Boston Tea Party


New member
As I write this, there's a concerted nationwide canvassing effort about to be launched for Ron Paul. In addition, there's a blimp buzzing around the east coast bearing his name and a fund raising effort underway that makes the November 5th money bomb look like a party favor.

I am expecting this 24 hour period to reap twice the funds of the last effort. This would obliterate the previous 24 hour record for fund raising, cement the Ron Paul campaign as the undisputed king-of-the-hill for Republican single quarter intake, and place this campaign in the running as the all-time largest fundraising effort in the history of....ever.

Happy December 16th!
I dunno man. That may be, but these 'poll' results being shown on the news are a pretty powerful brainwashing technique and they're not looking good for Ron Paul.

Looks like Guiliani and Obama.
Who cares about how much money the dude is raising? He remains in last place in the Nomination process, well second to last place now that Keyes is in the race. He can raise all the money he wants, its not going to do him a damn bit of good when the polling numbers show he isn't making any headway. Give it a rest already.
Over a million raised so far today, and I haven't even donated yet. :D

xnavy, why even visit this thread and comment if you have nothing accurate or positive to add? I think you forgot that Hunter and Tancredo are still in the race, which is OK because pretty much everyone else seems to have forgotten as well. The nomination process begins next month, and Ron Paul has made a bit of headway in polls, showing 6% today at Rasmussen.
Polls don't matter, it's all going to come down to who has the biggest blimp.:p ;)


But a fat checkbook never hurts... :D

I am expecting this 24 hour period to reap twice the funds of the last effort. This would obliterate the previous 24 hour record for fund raising, cement the Ron Paul campaign as the undisputed king-of-the-hill for Republican single quarter intake, and place this campaign in the running as the all-time largest fundraising effort in the history of....ever.

Good for him. I hope he raises a lot of $$$.

One Question. Will he give the money back when he does not get the nomination?
We're making sure that Ron Paul has the wherewithal to get his message out in the face of a huge personal fortune (Romney) or the neocon sweetheart (Rude) and the various smearbunds on the left and new-right (or was I redundant in that).

Looking good for $16 million for quarter 4, or better. :D
Polls don't matter, it's all going to come down to who has the biggest blimp

LMAO - thanks! :)

Well, looks like our boy ain't gonna make it, in all likelihood (though he *could* pull it out possibly) - still, he's gonna fight the good fight and pull the issues in his direction with his candidacy, which is a very *good thing*, just as Ross Perot's existence made Clinton talk about welfare reform, balanced budgets, and reducing the deficit back in 92 - look what happened there - Clinton actually DID IT! (with help & prodding from Congress of course) - but would that have happened without Perot's existence in the race? I submit no way, no how....
Loads of money and loads of support coming in from many thousands of regular folk. Regular folk self organized that rent and fly advertisement blimps, buy full page ads in USA today, rent and fly air planes towing banners, paint up their own Ron Paul mobiles, buy local radio ads, hang signs all over their community's, work telephone banks, go door to door, buy buttons stickers and shirts, and today: SEND 100.00 OR MORE OF THEIR OWN HARD EARNED MONEY TO RON PAUL BECAUSE THEY STILL BELIEVE IN FREEDOM AND THE SPIRIT OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. We will force their hand.
its not going to do him a damn bit of good when the polling numbers show he isn't making any headway.

Ah yes, the path of least resistance. Vote for Rudy or Romney because we're told they're going to win and its certainly better to support the guy who's going to win rather than the guy who is going to lose? I'm sure it'll be so much more comforting when its Rudy banning your guns rather than Hillary. Sometimes good men have to stand up and say 'damn the odds, I'm doing what I think is right and good regardless of the possibility of defeat or the consequences'. Perhaps you check your moral compass, like so many politicians, by licking your finger and sticking it in the air to see which way the winds of the polls or public opinion are blowing, but a good many of us don't.

I don't think many here are under the false impression that RP is going to somehow win the nomination and the election. It would be great if he did win, but this isn't all about winning. Its about sending a message to both the republican and democrat parties that they're missing out on a sizable (and very dedicated as shown by the fundraising), segment of the voting populace who is so sick and tired of the same old crap from both parties they're willing to go to the polls to 'throw their vote away' on a guy with little chance of winning because we can no longer stomach the idea of voting for more of the same.

Yes, I'll be donating to RP today, but not because I think he's got a great shot at winning. I'll donate because win or lose, he represents my views far more than the democrat party or whats become of the "republican" party.
The Paul campaign is rapidly closing in on $15 million for quarter 4, with nine hours left to make this a stunning, record donation day.

I think we can call this an unqualified success, the Paul Revoluntion in deed.
Update: The Paul Campaign has just passed $16 million for the quarter, $4.3 million for the day with 5 hours left to go.

The Paul campaign is doing it.
All this money Ron Paul is getting hasn't helped in any of the early state primaries. I find it funny the only thing Ron Paul supporters have to hang thier hats on is how much money they have raised, lol.

Keep throwing that hard earned money away folks because Paul is not getting the nomination and I don't care how many blimps he flies, or how much money he raises. People see Ron Paul for what he is, a wackjob with a few good ideas.

Keep bragging on the money though as if that wins elections, LOL.