Both eyes open pistol shooting?

At 67, I've shot with one eye closed all my life. I am now learning how to shoot with both eyes open. My sd9ve is the size and weight of a Glock 19 and I shoot it low and left. I know it is not my eye but if I have to adjust my grip and trigger finger, I might as well change everything.
One solution to double imaging, since you are wearing shooting glasses anyway, is to get a clip on occluder which blocks the line of sight from one eye.

Yes, this works for me. Get this... I'm right handed, but left eye dominant. However, I have astigmatism in my dominant eye. Therefore, I get a clearer sight picture sighting out of my right eye. When shooting I place a piece of scotch tape on my shooting glasses blocking my dominant eye (left eye). The first time I tried this my sight picture cleared dramatically and made target acquisition easy. Hopefully I can switch eye dominance with consistent training.
I shoot with both eye open for everything. When using iron sights dominate eye focusing on the front sight and other eye on the target. They naturally bring them together too. I find I'm able to be way more accurate and a lot faster to get on target weather it's shooting off the bench or on a run and gun. Even with scoped rifles both eyes open while ignoring one eye works very well.
When using iron sights dominate eye focusing on the front sight and other eye on the target.
Whatever you are doing, it isn't that. It is optically and physically impossible for human eyes to focus on two different objects at different distances at the same time.
What you are experiencing may well be "binocular rivalry" - where the focus switches from eye to eye....first one eye and then the other, back and forth.
In any case, when you have the front sight in focus with your dominant eye, you see the target (out of focus) beyond that.
Right hand and right eye dominant, here. I've always shot everything with both eyes open... However, just recently starting dabbling in magnifying optics, will ease my left eye closed when really aiming in through a scope.

I used to have a paintball gun and the vertical feed was right ontop of the marker... And they even had a rail up there that was completely obstructed! I threw a cheap red dot on it and with both eyes open could "see through" the feed and acquire the target just fine.

The eyes and how the brain uses them is pretty amazing.