Boston Tea Party

All this money Ron Paul is getting hasn't helped in any of the early state primaries. I find it funny the only thing Ron Paul supporters have to hang thier hats on is how much money they have raised, lol.

Keep throwing that hard earned money away folks because Paul is not getting the nomination and I don't care how many blimps he flies, or how much money he raises. People see Ron Paul for what he is, a wackjob with a few good ideas.

Keep bragging on the money though as if that wins elections, LOL.
Uh, huh.

I'm just about able to say Paul will win in South Carolina's primary campaign, what happens this week will determine how hard a win prediction that will become. Giuliani is out, as is Romney. Huckabee will do better than both despite the endorsements of various televangelists and Bob Jones, Jr. (Romney of all people). Interestlng to see local religious people telling these so-called religious "leaders" to take a hike over these outrageous endorsements. Heartwarming.

Looks like Paul will be either second or third in Iowa, and first or second in New Hampshire. Again, the next two weeks will solidify these predictions.
there's a blimp buzzing around the east coast bearing his name

It takes more than Blimps to make a successful political program.


"Let's Build a Fleet of Zeppelins for Lenin!" 1936
double naught spy said:
So we can't trust the polls, so we must trust who raised the most donations and that determines who we should vote for? Naw, I don't think so.

or maybe you could vote for the person that best represents your views, whether thats paul or huckabee or thompson or whoever, regardless of any polls or money raised. now THERES a novel concept.
Did anyone in the Boston area go to the Faneuil Hall rally? Or did the bad weather intervene? I've been waiting for videos of the event to be posted...I thought it was going to be streamed live? Haven't seen any videos posted yet.

Oh, two recent polls (fox news and AP) have Ron Paul within a couple points of Huckabee in New Hampshire... both candidates surging in the last month (statistical tie); Rudy fading.
The Paul Campaign is now closing in on $17 million, will likely top $18 million before midnight.

That means there'll likely be $20 million in the bank by the end of the 4th quarter, 12/31/2007. That's a pretty good haul, and will fund the campaign through the first tier of primaries, and maybe well into the second. That's even if the well dries up, not a likely event with the donations coming from so many contributors.

Edit: Now here it is, 30 minutes later at 11PM an the donations have topped $17.5 million, looks like it could go as high as $19 million by midnight. While the electronic count may not hit $19 tonight, the actual figure may end up higher in a couple of days because some are snail mail donations which were sent in days ago, or today, to be counted today.

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The final tally was about $6.3 million donated yesterday, by over 58,000 individual donors. That is an all time record for one day regardless of candidate, the record was formerly held by John Kerry who received $5.7 million after winning the candidacy for his party. Total in the kitty is over $18 million and counting. That's with the knowledge that there were electronic problems in the last 15 minutes of the evening that twice changed the count downward, and ended up showing a sharp decline in donations during that period. That's runs 180 degrees off expectations, hopefully to be sorted out today or tomorrow after the techs get some sleep. The figures above reflect only online cash or credit card donations, paper donations will be totaled up later.

All in all, a great evening for the best candidate in the race.
I'm hoping for Paul vs Kucinich in the general. We'll have sharia in no time.

Sharia law would be much easier to implement after a Clinton or Guiliani or Romney nationwide gun ban.
Oops, I thought this was about the Boston Tea Party, you know: moonless night in 1773, bunch of people (including Sam Adams) dressed as natives (they woulda said Indians--just 'cause Columbus was too stupid to know where India was), tea from the real India that the Brits insisted on taxing, even though the colonists had no representatives in Parliament and so taxing them was illegal. As long as it was just a tax revolt, the colonists avoided violence (the shooting started when the Brits tried to disarm citizens). Boston wasn't the only place that lots of tea got thrown into the harbor, just the first, and when it was over, real Americans drank coffee--only Tories drank tea.
That's it in a nutshell, except that Columbus was on the cutting edge of exploratory science for his day. He wrote about "things" extensively, and was considered an intellectual.

The Ron Paul Revolution will be extraordinary in the coming years. History will tell us if it's as meaningful as the original Boston Tea Party was, but I'm inclined to think yes, even at this early date.