Bought another Home Defense Handgun


We currently have these options:

(on the way)



and the "last resort/up close and personal" in .22 mag

I also have an extra set of Hogue Monogrips and another set of Bantam boot grips.

We'll get them comfortable and better trained.

Yrs ago my Mom woke me up saying someone was trying to get the front door open in our county farm house. I got my Dad's pump shotgun loaded it and followed Mom to the door. From across the room I could see the door shaking as they (don't know who) tried to force it in. I was really scaried seeing the look in my Mom's eyes. Mom said in a loud voice that if they didn't leave she was going to shoot through the door. After a slight pause Mom racked the pump and took aim at the door. Hollowering again that she going fire after the count of 3. At the 2 count we heard steps off the porch. We didn't have a phone to call anyone and Dad worked third shift, I think the pump saved our lives that night. I've been a shotgun fan for home defense ever since. Any shotgun will due! :cool:.
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IMHO, your daughter or your wife may have a difficult time handing the S&W you ordered. Don't get me wrong, the gun itself is great, however, I think you should be looking at something with less recoil.

They gotta be able to hit the target first, don't you think?
Bigger is better for home defense

Not bigger caliber, but more mass to absorb recoil and a longer barrel for a longer sight radius. I would not recommend a snubbie. I think a Ruger GP100 or Smith K, L, or N with a 4 inch barrel would comfortable and effective to shoot. If a semi auto, a Ruger P89 would ne less snappy to shoot and easy for a woman to pull the slide with the "ears" that stick out on the safety/decocker.
"They gotta be able to hit the target first, don't you think?"

Gee, I never thought about that.:p

from my first post:

"So, I've bought another pistol: Scandium Smith and Wesson .38 snub with a Crimson Trace laser sight. (I don't really like the lightweight snubs, but I can load it with low recoil hollowpoints and, of course, I got a deal on it.)

It will also be an occasional carry gun for my wife.

Not the optimum multi-purpose home defense gun, but I was able to buy it within hours of the attempted break-in. It's a reasonable compromise.

They'll train with both the steel frame M36 and the lightweight M360CT.
.38 is the smallest you wanna go with for home defense. Honestly I think a high capacity 9mm with good hollowpoints would be better.
probably would, but neither my wife nor daughter are particularly adept at cycling a semi-auto, thus the snubs