Brady's sink to new low

. . . .hard to imagine that's possible, I know.

There was a discussion recently about the use of language in the PR battle, where I pointed out the efficacy of creating a catch-phrase, often a hyphenated pair of words that characterize an idea in a memorable way. Here is the Brady Campaign, transparently attempting do exactly that with a newly-minted, hot off the linguistic press, are you ready for it?

'Nuff said.​
Nah. That's just plain old repetition. For supposedly "more intelligent" people, they sure don't come up with many new lies or well told lies. The same old same old is just the same old same old.
I actually think that's pretty creative and might gain some traction with the sheople. How many people use the term "assault rifle" incorrectly? An "assault-clip" has a much more menacing sound than even "hi-cap mag." BTW, should we correct them and tell them they are really "assault-mags?" Just askin'.
The way I see this is as an outdated organization thats about to go under and they are grasping at straws hoping something works...

"This is your captain calling, with an urgent warning,
We're above the Gulf of Arabia- our altitude is falling,
And I cant hold her up...There is no time for thinking,
All hands on deck- this Bird is sinking..."
Am I the only one that laughed after watching that video??

I don't see how anyone with half a brain could take them seriously... ''Assault Clips''??? what a joke... Pretty soon we'll see ''Assault knives, forks and spoons''
I don't often do this, but my first thoughts were....

Everybody, listen to me,
And return me, my ship.
I'm your captain, I'm your captain,
Though I'm feeling mighty sick.

I've been lost now, days uncounted,
And it's months since I've seen home.
Can you hear me, can you hear me,
Or am I all alone.

(I'm Your Captain/Closer To Home - Grand Funk Railroad, (C) 1970)
Brady Clips...
"They make everyone a target."
(Especially, it seems, young girls with pigtails.)

Who?... Who?... is planting suggestive visual seeds in the media about young men shooting up young girls with pigtails??????????

Brady Clips.

The irony...
Everybody, listen to me,
And return me, my ship.
I'm your captain, I'm your captain,
Though I'm feeling mighty sick.

I've been lost now, days uncounted,
And it's months since I've seen home.
Can you hear me, can you hear me,
Or am I all alone.

Al, that impresses me more than your constitutional acumen and prose craftsmanship

It actually gets even better. The Brady Campaign claims that high capacity mags are only useful for killing people. They also claim that they have no advantage for self defense and thus should be banned.

However, LEO, the military will be of course allowed access to them. Add to that, retired LEO will still be allowed to have high capacity mags and in that lies the problem.

Since high capacity mags are only useful for killing as many people as possible per the Brady Campaign and have zero self defense value, why would law enforcement and retired law enforcment be allowed to still own high capacity mags?
I was not aware it took more than one shot to kill someone.. Good thing I read this,so if it ever happens i can be sure to shoot someone 100 times instead of just once.:D This is what happens when someone that knows nothing starts making laws.:eek: Ya got to love our Government,,Why i don't know ,but ya have to I guess:barf:

OMG-- i just realized my super soaker is an assult weapon too. And i let my kids play with it... :eek:

Am I the only one that laughed after watching that video??

I don't see how anyone with half a brain could take them seriously... ''Assault Clips''??? what a joke... Pretty soon we'll see ''Assault knives, forks and spoons''

Better watch it, they'll start a campaign against the terrifying tactical spork...

They said they're only good for killing , but that guy in the video looked like he was just target shooting , the real question is why is the brady bunch printing up little girl targets .
Strangely enough, the actor only fired 17 rounds. He doesn't appear to be using these mysterious assault clips.

He's also holding the gun wrong.

As far as misleading rhetoric, at least "big bullet blasting boxes" was mildly amusing.
Upon first read, I had visions of BGs using carabiners like throwing stars...waaahhh, hi-yah....assault clips, huh?

Perhaps, sharpened metal potato chip bag closers?

Short videos of innocent people being attacked?

Ooh-ooh, A handful of stripper clips from my SKS stuffed into my tactical blunderbuss?

Admit it. When you re-read the first line, you heard Bruce Lee, in your head, didn't you?
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