
- Hunting Rifles:
- semi auto hunting
- bolt lever pump
- single shot
- Non hunting semi auto rifles

(Does this mean we ban discussion of Lever Guns and "Non-Hunting" bolt guns? How do we determine what is a "Hunting Gun" from an "Non-Hunting Gun"? I know that Sara Brady has some definitions for this. So does the CA Legislature. Shall we use one of these?)

Shot Guns:
- Semi auto
- Pump, bolt, lever and single shot

(How 'bout "Hunting" vs "Non-Hunting" shotguns? Don't you think we should be more consistent to the long gun breakdown?)

- Non-Gun Topics: There's a novel idea. We'll definitely give that one some thought. Thanks.

Now, if you'll just provide articulate, mutually exclusive descriptions for each of these (see the descriptions on the TFL Board now), we can proceed. Once we have it worked out, I'll post an announcement letting all the Members know your format for a killer firearms discussion site. And we'll attach a poll.

Thanks much.
Rich Lucibella
IF you were to split up the "shotguns" forum,it wouldmake more sense to split it into "home defense/protection" and "hunting" Forums...

the problem is that even the hunting guns are used for defense, and defensive guns for hunting... , so that line is blurry... (and splitting it would make for 2 smaller boards, not REALLY accomplishing much.

the split for rifles MIGHT be made for "military type" and "all others" BUT, again, due to Mausers (and others) popularity as hunting guns, and sporterized guns, that gets blurry... but this is a faster moving board, and MIGHT benefit from some such split...

the design of this site is pretty efficient, and easy to use/navigate...

All in all, MAYBE a split in the rifles forum would be cool... but not necessary... and the rest works well as is...

Why fix what ain't broke (yet, anyway)
Change merely for the for the sake of change isn't worth much. Change for improvement is. With that in mind, what is being gained by a change like this? How would TFL be improved with more specific forums? To my way of thinking lots and lots of forums detracts from the whole. Perhaps not though?

On the rifle part Sporting/Target Rifles ( Bolt Pump lever single shot that are used for hunting or target shooting) Military/Self Defence Rifles (any rifle that is used for selfdefence or is a military arm) Other Rifles (any disicussion that dose not fit in any of the above rooms) Selfdefence/military shotguns (For discussion of shotguns that are used for selfdefence or military ) Hunting shotguns (For discussion of shotguns that are used for hunting) Other Shot Guns (Any discussion that dose not fit in the above rooms) Hows that?
I am (again) going to weigh in against an "Off-Topic" forum. Before you know it, you're wading through threads like "Anna Kournikova Pix!" and "Do you have a favorite piece of clothing?"....

There are plenty of other places on the web to get that kind of stuff; TFL, on the other hand, is dedicated to being "Simply the Finest Firearms Information Site on the Web".
Thanks. It's been fun....kinda like a dental appointment. :D

Your suggestions clarify nothing other than your own knowledge limitations regarding the use of Firearms (and perhaps your age?). I consider the lever action 30-30 as equally adaptable to target, hunting and defense. Same with the Steyr Scout. Same with the Benelli Super 90. Same with the 30-06 Winchester Model 70 or Remington Model 700. I think most others here would agree.

Without wanting to insult, this exchange is really beginning to bore me. I suggest you move on to the Forums that you're talking about and mingle a bit. Watch more than you speak...you'll learn much from our Members. Then come back and make suggestions after you've had time to THINK, COMPOSE and LEARN.

Just now, that cool breeze you're feeling is not the first winds of winter....it's your butt exposed in public. :) Relax. Enjoy the site.

Best regards-
I'd like to weigh in...

My only suggestion would be for dividing the rifles section much like the handguns section is now divided.

General Rifles, for subject like "Which is a better choice, a Rem. 760 or a Browning BAR."

Semi-auto rifles - topics on the semis seem to make up a goodly portion of the rifles section right now.

Lever, Bolt, Single-shot, Slide-action rifles section - In essence, everything that's not a semi-auto.

This would largely mirror what was done with the handguns section a year or two ago, and which was one of the best choices ever made for this board.
Lemme put it this way. In the world of Internet Firearms Discussions Forums, today you enrolled Ivy League. (IMHO, that means "staying power" and includes GlockTalk, 1911 Forums and Tom Bowers' Board.)
I always thought "ivy league" meant snobbish, grade inflated, and socialist. :) I recall hearing that around 75% of one year's graduating class at Harvard didn't know how many Representatives sat in the House.
If a wall stands long enough to become covered with ivy, demonstrates strength and endurance.

The term "Ivy League" far predates the eastern elite schools.
