Brady State Rankings, Jan. 2008

why in the world would colorado be all the way up in 17. I think we have excellent gun laws here.

We do have excellent gun laws in Colorado, but the way Brady grades hurts us. Colorado requires we take a gun safety course in order to get a CCW. Many other states do not have this requirement. Brady LOVES any impediment to getting a CCW like a course and the cost in Colorado is higher than many other states too, although it is good for then years instead of five like some others.
How in the Hell did we tie 44th with LA, UT, ND and MO or even rank higher than KY and OK?

Don't those retards do any research? Do they not understand that we have PERMITLESS concealed carry up here and that it extends to out-of-staters visiting? Or that there are no restrictions other than federal on possession and aquisition?

Oh and partial preemption? No such animal. The state slapped the boy-mayor of Anchorage silly over that one..............Home rule my aching arse....:rolleyes:

We should be in OK's spot. Ptffffft..:mad:
Brady grades

Makes me PROUD to be in a country that fully 4/5 of it get less then a 25 on it's report card. We have failed the Brady's so poorly they should go find some country that get's an A in there book. Maybe they should move to England or Germany and get on with the business of outlawing the carving of soap bars into looking like guns, or those shiv things that criminals make in jail. They should feel much safer in a country that doesn't allow self defense. Just hand over the keys to the city to criminals. The police can and will protect you. I promise.:barf:
Wow, VA is 14? Who woulda thought it. I always thought this is the easiest place to buy a gun.
Been listining to the media much after the VT incident? Sounds like the same crap Bloomberg is spouting out. :barf:

Virginia, while not the worst, sure isn't the best.
Here's what I know of off-hand that's bad:

Requiring a second form of ID when buying any gun (other states simply require a Drivers licence or state ID)

limited to buying 1 handgun every 30 days for non CHP holders from dealers

"assault firearms" restrictions (needing 3 proofs of ID to buy one, and restrictions on carrying them...threaded bbl, folding stock, more than 20rd mags)

Concealed handgun permits cost 50 dollars (not including the "classes" you have to pay to take) and they expire after 5 years.

CHP holders can't carry concealed at restaurants that serve alcohol, even if they don't drink any.

Ridiculous "transporting" laws...must be in a container in the trunk or other compartment not accessible to passengers (so if you have a pickup or SUV, what are you to do?)

Virginia also has it's own version of form 4473 that is sent to the state police (sounds to me like gun registration :rolleyes: )

You can't have even an unloaded gun in a bag unless you're either going to or coming from a shooting range, gunsmith, shop, etc. If not, it's considered a concealed weapon.

Can't have a gun, unloaded or not, in a glovebox, console, etc even if it locks, without a CHP.

No castle doctrine.

Now, there are currently a few bills in the general assembly to cure a few of these issues, but we got a long way.
illegal guns are very easy to obtain
I don't think there is such thing as an "illegal gun". Now, a gun can be obtained illegally however.

The only "illegal gun" I can see, is a gun with the serial number removed.
And even then, the gun was fine, up until the point the person illegally removed the s/n.
illegal gun

Yes you can get them quite easily. Talked to a co worker and he said full auto mac 10's are abundant on the black market. Less the $1000, bulk discounts. Full auto ak's too. They just aren't at the gun shops.

Wow Virginia has more bad laws then DE. Open carry, federal buildings and school zones only restrictions. CCDW costly but not impossible to get.Got to be 21 to buy.