Border patrol agent held at gunpoint


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Border patrol agent held at gunpoint

Officers fear Mexican military encounters will turn violent

A U.S. Border Patrol agent was held at gunpoint Sunday night by members of the Mexican military who had crossed the border into Arizona, but the soldiers returned to Mexico without incident when backup agents responded to assist.

Agents assigned to the Border Patrol station at Ajo, Ariz., said the Mexican soldiers crossed the international border in an isolated area about 100 miles southwest of Tucson and pointed rifles at the agent, who was not identified.

Military incursions across our border, no doubt protecting drug or illegal alien traffickers.

We can't keep letting things like this happen, we have to crack down on the Mexicans and show them this will not be tolerated.

Since 1996, there have been more than 200 confirmed incursions by the Mexican military into the United States.

Before anyone says they were just patrolling looking for criminals, I say BS, they get paid mordida to protect smugglers.
Remember when we sent National Guard troops to the border a year or two, but gave them orders not to do anything? I thought they should be standing by with helicopter gunships to provide close air support for the border patrol against the Mexican military on US soil. Swoop in and get between them and the border so they can't retreat back to their side; arrest them, or gun them down if they shoot first.

I'm pretty sure a border state governor could order that since Bush doesn't have the balls.
We could stop all that easily. Too bad our leaders have completely sold us out. The Mexican problem exists because our sell-out Politicians and Industry leaders want it that way. They know it, they'll continue to abuse us and our own government will cripple us and let it continue. It is sickening. :barf:

Pick one and sign up. I wouldn't suggest giving money to either group... MCDC has been accused of "disappearing" a little over a million dollars that was supposed to build a model israeli-military style fence, then building a cheap cattle fence instead. Tax paperwork shows one thing, statements from donors (even folks who mortgaged their houses to donate) say other things. MCDC is now administered by a lobbying conglomerate out of DC and is financially dubious in its actions, but if you volunteer your time it will be well spent.

PBA was created by former MCDC members who noticed the financial anomalies. I wouldn't give them any money either, since they don't really need it since they aren't building anything. Bring a good radio, flashlight and sidearm if you volunteer and that's all you'll need.

But, the only thing that stops this problem is boots on the ground and sharps eyes looking south, folks. The NatGuard has packed up and the BP is alone on this again. They need backup from the American people, and the best backup they can get is one set of eyes from "flyover" America that comes to see the problem and carry the story back to the heartland to share it with others, and get it to their congresscritters.
Truthfully I doubt our government would have backed the agent if he had found it necessary to engage, the pandering to Mexico continues.
200 military incursions? At what point does that constitute war? Sheesh, we didn't have that many stopovers by the British! This tells me plain as day we've been sold out, or any foreign army would have been chopped to pieces on day 1.
I am glad this got national attention, many border incidents do not. I lived in El Paso...on the border, yards away. There were incidents of border patrol cars driving the El Paso city streets next to the border fence being shot at with .30 cal rifles from the Juarez side. Missed the agent in the car, but never even made national news.

Had this agent (in OP link) responded he might not have been backup by his superiors that are afraid of the justice dept. Something needs to change fast.
Wingman posted:
Truthfully I doubt our government would have backed the agent if he had found it necessary to engage, the pandering to Mexico continues.
Does our pandering have anything at all to do with the oil we buy from Mexico? Aren't they one of our bigger suppliers? If Mexico got huffy, would they try to squeeze Uncle Sam's testicles over oil sales? I am just wondering how much the Mexican government takes advantage of us due to the fact that they also supply us with a healthy share of our imported oil.
it is an invasion! no matter which way you look at it....... Nothing will be done until the Mexican Military kills civilians..period.

Minutemen are the only chance we have and the US gov. wants to consider them "Domestic Terrorist" Welcome to the new, mexico......
Any Mexican soldier on our side of the border should be treated as an illegal alien, taken into custody, charged with being in the country illegally, languish in jail, then be deported at his governments expense.
Any Mexican soldier on our side of the border should be treated as an illegal alien, taken into custody, charged with being in the country illegally, languish in jail, then be deported at his governments expense.

You do realize that in this article, one border patrol agent armed with a handgun was surrounded by several Mexican army personnel with automatic rifles?

You can't arrest someone who wins the force disparity argument.

Hence, the need for extensive force increases on the border.

Arresting any of these types will never happen until they are terrified that an Apache or A-10 will come over the next hill to wipe them out if they try to run.
Remember that many of the Mexican people believe the southwest belongs
to them and perhaps in the soldiers mind he was in Mexico and certainly
this administration has done little to curb that idea.

Personally I don't care how much oil they ship we need to put as much effort
into controlling out borders as we do in fighting terrorism in Iraq.
America, to state it bluntly - is being treated like Mexico's b!tch. We won't secure the borders, we prosecute people who actually defend them and we let the Mexican government enter when ever it wants.

Its really pathetic, for Bush being so "tough on national security" he hasn't done much to actually secure anything.
Generally, BP agents work in pairs, at most. Often, they work alone.

Even with an M4 and a few mags, that wouldn't be much of a match against a HMMWV of Mexican soldiers.
If Mexico got huffy, would they try to squeeze Uncle Sam's testicles over oil sales?
Huffy, maybe, but with the amount of foreign aid we give them, not much more.
I seem to remember the Mexican government crying foul when they decided to put National Guard troops on the border.

They claimed it made for bad neighbors and 'militarized' the border.

Yet their army troops are running around all over the place and worse than that, they are aiding and abetting the smugglers.

The more you think about it the more absurd and utterly ridiculous the whole situation has become.

It is undeniable that the government of Mexico is actively encouraging their citizens to illegally migrate to the USA. They are also more likely than not profiting from the illegal drug trade they claim to be helping to stop.

The more you think about it the more absurd and utterly ridiculous the whole situation has become.

Correct, money(American taxpayer money) sent there to buy weapons in order to fight the war on drugs will be used against us on the border via the military or cartel hard to separate the two in my opinion. My guess is they have a good laugh at our expense.
Not long ago one would have been accused of wearing a tin foil hat for mentioning these sort of things; they are NOT new, guys. Nothing new... The VAST majority dismissed the claims or simply laughed.

"You" won't be for long.


Society, by and large seems to tolerate this.

I'm not gonna go on a rampage, but I see no reason why it should be saved. Now I kinda see where Machiavelli was coming from. Once upon a time, I bet he thought as you, or I did, then after enough of this crap, I bet he just thought "you know what? **** it! I'll make these morons enjoy their own suffering!"

Until MOST of all of us have inner peace, there shall be no world peace.