Boston Globe on Gun Control

I would resist the notion that working journalists are generally lazy. It's a line of work about which people have romantic notions with people falling all over themselves to do it for little or no money.

There is a lot of commentary suggesting that real working newsrooms suffer from a lack of diversity. If everyone in a room received a liberal arts degree then went to J-school, the room may have women and racial minorities, but may not have an engineer, a veteran, anyone who ever drove a truck for money, or anyone of the many experiences life offer but is typically beyond the population who have spent most of a decade of their early adulthood sitting in a classroom in which a single viewpoint prevails.

Journalists don't randomly convey neutral facts; they tell stories. Do we imagine a journalist doesn't know what story he wants to tell before he sets pen to paper? A journalist who wants to tell a story about how it is too easy to get guns is going to tell that story. The details of dealer licensing or how NICS works aren't going to deter him from telling his story.
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Don't forget who is paying the reporters, who owns the mainstream newspapers and media. Just follow the money and it is easy to see why only one side is represented.

I never thought I would see our society have such a negative view on a person's ability to defend themselves or think that someone needs SWAT training to own a pistol.

Give it about 20 years, and there will be people screaming about self-driven cars out on the highways still being driven by humans.

Why, it is senseless to think that cars going 60 mph, in opposite directions no less, are zooming by each other just inches apart. If these people haven't been trained and certified by the Blue Angels and the Air Force, they have no business out here with the rest of us. Sound about right?
Years ago I met a man who told me he started out in journalism and was now working in advertising. He said they're basically the same thing but in advertising people are more honest about their motives. And in journalism school they never got past generalities.
Edward R. Murrow is quoted as saying you can teach a brain to speak in round tones, but if someone can speak in round tones and has no brain....
I don't think journalists and newspeople are lazy, rather as Will Rogers noted, what a lot of they know isn't so.
If you are surprised that the editorial of a major metro newspaper is biased and omits important facts and distorts or misstates others, you haven't been paying attention for the last couple centuries...:D
What this?? The Boston Globe printing something that isn't true? I thought everything in print was true. Amazing how these companies such as the Boston Globe stay in business. Guess there are enough people out there that will believe anything they print.