Both barrels at once?

Prof Young

New member
Scatter Gun Lovers:

Is it bad for my Stoeger 12 ga coach gun to try to pull both triggers at once? We have not yet achieve that. It occurred to me that we might hurt the gun if we did. Anyone know about this kind of stuff? ("We" in this context is me and the guys I shoot with.)

Life is good.
Prof Young
I don't know if it will hurt the gun, but it won't do you any good. Back in the 1970's I had one of the Savage Fox doubles with a single trigger. The right barrel always shot 1st, then the left barrel. I had nothing but problems with that gun and sold it after about 10 years.

One time both barrels fired with one pull of the trigger. I'm assuming the recoil from the 1st barrel caused the 2nd one to fire so it technically wasn't at the same time, but it was so close I didn't notice 2 shots. It just knocked the snot out of me and when I broke the action open I found both shells had fired.
My step daughter was routinely firing both barrels of my 12 gauge when she was 14 but she said my 20 gauge kicked too hard.:confused::confused::confused:
Most likely thing to happen is your fingers will get whacked on the trigger guard. Don't know if it's even possible to pull both at the same time(that being a very Hollywood thing to do) with a Stoeger. I kind of think not due to the trigger design and possible liability issues.
The Fox doubling probably was caused by pulling the trigger twice under recoil like an M-14 style rifle can when held too loosely on a bench rest. Nothing like a mystery for a Saturday afternoon.
Done that but now, know better

Anyone know about this kind of stuff? ("We" in this context is me and the guys I shoot with.)
Yes, back in my younger days, when I was dumber that a Day-Old Boot I did this on more than one occasion and glad kind of stuff is "mostly" behind me. I and the wild bunch, I hung around with, use to do a lot of crazy stuff. I don't think I did any harm to my SxS and it was a learning experience..... :eek:

For whatever reason, sounds like you want to try it but keep in mind that it serves no good purpose. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!
I had a sweet stevens 612 sxs in 20 that started doing that. The receiver was aluminum and it was a problem with that model. Stevens/Savage replaced it with a 512.

So, that may not be repairable
I’ve shot both cartridge and muzzle loader doubles many times by pulling both triggers. I still own and use the muzzle loader and two cartridge doubles that have done this. No damage to the guns but I haven’t had the urge to do it for years. Hold tight and lean into it, your middle finger will be the most likely to be thumped.
I've lit off both tubes in my Grandad's old no-name sawed-off double barrel many times. If that cheap old thing will hold up to it, I'm sure your Stoeger will be just fine.

It's hoot to pull both triggers at once! Really fun when shooting at clays. It kicks like a mule, but is hardly something that will knock you down, break your fingers, dislocate your shoulder, or cause any other kind of dire consequences. Mostly, it just causes a big, stupid grin and a bunch of giggling.

Because threads are always better with pics...


I cracked the stock on a Bakail SxS by pulling both triggers at the same time a bunch.

Also a friend had (maybe still has) a Stoger single trigger gun that would about 1 time out of 5 fire both barrels on a single trigger pull. Never knew when it was going to happen, so it was always a surprise.
If I had a nice old quality double,particularly a sidelock, I'd be inclined to treat it gently. Unnecessarily overstressing thin sections of 100 year old wood might lead to regret.

Long ago when I owned a 1967 Chevelle SS 396 I did tire smoking burnouts and near redline power shifts.

Now that market value on the ones that have survived approaches $60,000 I believe (if I had one) I'd act my 68 yr old age and drive it to preserve it.

I don't think I'd be banging both barrels on an old L C Smith ,for example
I think the only way you would do much harm to it would be if you put the butt against something solid before firing it. That would probably even mess up the stock if you only fired one barrel. The recoil will be stout but not deadly. I have had two side by sides that did it occasionally. No fun. If you are going to do it, go all the way and get two heavy turkey loads to shoot out of it at the same time. Hold it a bit off your shoulder if you want even more fun and games that involve pain.
Well, about 63 years ago, my father allowed a 12 year old me to use his 12 ga double barrel to go crow hunting on my grandfather's farm. I had shot my 12 ga single shot with a butt pad before, but this was a momentus event to be allowed to use the double barrel by myself. bet! I crossed the cattle guard to the cornfield on a cold Feb. day in Oklahoma, broke the action and dropped in two Western Auto 12 ga. purple paper hull shells. I probably didn't go twenty steps and the urge to shoot somethig overtook me.

I cocked the hammers, shouldered the gun without a recoil pad, put a finger on each trigger, pointed it at a broken corn stalk and pulled the trigger. I didn't see the cornstalk disappear in a cloud of dust, but I did get a good look at the sky. When I pulled the front trigger, it caused me pull the back trigger too. Two triggers; one for each finger right? I got up, went to reload and saw I had fired both barrels, which promptly sat me down. At least I didn't drop the gun.

I was still within sight of the farm house, so I knew my dad had watched me. He never said a word, except that eventhough there were two triggers, you were only supposed to use one finger.

So, in answer to "Can you set off both barrels at the same time", I can definatively say....yes, at least in an external hammer gun.
Won't hurt the gun, at least not the metal. Wood might split, depends on which side of the pallet they took that old piece of jungle wood from. Might hurt your ego when it sits you down firmly in the mud.

It'll make you wish you hadn't, I can tell you that.

Some years ago, i was out looking for ruffed grouse with my setter, Belle. At least she was looking and i was following along. Her collar started to beep for a point. She was about 25 yards from me....across a patch of barberry. Rather than walk around, i chose to make my way through the thorns. I was carrying a Baikal SxS.
As i crossed, I kept my eyes on the dog. Only a few steps in, the bushes under my feet exploded. A bird came up very fast and about 3 feet away. It looked about as big as a B-52. Instinct took over. The gun came up and BANG.....both barrels. The bird took off unharmed. Good thing too. Once I was able to look at the fleeing animal, i saw that it was not a grouse, not a pheasant but a turkey. An out of season turkey.
The dog....she was still on point.
You can crack your stock. I had a friend has a kid who was a flyweight. He knocked himself on his Buttox.
Only a " Prof " from Illinois would ask such a question. Why in Gods name would you want to ? Sure you can, but no good reason to. Why don't you put the butt on the middle of your face when you try it and tell us if it hurts. :D I'm sorry for the unpleasant reply, but the question just doesn't make sense.:confused:
Wow! Some of you guys have the fortitude of a 5 year old girl. Do y'all drink your tea with your pinky held in the air, too? What happened to doing something because it makes you smile, not because there's "a good reason?" Lighten up, buttercups.
Both barrels at once never made anyone smile; it has made many cry and quit shooting. it has also helped to detach many a retina
No thanks, I have the ability to shoot a DT shotgun one barrel at a time - and I am LH.
Sorry I was SO RUFF for some of you. The OPs question was just short of, well, I don't know. All I did was ask why he wanted to know, and had a suggestion of something else he could try. Fortitude ? Where does fortitude enter into what I said ? The OP would need some fortitude to do as he or I suggested. Maybe instead he could have just ask if anyone as a youngster, by mistake, had pulled both triggers at once. And what did it feel like. The answer is yes. It hurt my cheek, my right hand and fingers, and knocked me off the stool. Any adult would know better.