Bought a Steyr M40...


New member
hopefully it will be a great gun, I went to
the shop to go look at it (with a few friends)- and the guy took it out of the back, when he opened the case like half the store came over to look at it- pictures don't do this gun justice, its really a neat looking piece, feels great, seems tighter than a Glock, nice sights,- If you have a hard time resisting guns when you go to look at them (not $1400 guns, they are easy to resist)- don't look at the Steyr, it will lure you in- I had no intention of buying it.
Please let us know how it performs.

Good guns deserve public praise; crap needs to be exposed.


"All my ammo is factory ammo"
Yes, please tell us how it is. Remember to try to keep objective since you will have that natural "new gun" excitment. ;)

Anyone know if the M40 will come in a .357?
I'm sure if the gun becomes popular, it will be offered in 357 Sig. I have a feeling, it's just going to be another option for those who don't feel like they are spending enough on a Glock. It's a little too new and looks a little too similar to a Sigma for me to associate good things with it right now.

But Steyr is famous for good stuff, and I'll bet it's going to be a good weapon.


AOL IM: BenK911
ICQ # 53788523
"Gun Control Is Being Able To Hit Your Target"

I somewhat agree, the grip design and the blocky looking front has a distinct "Sigmaesque" appearence, I do have a feeling that the appearance is the only thing these two weapons will have in common (sure doesn't feel like one). Like you said, Steyr makes good stuff (really good stuff)- I think one of goofier guns they made was the SPP (and its definitely a fine weapon)- but yes, it may end up having alot in common with the P99.
Saw one at the shop yesterday, and asked to handle it... The safety in the trigger guard seemed like it would be a fast system to disengage, and I can't see accidently activating the safety. Kudos to Steyr... However, the grip did not feel comfortable in my hand at all... (seemed too small) So doesn't look like I'll be buying one afterall...
According to GSI it will be availible in .357 sig sometime in 2000. Also there will be a larger version in .45 in late 2000.
I bought a Steyr M40 a couple weeks ago and have put around 1000 rounds through it already.

Bottom line: It's a winner but there's already an upgrade coming.

Some people might not even notice or care. But the Steyr M40 throws brass in all different directions and there are some brass dings on top of the slide in front of the ejection port.

The Good News is that Styer has already made a minor change to the ejection port by angling it a bit. And Steyr said it's looking good now. I definitely plan on getting this fix done since I shoot in IPSC and don't want to scan an entire 180 degrees just to find my brass :)

As far as I can tell, it does everything better than my Glock.

It looks better.
It feels better.
It has less felt recoil.
It has a better, even shorter trigger pull than a Glock.
It's a tighter slide to frame fit for better accuracy.
The insides are really beefed up.
It truly has a fully supported chamber and doesn't destroy the brass like a Glock .40 does.
It has better all-steel triangle sights.
It has the tough tenifer finish like a glock.
It has an even lower bore axis than a Glock.
It has 5 safety systems to Glock's three.
It has a loaded chamber indicator that you can see or feel.

This is one of the best thought out Glocks, woops, I mean pistols that I've ever seen.

Yes, The M357 is scheduled for 1st quarter 2000. Let's hope their schedule doesn't slip.

Cool, I'm glad to see the gun is working well- this little issue with the ejection port, is this something that GSI will handle? Because I didn't pick up the gun yet (have to get the purchase document)-maybe I'll tell the dealer to get another one, assuming its going to be a quick fix-what do you think?
GSI does have a Steyr armorer that should be able to handle about anything. When I get the go-ahead, I'll send my early M40 to him. This issue should disappear within a few months since they found the fix fast.
(new poster) I saw and handled the Steyr M40 a couple of days ago, and I like the ergonomics of the gun better than my Glock 19 (very nice sights, and the grip feels better except for having less 'grab' due to the smoother surface). It also fits my wife's hand better. I also looked at the Smith and Wesson 99, and it is also a pistol that feels nice in the hand, except for the annoyingly long trigger pull, and I don't like the bump on the bottom of the trigger guard. I do like the idea of getting a 'second strike' on a round that doesn't fire the first time with this pistol. Does the steyr pistol allow 'second strike' capability like the Walther P99 and SW99, or does it function like the Glock and most other striker-fired pistols? (tho perhaps it's better to get the tap-rack-aim-bang experience)


I spoke to the GSI armorer today (hard
to understand)- from what I gathered, it appears that it won't be a problem to fix (didn't guarantee it), he also said that not
all the guns have the problem (who knows with
that one).
Mine cost $569.

I shot another 300 rounds today. I'm definitely convinced that the M40 is inherently accurate just like a 357 Sig. With the M40, I can't tell the difference in accuracy with a 357 Sig. This is really good news.
I'll pick up some Sig heat and say that the Steyr is even easier to dismantle than a Sig.

You push in on the integrated lock button and simply swing down the take-down lever.