Brady Gun Control State Rankings Are Out


New member
The annual Brady Campaign state rankings on gun control are out and I thought I’d post the link.

I’m always interested to see where my state, Kentucky falls. Last year we were tied for 50th but this year we’ve moved up to a tie for 49th. Utah took the top spot this year at number 50 with zero Brady points.

I found a few surprises in their rating criteria. Besides the normal high capacity mag bans, one handgun a month limits and micro stamping; the Brady group wants a three day waiting period in addition to the background check and ammo purchases should require a permit to buy or a background check at point of sale.

California of course came in 1st in Brady’s rankings with a possible 79 out of 100 points. I’d love to see the Brady group actually list where their states rank in crime rate when they publish these lists. It appears though that California with their number 1 ranking actually has the 14th highest violent crime rate in the US.

Kentucky, tied for 49th according to Brady is the 40th most violent state. Now my stats are from the 2006 Census Bureau, but none the less it is interesting to see the how the Brady ratings compare to real world crime.

DC, with it's tough gun laws is of course not ranked.

When they make the talk show rounds with this list, I'd love to see someone actually ask how their gun control rankings actually compare to violent crime rates in those states. I'd also love to see them get nailed on why DC isn't listed. I'll guess they'll get a pass on those questions though.
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I had hoped they would hold off a bit longer for Virginia to scrap its one handgun a month and to pass the restaurant ban repeal for CCW holders.

Oh well, we'll shed some points in next year's poll. :)

And are you really surprised that Brady wants a waiting period in addition to the restrictions imposed by the Brady law?

A lot of states get around that waiting period by having the instant check system (including Virgina) and that ticks them off to no end.

DAMMIT! 17 out of 100! We have GOT to start shedding some points.

WOW! Utah has ZERO points! I'm converting to Mormon and moving west!
AZ gets 2 points out of 100. We have a VT-like CCW bill in the Senate now. If we can get that passed, maybe we can knock off those two points and go for a PERFECT score! ;)
I feel bad for California. Also I think alot of their information is misleading-
Under Permit to Purchase it says that there is no involvement by the law enforcement. What is it when they call in and get you checked with the government? Also what is a Child Proof Handgun- any child can figure something out if given the time. The only child proof hand gun is a child that has been taught gun safety!
The Big O, I noticed the same thing listed under Kentucky under the CCW heading. The Kentucky State Police actually process all CCW requests yet the Brady Campaign states the police are not involved in the process.

Either they did very poor research or they want to give the police the power to restrict who buys gun and or ammo.
"Either they did very poor research..."

No, I have no doubt that it's simply another lie.

Not unlike their fear mongering "Blood running in the streets" lies that they trot out every time a state wants to pass CCW laws.
Brady Campaign

Ridiculous people that try to enforce rules on others.

Brady Campaign you are NOT my mommy & daddy.

These type of people make me SICK.

Sorry had to get that out. In as nice a way as I could.
Utah got zero points, the first time any state has received that score. Several states got 2 points (AK, AL, AZ, ID, KY, LA, OK) mostly becuase they don't force colleges to allow guns on campus like Utah does.

Looking at Kreyzhorse's census link, Utah is ranked 45th in terms of violent crime.

svaz, I don't think Brady scores having no license CCW, so AZ will still have a score of 2 until they get guns on campus. I know there was such a bill proposed a year or two ago; did it get tabled?

Quote from article:
“Since North Carolina does not require Brady criminal background checks on all
firearm sales, including those at gun shows, gun traffickers don’t need to leave the state
to funnel illegal guns to felons and gang members,”

I wasn't aware that this is where most gang members bought their guns. :rolleyes:
West Virginia only had 4 points wow i would have figured more but i can see we are going to have to work hard to shed our points to.:D
NH got 9 points, but they did not give a ranking.

Ranked 47/50 for violent crime. :cool:

MA, where I used to live, is ranked 3rd for gun laws and 20th for violent crime. :barf:
Green-Grizley - I don't think that law came to vote.

So much to do, so many come-to-roost socialist snow-birds getting in the way. :rolleyes:

For non-socialist snow-birds, welcome. ;)
CA got 9 points and has one of the highest murder rates per 100K of population. High Brady rankings and high murder/violent crime rates go together. As in the UK.

Er, these people are against violence?
"Er, these people are against violence?"

Of course not! How silly of you.

They're against GUNS.

They don't care about violence, as long as it doesn't involve guns.
I just made this up in Excel, and what I see is no correlation, either way, between Brady Score and Crime Ranking.


Sorry for the large format:
Brady score is red, Crime rank is blue. The lower the Crime Rank, the better. NH is lowest crime, Nevada is highest.

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The correlation coeffecient between the violent crime rates and the brady scores is 0.05. So strict guns laws correlate with high crime, but the relationship is very weak.

Some of the low scoring states, like Utah and Idaho, have low crime, but others, like Arizona and Lousiana, have pretty high violent crime rates. There is something other than lax gun control driving violent crime rates, but it is of course not proper to think about such things.
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