Bought a case of 9mm for $8 a box today

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I have shot steel in some of my guns and found it works just fine. The only problem that I have with steel ammo is it's not allowed to be used at most indoor ranges.
I may head to the desert this week and that is where I'll use my steel ammo.
Not to seem disingenuous, but what are you passing along exactly? There are no details about the ammunition itself or where you purchased the ammunition. I guess you’re passing along the fact that you were able to make what seems like a very good purchase in the current market. Okay, congratulations.

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S&B 124gr brass FMJ. 20 boxes. $170 shipped.

Ammoseek had 3 different sellers yesterday with 9mm less than $15 dollars a box, all brass.

What I'm passing on is, it's coming back at normal prices. If three different online stores can sell at that price, we're truly getting hosed.
I can certainly believe we’re getting hosed. But how does that knowledge help me? If all the purchase options I have are essentially $0.50-$0.60 a round (which is a huge difference from $0.16 a round) then my options are either buy or don’t. Currently I’m at don’t and have been for some time, but at some point I have to buy. Whether or not a person in a different part of the country can do much better from an undisclosed source doesn’t really help me.

Nothing on ammoseek is currently less than $0.49 a round:

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$0.50 a round is a long way from $0.16. Will it go down? I think so. How long that will take is another question.

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Set up my 50+ year old RCBS Jr single stage press and began cranking out 9mm rounds one at a time.
As long as I have components I will not buy ammo at these grossly inflated prices.
It also seems like shipping costs are higher
I think that is generally true for just about all goods, unless you get free shipping through Amazon Prime. Since the pandemic hit, a lot of people have been ordering things online that they used to buy at a store.
The cost and availability of ammo today is such a combination of factors it might be termed a "perfect storm" except for the fact that a perfect storm implies it is the worst (most perfect) combination of bad things possible, though sadly, I think things with ammo can still get worse, thought we hope for the better...

those of us with long enough memories got kind of spoiled in the 80s and into the 90s because ammo and component costs were just slightly above what they had been in the 70s and were pretty stable for a long time.

then fuel costs jumped about a third then more after that, and ammo is heavy...

And pretty quick ammo cost jumped a lot. Bought a box of Rem .45 Colt, cost $18 same stuff a year later was $28...

Add in lots of other factors over time, including rising cost of raw materials and growing industry in China, India and some other places buying large chunks of the available world suppy (where before they had not nearly as much) further increases in fuel and transportation costs, and on top of it all, the changing value of our dollar, LOTS of things (eventually everything) went up.

And in the past decade you've got political worries upping demand, (panic buying creating shortages) and then finally and most recently the virus pandemic and its effects on both demand and resources, and here we are at a time when damn little ammo is readily available and none of it at anywhere near what was its historical relative price.

I think the last couple years have given us a very good lesson on the pitfalls of a "Just in time" economy when it comes to manufacturing, in particular. Not having inventory of parts or even raw materials sitting around does reduce overhead costs BUT your profit relies on a steady, uninterrupted flow of what you need, and we've lost a lot of that recently. Things are coming back, (thank goodness there's toilet paper again:rolleyes:) but things are never going to be exactly like they were before, again...
Didn’t have any 380 ACP did they?
I just sold off 950 rounds of .380 Silver Bear to a friend of a friend for $15 a box of 50, I remember buying it for about $6 a box about 10 years ago.
It's a great time to sell off that old ammo that you will never use in your guns.LOL
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