Border patrol agent held at gunpoint

Does our pandering have anything at all to do with the oil we buy from Mexico?

Either that or the huge sums of money pouring into the Bush family Swiss bank accounts from the Mexican drug cartels.

Clintons = Chinese bribe money

Bushs = Mexican bribe money

Bush should definitely have been impeached over his deliberate refusal to fullfill his oath of Office and secure our southern border.
Bush should definitely have been impeached over his deliberate refusal to fullfill his oath of Office and secure our southern border.
But since we have a Republican form of gov't then WE, THE PEOPLE are the ones ultimately to blame. WE have allowed foreign interests to take control of our gov't. The elected officials are PART of the problem but we ridicule those who have non-mainstream views and so, here we are. Look who's laughing now...
Bush should definitely have been impeached over his deliberate refusal to fullfill his oath of Office and secure our southern border.

There are so many things to impeach Bush (and Cheney) for!

And in 2006 we turned the House of Representatives over to the Democrats so they could do just that -- the first thing Nancy Pelosi said was "impeachment is off the table". :banghead:
And in 2006 we turned the House of Representatives over to the Democrats so they could do just that -- the first thing Nancy Pelosi said was "impeachment is off the table".

Impeachment requires something to be illegal. As of yet nothing Bush has done has been illegal in the sense of the law. Prez B has followed the letter of the law. Congress approved of everything Bushy asked so if we impeach him we impeach all of congress. But I digress.

I would rather hear "border security" as the first thing out of the mouths of politicians when discussing national security. When talking "war on terror" loose borders are holes for black market or people of dubious mentality towards the US 'o A to enter undetected.
Maybe we need to declare Mexico a terrorist state.

There military takes on our law enforcement.

There citizens illegally cross our borders thus not following our laws.

Then some of them harm our citizens.

And Mexico says huh?
At the very least, aren't the Mexican soldiers violating our NFA34? Have they regisitered their assault rifles? Have they undergone a thorough FBI background check and had their fingerprints recorded? Have they paid the US treasury the $200.00 tax to be in possession of those automatic rifles? Have they taken those rifles and crossed a state line?

Aren't they also "importing" full autos which are not readily suitable for "sporting purposes", thus also violating the MGB of 86?

We better get the BATFE involved. Just tell them that we know of some religious sect who likes to dress up like Mexican soldiers and has "stockpiled" full auto weapons in anticipation of an attack by the Federal Government and the coming of the "end".

Where is Janet Reno? Your nation needs you again, Ms. Reno. Come back to work. Please? We forgive you for having your goons grab Elian Gonzalez in the dark of night with sub machine guns and sending him back to Fidel Castro for a life in an island prison. :p
Mexico isn't really a country. I doubt there's anyone to blame or to respond to. It's not like the leaders in Mexico are in control of anything.

We could go down there, blow up what little military they have, arrest their chief, write them a constitution, and protect the fledgling government until their candy-pants new soldiers/cops could take care of themselves. But they'd just fall apart six months after we left.

Vietnam, Haiti, Somalia, Iraq, Afganistan. Mexico.

Build a wall. Make it high.
I am just wondering how much the Mexican government takes advantage of us due to the fact that they also supply us with a healthy share of our imported oil.
Actually Mexico has been using its population to extort a pressure relief valve in the US. Mexico is a sick society and Jose and Juanita Gonzales are sick of it also. Illegal immigration into the US is a pressure relief valve. It provides a revenue stream into the country that ranks between oil exports and tourism. All the cash illegals in the US are sending back to the folks at home is helpful in quieting the discontent. Mexico wants the relief valve just as much as our corporatists want to shift the cost of labor to the US taxpayer. There is no doubt in my mind that if the US grew a spine and played hardball on illegals coming into the US, Mexico would respond by forcing its citizens across the border. Mass migrations can be voluntary (now) or they can be involuntary (threatened). We bellyache about 11 million illegals in the US (official number). The real figure is approaching a conservative 30 million. What would be the consequences if Mexico force out 10 to 15 million citizens out at one time? The US is saving Mexican elite's bacon by tolerating illegal immigration.