
skorenzy: i've seen a funny Fox sports network commercial of the Russian sport of hand slapping. while the russians were slapping each other the commercia said something like "only the sports region you care about."
I can personally attest to the effectiveness of an open-hand slap to the side of the head.
About a year ago, a former in-law came banging on my front door one night. I stepped out onto the porch to see what he wanted. His father and my sister had been through a messy divorce a few months before. I don't really know what his problem was with me, but he launched into a rant calling me every name in the book. I suggested he leave before I called the law on him. Instead, he took a wild looping swing at me.
Now, I am not a fighter and definitely do not have fast reflexes. This guy is 35 yrs. old, 5'11", 185 lbs. I'm 49, 5'10", 142 lbs. in soaking wet clothes.
Anyway, I slipped his punch and came up with an open palm right smack on the guy's ear. His eyes rolled back in his head and he was out like a light even before he tumbled down five steps and landed flat on his back in my driveway. I swear to God he was snoring like a lumberjack!
All I could do was look at my open hand and say, "Did I do that?"
When he woke up a few minutes later, I threw his sorry ass in his pick-up and told him he'd better think twice before he tried any such crap again...he hasn't, and I don't really care if he can still hear out of that ear.
And I went back in the house with an ear-to-ear grin on my face.
I have a boxing gym set up in my garage with the Heavy bag, double end bags, speed bag and the cobra bag.
Check out the cobra bag is nice.
If you really want to get into the speed bag, i mean REALLY into it check out Alan Kahns book The speed bag bible. an incredible book.
Boxing is a great workout but in a street fight i would use the basic ju jitsu moves.
There are alot of weak points on the human body and one should never need to use their hands on someones head.
I need my hands for other shooting..
Dakodavid: how similar is BJJ to high school wrestling? only if you are familiar with hs wrestling though.

btw, is it the Cobra heavy bag or the Cobra reflex bag that you have?
regarding the double-end bag:

does anybody know if you are supposed to attach two shock cords on both ends of the bag or are you only supposed to have one shock cord at one end and a non-elastic rope on the other end? thanks.
I wrestled in HS (very tough exhausting sport)and i have only limited experience with BJJ.
I was taught basic "street fighting" by a good friend of mine who was a SEAL in Nam.
I box every day approx 12 rounds and i really love it.
One of my favorite bags is the Cobra Reflex bag, on a sunny day i can bring it in my back yard and really sweat.

I have the DE bag and the Mexican style DE bag.
I have one of those hand-grip plate loaders from Iron Mind and i attatch 1 bungee cord from the ceiling to the top of the bag and 1 bungee cord from the bottom of the bag to the plate loader.
I use different lengths of bungee cord to make the bag fast or slow.
My favorite is the speed bag and after working with Alans book it is really fun to use your elbows etc.
I frequently do all 12 rounds on the speed bag only.
I think it really helps with hand/eye coordination.
I find that the bag goes faster if I use only one elastic cord instead of two. i like my DE bag to go ultra fast so I only use like 20 inches of bungee. on my celing is a screw eye and I slip the rope that is attached to the top of the DE through it and pull up the bag as hard as I can until the DE bag raises to my eye level. I then strap the rope to a barbell that weighs 135 lbs. after that, once the DE bag is it, it wobbles like a mutha%#$&#! I can barely even get a clean shot from the bag. that is how I like it.

my workout goes like this:

20 minutes on the speed bag
20 minutes on the heavy bag
20 minutes on the double-end bag

DAKODAKID: im thinking about getting the King Cobra Reflex bag. is that thing durable? and how fast does the bag pop back up after hit? can you increase that rate of how fast it springs back in place by turning on some lever or something?

Instead of using the swinging ball for slipping we used to tie a line at a position that when we were covered up we had to crouch to go under it, throwing the hands, combinations as we came up----to make it even harder slant the rope downward a bit so you have to dip further, of course this is dipping with the knees not the waist--it helped develop good coordination and power using the torso.....fubsy.

I have to agree with skorzeny on the vertical fist---its a fist well known to isshinryu practioners.......fubsy.
The vertical grip can be a very nice tool and is very usefull.
Fubsy, that sounds like a great workout idea, i am going to have to use it...thanks

eyeball, my cobra reflex bag is approx 6 years old and it is still running strong.
The harder you hit it, the faster it comes back at you(i have been hit pretty good in the face with it and it teaches you to punch and move your head!!!)
I would wear handwraps and gloves until you get used to the cobra bag as one wrong punch low on this will really hurt your hand(s).
God how i love boxing..the sweet science indeed.........
I feel that boxing helps my pistole shooting, hand/eye timing and my delts are very strong to hold the pistol up...
Getting hit in the face by your training bags kindof helps me overcome the occasional flinch that may occur whilst
Great post everyone, i love learning.....
fubsy: so you are saying that instead of tying the top portion of the DE bag at 12 o' clock, that I should attach it somewhere in between 1 o' clock and 2 o' clock? and instead of 'slipping' I should follow a "U" motion underneath the bag? i must admit, that is an ingenuis idea! I would have never thought it myself. im going to try it and incorporate the new technique into my workout. btw, do you use one elastic cord at this position or two? thanks.

DADODAKID: i think im going to have to work the cobra reflex bag into my workout. my new workout is going to look like this:

15 minutes on the speed bag
15 minutes on the heavy bag
15 minutes on the double-end bag
15 minutes on the cobra reflex bag

btw: is that a speed bag that is attached to the cobra reflex bag? cause it sure looks like it.
Let me know what ya think of it after ya do it.......The first time I brought it to the dojo we ran it awhile and most felt it the next day, Not everytime we used it, but often we would lower the lowest end radically so that we really had to crouch to go under it and like that it wasnt the best for "imitating"slipping but it worked you in ways most were surprised at.......we used about 15-20 foot of rope-----and of course all that can vary.

Some other points on the vertical fist......

It probably dosent need to be said but Ill go ahead and bore some of ya.......the fist is made by rolling the four fingers and putting the thumb on top of the index finger were it applies pressure down on the index finger for a tighter fist, the fist is not kept tight until the target is struck.
The fist provides advantages of keeping the wrist tighter than the normal thumb down the side. The impact area is still the first two knuckles and dont fully extend the arm, its not intended as a power punch, like the twistiing punch etc., although it can be delivered to certain areas with very good power, it is fast.
One problem with the punch is against a taller opponent, if your going to the head the angle of the first two knuckles of the fist and the head can create problems, one reason that the palm area is a better striking surface for the bone in the head, the fist does work well agains the side of the jaw and some other areas of the head especially if the head is in the right height for your power. Realistically, you can throw the punch from any angle you can throw the fist made in the boxing way, you lose some of the snap and speed but you do retain the wrist strength so the wrist wont buckle---although in boxing you are wrapped. It is not the "ultimate" fist, its simply another tool.
You can do your pushups with the vertical fist as well....helps build the wrist......fubsy.

I wasnt referring to using the heavy bag, all though I like a bag that goes from my shins to my head and is tied at both ends....the top is connected with a spring......a garage door spring....and the bottom is tied off, ..........although recently what I have is a very simple set up, Ive got an old bag tied to a tree limb in a very sandy area, it does ok for now.......

What I was talking about was not using a heavy bag to practice slipping its way to slow and heavy......I dont know how you practice it, but Ive tried both the ball or small bag(like speedbag size) on a rope and its pushed at your head and you go around it and Ive tried the method I mentioned and I like it better. it helps you to move in good control and combines the strength and power in the waist and legs as you come up for the combinations.......Just tie a rope at one end at a height that when your hands are up you have to duck under it while keeping the hands up and run the line horizontally to another point that is lower than the first point and then just start working it....I good starting place for the high point is your shoulder neck height .....fubsy.
fubsy: i wasn't talking about the heavy bag. were talking about the double-end striking bag right? a small ball (a little bigger than a speed bag) with ropes attached to both ends.

so your saying I should tie the ropes vertically instead of horizontally? like for example instead of securing the ropes from celing to ground, I should attach them from wall to wall?

Im not referring to connecting anything to a bag......for the sake of my response forget bags.........

I am replying to your statement:
besides the speed bag, heavy bag, double-end bag, what other types of equipment can be used to sharpen boxing skills.

and i know that sparring works and what not but i need to know stuff i could do that can be done without a partner. "

I suggested a drill that you can do by yourself with a minimal of equipment-----a rope.

Get a rope however long you feel like going and tie it at one end about your shoulder height(that will be the tall end), tie the other end, (which will become the low end) at the lowest you want to crouch, (using the legs and not the waist although as you work the rope toward the smaller end you will have to start dipping at the waist). You start at the tall end and go under the rope(like a U) and when you come up you throw combinations. it helps to learn to slip punches......fubsy.
ahhh yes. that sounds like a good drill. to tell you the truth it sounds even better than trying to slip on a DE bag. cause with the DE bag, the ball doesn't always come directly at you.

but whats that you were talking about earlier where you said that after you crouch and on your way up, you hit the bag?

how do you configure the DE bag that way? you just tilt the DE bag at an angle right? but do you use one shock cord or two?
eyeball you got to be jerking me around this will be last post on the copy anything I said in this post about hitting a bag when coming up, Id like to see it------my post were not about what to do with a bag, I only once stated how I prefer to hang the bag and how Im using one now. None of that had anything to do with the drill I was trying to to keep this real simple.......forget I said anything about a bag, I dont care how ya hang it, de, heavy , or any other type. I rewrote how to work the drill and that was what I was to contribute, go to a boxing gym....fubsy.
uhhhhh... you sound mad. do you wan't to box?

"Instead of using the swinging ball for slipping we used to tie a line at a position that when we were covered up we had to crouch to go under it, throwing the hands, combinations as we came up----to make it even harder slant the rope downward a bit so you have to dip further, of course this is dipping with the knees not the waist--it helped develop good coordination and power using the torso.....fubsy. "

there. you just said that you throw combinations as you come up. see?

this is something else here:

do you have the same problems I do with heavy bags? for me I find that I need to hang the bag really high up in the air (my eye level needs to be even with the very bottom of the bag). from experience it seems that hitting any heavy bag is useless unless your hitting the bottom 20% of it.

i mean, whenever I hit the heavy bag at the 50% mark, the bag irritatingly wobbles but when i hit the bottom 20% of the bag, this is the only place where I could get a solid hit.

do you have the same dilemma?