Bought a case of 9mm for $8 a box today

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Federal has American Eagle 95gr 380 for $26 on their website right this second. "Punch" is available too for normal prices.

It's coming. I'm telling you. Stop putting up with the gouging. Serious.
Federal has American Eagle 95gr 380 for $26 on their website right this second. "Punch" is available too for normal prices.

It's coming. I'm telling you. Stop putting up with the gouging. Serious.

That’s $0.52 a round (assuming that is a box of 50 you’re quoting). Again, that’s a very long way from $0.16 a round. You had one source that sold to you for pre-pandemic prices. You haven’t named the source or linked us to it. So that one source you won’t share compared to the results we can see for ourselves on ammoseek, elsewhere online, in retail stores, etc., is supposed to convince us that the worm has turned enough to think $0.16 a round is not far away?

Again do I think prices are going to tend downward? I think so, though some of that may be eaten up by fuel costs that are expected to go up this summer and associated rises in shipping costs. But does that help the person that wants to go shooting now and doesn’t have ammunition? Not really.

You’re phrasing this like people are gladly overpaying. Most of the shooters I know are rationing at this point and aren’t really buying. It’s more new gun owners and panic buyers. And frankly if someone has the money to buy at these prices and doesn’t know better or doesn’t care, that’s their call. You’re not going to stop them by pleading to them on a forum with a limited audience when chances are they aren’t here in the first place or are beyond reason.

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Actually, I'm set on ammo. I've been reloading for 55 years. I was well stocked years before the current situation arrived. I have two old Posness Warren P-200 reloaders and a 3rd extra turret head. One press is set up for 380 acp and 9mm; second is set up for 25-20 and 223. Third turret head is set up for 45 colt and 45 acp. I replace my ammo as I shoot it. I haven't bought any ammo in ten years or more!
No. I bought from 3 separate businesses. My case just shipped.

I have 2 other orders coming too. All independently from 8-12 dollars.

Even 357 has jumped down big at ammoshoponline.
Okay so three sources you won’t share in a sea of online vendors who are priced dramatically higher than what you quoted. Got it.

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While not great stuff, this option has been up since mid yesterday at 90 available at the start. Not even half gone almost a full day after.

So...I think we are going to start seeing a drop. Even Federal has dropped their stuff $4 online.

Summer public financial reportings on ammo is always horrible. I'm saying, be patient. This is the perfect time NOT to buy.
Wild Cat Mccane, I don't know why, but when I clicked on your link, I got ACCESS DENIED from SGammo. Then I logged in and got access. I guess it's members only now. Also, no 9mm fmj available.

Also, I would beg to differ on Federal lowering their price by $4. They actually raised the price of 9mm in the online store. On April 1, it went from $22.99 to $26.99 for a box of 9mm American Eagle.
Copied from #11-ammo.crafter

Set up my 50+ year old RCBS Jr single stage press and began cranking out 9mm rounds one at a time.
As long as I have components I will not buy ammo at these grossly inflated prices.

My thoughts and actions exactly..
Federal has had Champion 115gr 9mm listed for 3 days straight now at 27, which is lower than anything on ammoseek or just bought 124 like crazy from them over the last two days (4 boxes max up from last week 2 box max).

10 boxes of Aguila 124gr fmj just arrived today. 11 bucks a box.
20 boxes of S&B at $8 for brass 124gr is in transit.

You can't just be a curmudgeon forever. Supply is clearly up.
I never said supply isn’t up. For the last time,$0.54 a round is not the $0.16 a round that is featured in this thread’s title. $0.54 isn’t notably different than what I can find locally (especially if that’s without shipping). I’m glad people can find ammo, though that has been the case for some time if you were willing to pay. I’m also happy for any slight price decrease I can get. But if you don’t grasp the difference in prices we’re talking about here, I’m not sure if you’re either obtuse or just in denial. $0.54 a round is still 3x pre-pandemic pricing. Those prices aren’t enough for me personally to think we’re rounding the bend or whatever metaphor I can come up with next time. It means things are getting slightly better. When I see ammunition available steadily and widely for sub $0.40 a round, I will start thinking differently.

Now if you’re willing to share those sources that are dramatically cheaper then I’ll bake a pie with humble carved in the top and take a picture of me eating it for you. Until then, my reaction is, “That’s good news for you, but doesn’t help me given what is generally available.”

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Bozz10mm: You don't have to log in. The link that was posted is no longer valid, so SG puts up that generic page. Look on the left side of the page and chose "Pistol Ammo for Sale" and chose your caliber to be shown what they currently have in stock. Nothing even close to what was stated in this thread.

I'm an optimist, but I'm not seeing anything under $0.60/round. I don't think we'll see $0.16/round for at least 3 years. Hope we can get down to sub-$0.30/round within a year.
Ammoseek has 124gr American Eagle lower than the currently listed (with free shipping) Federal website that currently has 115gr and 124gr ready to buy.

The Federal website is MSRP pricing. It should be lower everywhere else. When the every year glut of ammo purchasing happens in the summer, expect all these high prices to drop.

Again, 115gr and 124gr American Eagle is for sell right now on the Federal website.
Don't feel too bad. I had to pay about 1.00 a round for just the LeHigh 120 grain .38/357 case, powder, primer included!LOL
100 bullets for about 100.00 shipped......and they were the last two on the shelf.
I checked back and now they are out of stock, and I can't find them anywheres at all, everything sold out. So I feel like I got the last two boxes in the whole world! Priceless!:D
I get a kick out of these "Look what I found" post. Yep, a sure sign the ammo is coming back". Seems so many do not actually remember what "Normal" is anymore. No they are NOT coming back to normal.
My go to, normal supplier was TargetSports. I had orders coming in almost each WEEK. And I have a list of all my orders for the past three years since joining the club. And I use this as a gauge to see how the shortage is going. And NOW there is no ammo to buy in 9mm or 380 or 38 etc. Lol, that is the NEW normal. Here is a invoice in one week in MAY 2019. Plenty available And just to bring back the NORMAL to the real world.

Wolf Steel Case $9mm at the time was $6.43 per box of 50. I use to order cases of it each month. I could order cases of 380 for around $12-15 per box of 50, of Remington, and other brands.


Typical monthly order during normal times.

In March of 2020 things started to really go South for Centerfire ammo. Yes, I cold still find some deals at a higher cost, but still it was the beginning of the end for Normalcy. Some posters said posted some so called deals on and made ridiculous comments that plenty would be available at low cost in the coming years.
I knew right Then that I should STOCK up on my already large stash and began ordering as much as I could afford and this pic shows the recent orders the time before putting away to my Stash.


Typical order of in MAY 2019


After the market then crashed, I started to order as much Buckshot as possible to add to my Shotgun stash. Now, I just order Air Pistol and Rifle Pellets to enjoy the Sport of shooting which means freqency of range time.
A example of cost of Quality Pellets.

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I haven't seen ammo for anything close to what the OP states he found, but I am seeing the prices drop all the time. The best I've seen lately is 9mm steel for .50/rd in bulk.

I don't think it will be years before prices return close to normal. It wouldn't shock me if it's by the end of the year provided nothing happens to spike demand again.
Found 200 rounds of 9mm WWB in the back of the closet. I'm not sure if this is good or embarrassing, but I did the Snoopy dance anyway.
No offense, but Target Sport USA was one of the first to price jump.

High volume shooter and I'm done with them for 9mm.

Ammoshoponline now has 357 norma at 30 bucks. So within the time that I last posted, an always available 357 FMJ option dropped 14%.
No offense, but Target Sport USA was one of the first to price jump.

High volume shooter and I'm done with them for 9mm.

Ammoshoponline now has 357 norma at 30 bucks. So within the time that I last posted, an always available 357 FMJ option dropped 14%.
Not sure about them being the first to price jump. What month are you talking about? I have all my orders from the past three years. I do imagine they did a lot of bulk shipping with the low prices and free shipping for members. You may be done now with 9mm because they have not had any. In that regard we are all done. What is your shipping charge with 357? 14% drop from what? One thing I noticed is most of the ammo listed as cheaper than other places has HIGH shipping rates.
The ammo shortage is not just based on any one fluctuation. A drop now, can rise quickly tomorrow.There is no steady continuous drop that I can see.
There are so many factors against a normal supply at present. A lot depends on current events for example. Is Civil unrest completely over? Lol, not hardly. Typically in summer there is a lull in the shooting sports and then picks up again in the fall, but not sure this summer will be normal for anything.
Police have been defunded across the Country and violence has increased in major cities up 10%. Every one of he cities in the US that had civil unrest in 2020 has seen a 10% increase in yearly violence. (180 protest in 2020 alone). Many cities reporting a shortage of Police. Many retiring, quitting, and even quitting during the middle of the academy.
As of NOW know one has a crystal ball. All hell is going on in the US. God only knows what tomorrow will bring.
If online betting were allowed for betting on the shortage pro or con, I would put my money on no normalcy for a few years at best. Of course you could bet the other way.
Right now I am seeing Buckshot get a little cheaper and have been purchasing more. I have a feeling it is going up again before long.
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