Brady Center Says Obama Has Failed on Gun Control.

I think for the most part they do believe it. And using a defective logic it rings true. If there were no guns there would be no gun crime. However, as I said the logic is defective because there are guns and there will always be guns in any foreseeable future I can imagine. Same same for violent crime, see Cain and Abel.

If we can get them to move away from "more guns equals more crime", then we can indeed start to discuss how violent crime has been with man since Cain and Abel. Also, we can start to talk about how removing guns from civilians hands does not prevent tyrannical governments from killing people, including their own. We witnessed this during Hitler, Stalin, Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot, Castro, etc. It then becomes a debate on how humans have always killed each other regardless of the presence of guns. Also, we can introduce such topics as the high suicide rate in Japan where there are virtually no guns in their society. Off the top of my head, I'm thinking that more than half of US deaths involving firearms are the result of suicide, not crime. The Japanese have a higher per capita suicide rate than we do. How would they explain that? It couldn't be done with a simple approach stating that Japan has too many guns.
Here's a Pretty Good Illustration.

This is pretty close to what I've been looking for, though it only goes up to 2001. I'd like to see the most recent one through 2008. The numbers for 2009 are probably not compiled yet.

One note here is that though the graph doesn't show overall firearm ownership rates, one can assume those have been increasing as well as handgun ownership rates, which are shown on the graph.

Page 30 of 105 or page 23 in the actual document.
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The bradys and their ilk have no interest in reducing crime per se, or they'd be out of business, since crime rates are dropping even as guns are being purchased in growing numbers all over the country. Their only interest is in seeing you and me disarmed, and they will lie and fudge statistics to achieve those ends. The fact that gun owners are more than happy to take part in defeating anti-gun politicians is probably the only reason we're not all carrying tree branches for SD right now. If a politician's position on the 2nd Amendment is anti, he or she does not get my vote, no matter what their stand on other issues. Keeping NRA A-rated pols in office is the only way to protect your right to keep and bear arms.
echoing what other have already said but still i have to say that I notice it also: Brady seems not to focus on gun CRIME, but guns. Period.

I think the Brady's want revenge, not less crime.

They are irrelevant anymore anyway.
They are irrelevant anymore anyway.

Sorry to disagree. But they are relevant as long as there are people supporting, parroting and believing their mantra.

Because the current state of things is not bending their way is no reason to count them down or out.
Sorry to disagree. But they are relevant as long as there are people supporting, parroting and believing their mantra.

Yup, we cannot let our guard down. We must take the high ground and defend it at all times. Liberty must be constantly guarded, 24/7, because there are people who would like to chip away at it, if not take it all at one time. We probably won't see any politicians in America who have the backbone or the will to try and take it all at once. They do fear the people to some extent, even today. We still have the constitution, even if the federal government seems willing to ignore it often. The Supreme Court has been willing on several recent occasions to slap the feds across the face and tell them to knock it off. Obama certainly didn't like the last one regarding campaign financing or McCain-Feingold. That law does have an effect on pro gun rights organizations in getting their message across during an election cycle.

I believe the Brady's do not control much of the high ground, if any, at this time. They are down in the valleys trying to figure out ways to get back to being king of the hill as they were during the Clinton presidency. We must not let them retake even 1 inch of the ground where we are protecting our rights and our freedom. They are still a dangerous enemy and have a vast communications network called the MSM. That's main steam media for those of you in Rio Linda, CA. :)